Monday, March 05, 2012

The Truth is Out in March 2012

People know the history that pertains to the Libyan civil war. The U.S. funded NATO and the militant Islamic insurgency in Libya. This action is very similar to the so-called multilateral "humanitarian" war carried out by Washington. It was the 78 day NATO led terror bombing of Serbia. America attacked a then socialist ruled Christian Orthodox nation in order to force it to surrender its sovereignty to the KLA terrorist outfit. KLA stands for the Kosovo Liberation Army. Under United Nations rule, the KLA was transformed from a small group of nominally Islamic , but ideologically Marxist) pimps, drug dealers and black market organ smugglers into the legitimate government of Kosovo. Kosovo was a province that has been an organic part of Serbia for centuries. Even Max Boot (the CFR member and neo-con supporter) admitted (in the March 16 Wall Street journal op-ed column that the Libyan civil war is similar when that it would be possible to "deliver the same kind of potent combined-armed punch that drove the Serbs out of Kosovo when NATO aircraft supported ground operations by the Kosovo Liberation Army." The NY Times reported on how CIA agents, and British intelligence officials were in Tripoli and other places in Libya to coordinate that war in Libya. This is very similar to the ground support provided by the KLA leading up to and during the NATO assault on Serbia. Both President Clinton and President Barack Obama in the war on Serbia and the war on Libya never sought Congressional authorization of any kind. There wasn't even a formal declaration of war. Since December of 1945, made U.S. interventions overseas as dictated by our supposed obligations to the UN and its affiliates (via the United Nations Participation Act). The Bush Sr. administration used a resolution to fight Saddam Hussein during the Persian Gulf war. Yet, he formed a coalition through the UN to get the war going forward. as Bush administration officials recently admitted in a forum at Texas A & M University, they were prepared to launch the war in defiance of Congress, claiming that the UN Security Council resolution provided sufficient legal "authority" to conduct an aggressive war even in the teeth of congressional opposition. Bush Jr. used the same method in conducting the 2003 Iraq War. Even before 2003, Iraq suffered a starvation embargo with bombings by the Anglo-American military coalition. The Libyan war allowed the West to use the Arab League as a justification to overthrow Gaddafi. This allowed Saudi troops to help Bahrain’s U.S. equipped security forces to massacre peaceful protesters. This was done to allow the Arab League resolutions of asking the Security Council to authorize a no fly zone in Libya. There is even the 1973 War Powers Act that limits the ability of Presidents to wage undeclared wars. We don't need illegal wars abroad. Gaddafi is now replaced by a new criminal oligarchy supported by radical puppet extremists in Libya. War, as James Madison warned, is the greatest of all enemies of public liberty, because it contains and develops the germ of all the others. We should do what we can to help our country and to know the truth. The military industrial complex has caused a huge war footing culture, which is blatantly unjust.

