Sunday, March 11, 2012

KONY 2012


Doug Diggler says:
Kurt Nimmo, I frequently disagree with this guy over his endless love for Ayn Rand style fascist domestic politics, but he is 100% on the money and waaay ahead of the curve in figuring out that Kony 2012 is the latest chapter in creating Psychological operation in order to gin up popular support for further “humanitarian” wars in places that just happen to have vast amounts of hydrocarbon and mineral wealth. Bravo!


bedtimefordemocracy says:
please watch this & see the articles I posted above ^^^:
Crisis In The Congo: Uncovering The Truth
I’m pretty sure you won’t think that it’s a good idea to send “military assistance” to Ouganda’s genocidal dictator Museveni : (
comparing Kony to Museveni is like comparing Maddof to G. Sachs or J.P. Morgan …
& the fact that the likes of G. W. Bush, B. Clinton, B. Ki Moon & C. Rice are among the policymakers asked to get Kony arrested is beyond ironic … it’s actually insane !
that alone should tell you that something is very wrong with this “Kony 2012″ campaign,
those people have more innocent blood on their hands than 120000 Konies !
& how come the head of the ICC (Ocampo, the italian guy in the Kony video)
hasn’t yet issued arrest warrants for those genocidal war criminals ?
could it have something to do with the fact that the International Criminal Court actually provided the legal basis & the “humanitarian” packaging for the current western-sponsored silent genocides of the black population in Libya & Côte d’Ivoire & the corporate pillaging of those countries’ ressources ?
here’s a playlist about the “humanitarian war” in Libya :


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