Times passes. I do have faith and hope in my life. Wave after wave of human emotions come about in our lives. People constantly say to find balance. To find joy is hard to do sometimes, but I do cherish the times in my life when I have joy. Joy can be complex like traveling into various destinations or fulfilling a necessary assignment in my life. Joy can be as simple as communicating with a blue collar worker, giving greetings, and repenting. Joy is a precious attribute of human existence. I do believe in a world that can be better than our present conditions. We still have injustice, false stereotypes promoted in society, and a nefarious culture. Yet, Almighty God wouldn't want us to possess permanent sadness or harsh apathy. God would want us to fight. Fighting for truth and doing constructive acts that can benefit humanity in general. Regardless of the drone attacks done by those done in our name, I will oppose it. Regardless of the denial of basic human rights of some folks, I will disagree with that reality. I do believe in doing my part in ending white supremacy once and for all. I am a black man, so by nature I will promote blackness. White supremacy is coming to an end now in our time indeed. The Bush tax cuts should expire in 2013 indeed. While the Utopians desire America to be a "New Atlantis," we should want America to fulfill the essence on its creed. Its true creed is simply the proposition that all men are created equal. Now, we have the One Trade Center completed. It has much symbolism and intricate designs. It will be ironically completed in the year of 2013. 13 in occult numerology represents rebirth, regeneration, and renewal. The One World Trade Center is the tallest building in New York City (even taller than the Empire State Building). It's about 1776 feet tall that represents the signing of the Declaration of Independence in the time of July 4, 1776 (which is the time where the Bavarian Illuminati went public. This Bavarian Illuminati club was created by Adam Weishaupt, who was a professor and a Freemason. Weishaupt and Knigge had ties to the Jesuits). July 4th is the time of Apheilon or the day when the Earth is farthest from the Sun. 1776 is the sum of 888 + 888. Also, May 1st is the time of the pagan day of Beltane (where festivals, and other strange rituals take place by occultists globally). The whole structure is also called the Freedom Tower of Manhattan. The building has four triangles pointing up and four triangles pointing down. Some researchers believe that this strange composition of the building outlines an octogram. An octogram is a building looking similar to an eight sided star. This archetype is found in many religions and cultures. To the architects of this place, this building represents hope for the future after the evil World Trade Center attacks came about. The building looks simialr to the Transamerica Pyramid-like buillding of San Francisco. Dr. Mark Gray pointed out that the upper part of the building’s form is known to mathematicians as a square anti-prism. If prisms split light into a diversity of colors then the antiprism symbolically sucks up all colors of light. The square anti-prism is also known as the anticube. That’s interesting because the full form of the building is an anticube sitting on an cube, as above so below, as if reflected in a symbolic mirror. When you study information, more symbolism comes up. Even the 9/11 Memorial as Mark Gray found looks like an inverted Kaaba shrine from the city of Mecca. Whereas the Twin Towers looks very similar to Jachin and Boaz of old, the new Freedom Tower is the joining of these 2 structures into one. The Freedom Tower of the New Atlantis is interesting indeed to know abut.