Lloyd Marcus is something else. He wrote a recent article in 2012 that promotes the Tea Party and other reactionary views. I disagree with him on many issues. He wants to acceptable to the Koch brothers funded Tea Party. I don't. On February 25, 2012, he tried to convince Christians to basically support the Republican Party (in claiming that allying with the Tea party is being on the Lord's side). I recall the Lord never telling us to vote for either party unconditionally at all. He wants to appear to Christians, yet real Christians already realize that we are a war. Traditional values deal with tolerance, love for humanity in every background, fighting against corporate corruption, and opposition to unjust was. Some of these values are opposed by Lloyd. No one denies many Christians in early America. Real Christians just believe that numerous Founding Fathers were occultists and expressed hatred of Christianity in general like Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson. I don't seek a godless society, but the church has no right to dominate all human beings in a theocratic system. The separation of church and state is paramount in our culture for a reason. Lloyd Marcus lies to assume that real people concerned with economic inequality hate the rich. We don't hate the rich. We hate corruption and criminal acts performed by the Wall Street elite. Even the super rich like Warren Buffet admitted that his class has won the class war and that the super rich aren't paying their fair share of taxes. Promoting black power isn't racism as Lloyd lies about. My loyalty to my people isn't the sin of idolatry, it's the blessing of common sense. Also, Lloyd Marcus doesn’t wants to have loyalty and respect to his skin color, because he believes in colorblindness. There is nothing wrong for a Christian to act as the salt, but the truth is that helping your family and your people is a great duty to perform. I am not a war with the church of liberalism as Lloyd Marcus says. Liberalism like all political philosophies has imperfections, but I am at war with oppression and evil. I don't agree with banning prayer at all public events, but I don't believe in forcing people to adhere to my religious code in public. Why is he talking about Christmas when that's a pagan holiday that turned into a capitalist, materialistic excess of propaganda. The 10 Commandments has nothing to do with our economic situations. The Commandments should be placed in public areas in reference to legal, historical tradition without indoctrination to a specific religious view. Most of the mainstream media is corporatist and agrees with the war on terror. They use the Left/Right Paradigm to control the masses. Lloyd said that only God can fix every problem. I believe in that. Yet, sometimes God can use man to help society. See, he denies that man using public services can assist humanity, but he's proven wrong time after time again (because even some New Deal policies helped this country escaped the recession). There is nothing wrong with helping the environment either. Regardless of divergent views of climate change, it's fine to have clean air, clean water, and clean land. No one wants total equal outcomes. People want fairness. Fairness has nothing to do with some Utopian ideas or stealing wealth. It's about giving people equal opportunities. See, he ignores about how Wall Street bankers stole record wealth from the people and how there is record income inequality. Also, people being poor aren't non-achievers since many of them work day in and day out. It's just that austerity has harmed a lot of poor people including socioeconomic factors as well. Biblical charity is fine and public help. Government mandated giving is part of the Constitution. For example, the Constitution gives Congress the right to fund services, create taxes (which are confiscation, etc.). That isn't tyranny. I don't agree with abortion on demand and moral relativism, but I don't agree with a theocracy either. I don't agree with people using excessive profanity and anti-God acts, but I don't agree with the Catholic Church either. Barack Obama isn't a socialist. He's a centrist. Jesus wasn't a socialist completely, but he didn't agree with unregulated capitalism either. Even the OT outlined the Year of Jubilee where the land of Israel was divided equally in perpetual allotments to its citizenry. Each family was to receive an equal share of the land. This isn't capitalism. Lloyd Marcus uses the view of 2 Thessalonians 3:10 to justify allowing people to starve to death if they can't work. Now, that verse refers to religious leaders to not be lazy with their walk with God (not to advocate folks to starve to death). Since he loves to quote the Bible so much, the Bible says that the rich will have a hard time to get into Heaven according to Matthew 19:24. Matthew 13:18-22 outlines the deceitfulness of riches. Luke 6:20 says blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom of God. It's hypocritical for people like Lloyd to desire welfare for the rich, while oppose legitimate welfare for the poor. His anti-government extremism is silly since the government (although not perfect) can help humanity in many ways if it was eliminated of corporate interests. An animal is different from humanity, but I don't agree with harming animal species unfairly. Lloyd Marcus lied and wrote that advocating the rich to pay their fair share of taxation (and eliminating tax loopholes plus ending rich subsidies) is covetousness. That's wrong. No one is demonizing the rich, but exposing the truth of economic exploitation. See, he denies white supremacy and the evils found in the prison industrial complex. He has a right to marry who he wants and think that he’s an unhyphenated America (and be pro-Republican when the Republican Southern Strategy harmed his own people). Yet, I have the right to call myself a black American (or an African American) plus to advance liberty without austerity.