It's easy to comprehend that the Word Bank and the United Nations want sovereign nations to agree with global population reduction dictates. There are 2 World Banks documents that talk about this issue. These documents show that the World Bank wants population reduction efforts as outlined by the World bank and the UN Population Fund (the World Bank threaten to withdraw lending if the nations refuse to comply). Yemen and Niger are 2 nations targeted by these goals. Some want these plans to exist globally within the next decade. In the World Bank’s Reproductive Health Action Plan 2010-2015, published in April of 2010, the Bank speaks of Millennium Development Goal number 5 (or MDG5), which stands for “Reproductive Health” (or RH). In our generation reproductive health is code for populaton control. One population control advocate is the professor John Cleland. He said such anti-human words in the 2006 gathering of llikeminded people from the United Nations Population fund, the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, the European Commission, the World Bank, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. So, John Cleland wanted more overt language for population control instead of folks talking about the quaint language of "repoductive healht." The World Bank's 2010 wants to continue to use deceptive language in order for population control to be continued. The whole agenda is 21st century styled eugenics, because the World Bank wants people to die in order for nations' population levels to be on certain abitrary levels. The World Bank reports wants drugs, and other programs in getting this goal accomplished. Speaking of a global consensus. It was Klaus Töpfer, 1996 Bilderberg attendee and former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) who in the year 2000 admitted to an “international consensus” on worldwide population control. During a speech given in Berlin in the beginning of the new millennium, Töpfer stated outright: “Most people and policymakers are unaware that there is an international consensus that grounds population policy in human rights and development, emphasizing building the capacities of women to manage their own lives.” In order to translate this international, or global consensus to the nation-states under its control, the World Bank boasts: “The World Bank is uniquely positioned at the country level to take on advocacy for reproductive health, particularly in reaching Ministers of Finance. This will require utilizing the World Bank‟s economic analysis and technical resources to marshal arguments for investment in reproductive health. Bank’s country directors have key role to play in process of making RH a country priority through their policy dialogue with governments.” The World Bank wants to threaten nations with financial austerity toward nations that don't comply with their agenda (as expressed on its 1984 World Development Report). The World Bank wanitng fertility programs, etc. is further explained in the World Bank 2007 discussion paper from 2007 entitled, "Population Issues in the 21st century: The Role of the World Bank." The World Bank hates the valuable population growht found in Africa. The World Bank is working with the UNFPA, the WHO, and the UN Children's Fund or the UNICEF to get the plans activated. The United Nations deals with Agenda 21, the Foundations promoting anti-fertility vaccines, GM foods, and other policies.
You always have people that reactionaries love to say. They love Allen West, Ron Christie, Clarence Thomas, and people like that. Yet, I am not going out like that. I will embrace my forward thinking. I'm thinking forward. Some of the Republican base thrive on hatred, bigotry, and a paranoia about the debt in the world. For example, there are Klansmen types, those that believe that President Barack Obama is a Muslim (or a Communist, an illegal immigrant, and a Kenyan anticolonialist, which are false slanders), and rallis where there are racist vituperation or anti-poor scapegoating. As a thinking black man, I don't need that in my life. I refuse to accept the Republican agenda in its totality. I don't accept the Tea Party notion that the private sector alone or laissez faire capitalism is the magical bullet to solve poverty. I believe that the government and the private sector all have a vital role in improving our standard of living, decreasing the unemployment rate, and creating jobs for all America that desire work plainly speaking. I am not going to vote for my rights to be relinquished. Our ancestors worked too hard for a the two party system to violate our liberties. The Republican Party isn't my alternative (since some of them want to attack workers' rights, slash Medicare, slash Social security, and get rid of a lot of the social safety net). With the errors of LBJ (especially with his error of continuing the war in Vietnam that delayed a negoitated settlement among all faction), he was right to have his War on Poverty. His programs reduced the poverty rate by 50% from 1960 to 1970. If LBJ keep his foucs on real social reforms, the poverty rate could be as low as 3-4%. Dr. Martin Luther King once has a cordial relationship with Lyndon Johnson until Dr. King spoke out publicly against the Vietnam War. Reactionaries forget that you need economic justice and real democratic reforms in order for society to grow. The corporate elite will fund both parties no doubt, yet they are more receptive to Republicans (because most Republicans don't demand that the elite will pay its fair share of taxes). This doesn't mean that I'm some Democrat. I'm not. I am an Indepedent. I don't hate the rich. I just strongly abhor the agenda of the plutocracy. We have to fight vigorously against racial hatred, xenophobia, religious bigotry, and misgoyny. Although, people from across the political spectrum do hold dear many precepts. We agree with the investigation and auditing of the Federal Reserve. Many of us don't like the banker bailouts. We agree with the Fourth Amendment, there we disagree with the domestic spying measures of the FISA Act (or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) & the Patriot Act. Many of us don't agree with SOPA, PIPA, NDAA, the AUMF, and the Expatriation Act. We love to oppose the agenda of the military industrial complex. Therefore, we should be thankful of that. Continuation of fighting against tyranny is always my goal in my life (along with other goals).
Many people are learning about JP Morgan Chase. The President's administration has supported Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan Chase for years. It's found that the President's financial disclosure forms prove that he has a "JPMorgan Chase Private Client Asset Management" checking account with a million dollar in it. Although, I do have faith and hope that the brother President Barack Obama (who is a very intelligent man) would wake up more about these issues. Wall Street publicly funds both the Republicans and the Democrats. Yes, the Rockefeller Foundation aided Mises and the Austrian economic movement. The President went on "The View" to praise JP Morgan Chase boss Jamie Dimon. He called Dimon as one of the smartest bankers in America. Dimon lost over two billion dollars in speculative derivatives trade. He's one of the men involved in the culture that caused the recession and the destruction of much of the economy in the first place. Dimon is a member of the CFR, he's a Trilateral Commission member, and he's at the top (Class A) of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Wall Street considers him to be a golden boy. He could of been the next Secretary of the Treasury. Jamie Dimon is of the establishment. Timothy Geithner is the present Secretary of the Treasury (he was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY. Geithner worked for Kissinger and Associates and he was a senior person of the CFR). Timothy Geithner ran microfinance schemes for the CIA's Ford Foundation. JP Morgan is the largest derivatives dealer in the world making it a key player in our economic complications. This same bank was involved in the subprime lending problems causing great harm to millions of Americans' living standard. Fitch recorded information about this issue. They found that JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley together hold 80% of the country’s derivatives risk, and 96% of the exposure to credit derivatives. JP Morgan invented credit default swaps, the bankster sledgehammer taking down the U.S. economy. Many Americans despite what some say know a lot of the economic system. The elite have many exclusive private schools teaching them the lies of social Darwinism, globalism, and the scapegoating of the poor. We have miseducation in many schools too. the establishment's corporate media have shown deception before as well. The economic system today is meant to pirate the wealth and labor from the people in order to empower the monopolists (of the elite). Even the overreliance of technology (though technology is good when utilized in the right way) have caused some people to lack intellectual curisouity or independent thinking. We the people have to be producers of wealth too not just consumers. It seems like Henry George is right to promote the dignity of labor. So, both parties are hypocritical to spread anti-Wall Street rhetoric when vulture capitalism from the big bankers funds both parties.
The Great Zimbabwe site is generally divided into three main areas: the Hill Complex, the Great Enclosure, and the Valley Ruins. The first two are characterized by mortarless stone construction, but they also include ruined daga (earthen and mud-brick) structures that may once have rivaled the stone buildings in grandeur. The Valley Ruins, located between the Hill Complex and the Great Enclosure. The Great Zimbabwe urban location has plenty of artifacts and very special items of interest. Some artifacts that was recovered from the Monument are the eight Zimbabwe birds. They were carved from a micaceous schist or soapstone on the tops of monoliths the height of a person. Slots in a platform in the Eastern Enclosure of the Hill Complex appear designed to hold the monoliths with the Zimbabwe birds, but as they were not found in situ it cannot be determined which monolith and bird were there. A monolith is a tall structure that usually vertical in its orientation. People have found other artifacts in the Zimbabwe complex like the following: soapstone figurines, pottery, iron gongs, elaborately worked ivory, iron and cooper wire, iron hoes, bronze spearheads, copper ingots and crucibles and gold beads, bracelets, pendants and sheaths. The Great Zimbabwe location was a place of immense trade. The trade existed all over Africa and some Africans back then traded to places as far as China. the international trade was mainly based in gold and ivory. Some researchers believe that more than 20 ounces of gold was extracted from the ground. A local agricultural trade with the usage of cattle by people was important in Zimbabwe as well. Great Zimbabwe traded with the location of Kilwa as well. Kilva is a community based in East Africa in Tanzania (or near Kenya). The name "Zimbabwe" was most likely derived from the Shona language; dzimba dza mabwe means "house of stone." The Great Enclosure is a major part of the Great Zimbabwe complex.
By Timothy
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