It's not a secret anymore that the new world order agenda is real. Some people falsely believe that terrorists exist under every corner and that we should just follow Homeland Security at every single circumstance. The DHS promotes the See Something, Say Something view that can cause some to take things overboard in terms of conducting their everyday affairs. The government says that Al-Qaeda and homegrown threats are still real. Yet, when you investigate things, you see the war on terror is a hoax. Many have seen that the government used fear as an excuse to violate our rights and formulate unjust wars. Over the last 10 years, there has been trillions of dollars spent on anti-terror actions. Much of society has drones, TSA molesting people, there are naked X-Ray scanners, and other police state actions. The government and the corporate whorish media promote the war on terror as an excuse to violate our liberties, form an Empire, and harm our way of life. Even Knight of Malta Tom Ridge admitted that in his book that people issued terrorist alerts for political gain. Scientific American proven that terrorist threats has been exaggerated in the world. There are more of risk of dying of cancer, traffic accidence, homicide, etc. than terrorism in America (many of it has been provacteured in America). The number one killer of human beings in the last century has been tyrannical government. The global technocratic elite use evil government to permit wars and harm against human beings. The oligarchy is egoistical and they view themselves as gods. Tyrannical government has killed over 260 million people in the 20th century alone. The death count continues to go on in the 21st century. Government can be bad when used in an evil fashion. For example, the Communist Party killed over70 million people from 1949 to 1987 killed over 76 million people. The USSR from 1917 to 1987 killed over 61 million people. Western colonialism killed over 50 million people. Hitler’s Nazis killed over 20 million people including their own German population. Imperialist Japan killed almost 6 million people from 1936-1945. Before Mao came into power, China murdered 3.468 million people. Pol Pot in Cambodia (who was funded by Brzezinski and the United States government) from 1975 to 1979 killed over 2 million people. The Turkish killers murdered 1.8 million Armenians. The list goes on and one. Tito killed over 1 million people in then Yugoslavia. Over 1 million people were murdered in Russia before the Russian revolution. These deaths involve innocent civilians being murdered via democide. Our own government that has the laws promoting immoral, anti-liberty laws. The elite believes in eugenics, which was a pseudo-science. The Nazis used the race purification program. Eugenics was supported by the British royal Society. Eugenics has been embraced by the elite among thousands of years (eugenics believe that a certain elite are divine and has the right to exterminate masses of human beings if they are falsely deemed "inferior" or "unfit"). Eugenics wants society to be dominated by a select ruling class. Liberty grew worldwide, so the government used covert acts in trying to suppress human liberties. Even Bertrand Russell believed that drugs can be used to control populations. That is why chemicals are in our foods and water to make society less intelligent, more docile, and more compliant to the status quo. The Tuskegee Experiment, tests in Europe, and NSM 200 calling for food and war as a weapon to reduce the population in the Third World proves that eugenics like tactics are still here in the modern era. Holden and others admit that they are establishing covert population control actions. BPA is poison too. They want to reduce our fertility. America has high rates of diabetes and other diseases. World government is one slick goal of these elitists. The elites are worse than Nazis since they killed more people than the Nazis and use ideas like "humanitarianism" as an excuse to promote their anti-population rhetoric. Bill Gates wants vaccines to reduce the world's population and his father Gates Sr. was a leader in Planned Parenthood. GMOs can cause infertility and other evils in animals and humans. This has been exposed by researcher Jeffrey M. Smith and tons of other human beings. That's all the more reason for all of us to get healthy and get organic foods. Bill Gates, Rockefeller, and GMO giants are building vaults worldwide with non-GMO foods. Yet, these hypocrites promote GMO foods for the rest of the population (and the Rockefellers & others eat organic non-GMO foods in their own mansions). The FDA's new regulations refuse to label foods as non-GMO and GMO. Prince Philip, the Queen, and others refuse to eat GMO foods, but we are forced to embrace GMOs. Even the Amish are oppressed for producing their own raw, organic milk. Some of the Communist Chinese leaders are promoting GMOs to sterilizing their own people (this can cause cancer in human beings). The elite can poison people. Some vaccines have dangers of a soft kill mechanisms in them. That is why the technocrats dehumanize man. George Soros, Ted Turner, George Soros, David Rockefeller, and Oprah Winfrey (including others) had a secret meeting to promote ways to reduce population. The same people wanting to reduce world population use the excuse of humanitarianism, education, etc. as means to con people. Groups like GAVI, AGRA, Monsanto, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (headed by billionaires with their own private chiefs and farms) are keenly involved in that agenda. Level 4 weaponized viruses that can kill humans exist now. The PNAC Document advocate genotype specific biowarfare. Even many nuclear plants now are leaking in our environment and some are being lax in doing something about it. There is paranoia about terrorist, but some in the government via the Air Forces tested hundreds of hydrogen bombs in the upper atmosphere to see if they can blow a hole in the atmosphere (we have chimera monkey developed in labs as well via combining several embryos into one). Government can be good if it's harnessed to just protect our liberties, be fair, and promote the general welfare of our people. We have to promote life. The elite are so arrogant that they admit to their plans in their own speeches, documents, and literature. Life, truth, and justice are superior to tyranny.

The prophet Daniel said that knowledge shall increase during the time of the end. He was right. Daniel lived during the period of the Medo-Persian Empire. An angel told the prophet Daniel, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” (Daniel 12:4). The Psalmist said, “Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever” (Psalms 119:160). Here are some examples of these inventions. There are recent inventions that are blowing away previous inventions indeed. There is a camera on a military drone with a 1.8 gigapixel camera (according to the Digital Trends site). The camera is part of the Argus IS drone helicopter package. It is 900 times the resolution of a standard 2-megapixel camera. The drone can lock on multiple targets simultaneously from altitudes as high as 20,000 feet. A nano-ear is capable of detecting sounds six orders of magnitude below the threshold of human hearing to detect sounds made at the bacterial level (according to an article from the Popular Science magazine in January 11, 2012). The invention uses an optically-trapped gold nanoparticle as a listening device. The particle is 60 billionths of a meter or roughly a thousand times smaller than a human hair. Popular Science magazine also reported that micro rockets can zip around the human stomach that is powered by hydrogen bubbles. team from the University of California, San Diego, has created the tiny self-propelled motors that can move around in an acidic environment without the need for any external fuel. The power is supplied by hydrogen bubbles produced by a reaction between an acidic solution and the zinc that the micro rocket is made of. Scientists There is an X-Ray laser that can super heat aluminum foil to 3.6 million degrees. It's called the Linac Coherent Light Source chamber. It's found in the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory creates and measures 2-million-degree matter, which can be used to watch biological molecules at work and to understand the processes of nuclear fusion. FOX News from February 13, 2012 reported on how the first bionic leg that fuses to the body is to be fitted in Australia. It's used for a woman. The woman lost her leg after falling beneath a train on the London Underground in 1996. It's supposed to fuse to muscle and bone. Orthopedic surgeon Munjed Al Muderis described the procedure as “the future for amputee patients.” We still have spiritual deception in the world. There are those that believe that infanticide is great like Peter Singer or even that partial birth abortion is holy. I of course disagree with these views. Freemasonry is another spiritual deception since it promotes false interpretations in the Blue Lodge (but outlines its true occult Mystery Religion ideologies in the higher degrees). Reginald Haupt’s outstanding exposé book of the secret religion of Freemasonry, The Gods of the Lodge proves the deceptive nature of Freemasonry indeed. The good news is that the Gospel and Yeshua the Messiah is powerful enough to save souls & inspire people to do what's right in the world.

More symbolism is found in popular culture than ever before. Lana Del Rey is the pop world's new phenomenon. She is pictured hiding one eye in the cover of the Lovecat Magazine. Kate Moss is shown in both a white and black veil in the W magazine. The white and black veil image with occult symbolism relates to dualism. Her look looks stoic or even possessed. She wears contrasting lipstick in both images. In wearing a white dress, Kate Moss shows an inverted cross. An inverted cross represents Satanism, the ancient Roman's persecution of Christians, and anti-Christian ideologies in general. Kate Moss wears the goat horns in another photo that is found in the W magazine. She looks similar to the horned Baphomet image. The Illuminists are blatant with their agenda aren’t they. Kate Moss is shown in a nun outfit that's controversial. The reason is that she shows a suit and spandex while wearing a nun outfit. Lindsay Lohan posed as Marilyn Monroe (called a MK Ultra sex kitten slave by Fritz Springmeier). Lohan wears a white T-shirt with an image of person on it while showing a cigarette in the air (when cigarettes can cause cancer and are funded by the Illuminist Reynolds family). She flashes the 2 finger peace sign in a Terry Richardson shoot. Other fashion magazines show butterfly images and other Monarch like images. Multiple personalities, strange images, and other likeminded images are shown in the major fashion images of 2012.

By Timothy

1 comment:

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