Tuesday, May 01, 2012

The Mysteries

Politics is important to know about. As I am approaching 30 years old, my views have changed on some points. Yet, my core convictions are still the same. I still love religious liberty. I am not a war hawk. Peace, mutual trade among nations (that's fair), and a love for negotiation without war mongering are pristine ideologies that I fully adhere to in my life. A real leader involved in national politics must understand foreign policy issues regardless of Mitt Romney says. So, Mitt Romney isn't an empty suit, because he does agree with reactionary positions on domestic & foreign policy matters.  I still believe in the dignity and sanctity of all human life. I love the concept of human civil liberties and human civil rights. All human beings regardless of their background  deserves total equality without exception. On the other hand, a person must have compassion for the poor. There should be radical solutions to eliminate poverty from the face of the Earth. I don't worship deficits at all. I don't place debt above the real priority of helping the malnourished, the sick, the aged, or the poor. I accept the premise that government services can be necessarily to assist those people that legitimate need assistance during some folks' lives. Now, we should handle the debt and the deficit long term, but we aren't broke. We still have a Social Security surplus. We also have hope that a better nation with a fuller, more firm standard of living can flourish in our future. No one needs patronage, but we do need liberty. One fight in our day deals with voting rights. New pro-Republican laws has harmed the right of voting among numerous human beings (like minorities and the elderly). Socially, we should continue to express excellence in our moral conduct and reject arrogance. Some Americans far too often pontificate and speak in an egoistical tone when they go into foreign nations. We should reject that nihilistic behavior. Health care is an important issue. Universal health care is the way to go, because it's better to allow all people to have health care instead of allowing a person to potentially die for lack of it. Health care is always a human right. 

There is a complex bureaucracy in the federal, state, and local levels of government in America. The major bureaucracies in the federal level of government are found in the executive branch. The executive branch executes the laws of the country. It’s bigger than the just the President, who has the most political power inside of the executive branch. This branch includes the Vice President and leaders of various governmental departments. The leaders of these departments are called the cabinet members. Cabinet members are like the trusted advisers of the President that can help to shape laws. They can advise Congress on important issues and they can conduct the day to day operations of the U.S. government. The cabinet is found in Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution. Even George Washington has his cabinet made up of 4 men. They were Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of War Henry Know, and Attorney General Edmund Randolph. These men assisted the advised the President George Washington in handling his duties. Cabinet members can be nominated or selected by the President, but the Senate must confirm the proposed cabinet people. In 2012, Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of State (he represents the President in handling foreign policy issues). Timothy Geithner is the Secretary of the Treasury and Leon Panetta is the Secretary of Defense (to handle military affairs). These men and women act for the President as the President is the chief executive of the federal government. One easy way to see the cabinet system is to think of it as CEO of a company using workers of his company to execute his policies.

The cabinet members of the state of Virginia work as a part of the executive branch of the state government. The governor can nominate possible state cabinet members. Their names are presented into the Virginia General Assembly where they can be confirmed. Once confirmed, these cabinet members are called Secretary. These cabinent individuals are senior appointed figures in the state of Virginia. All of the cabinet leaders serve under Governor Bob McDonnell. The General Assembly must be in session for it to approve of potential cabinet members. Each Secretary must act in accordance with the policies from the Governor of the State of Virginia. There are the Secretary of Trade, the Secretary of Foresty, and the Secretary of Education (The Secretary of Education is Gerald Robinson. He controls the Department of Education). The Department of education is found in Richmond, Virginia. It oversees the public education system of all public schools, public universities, and Virginia’s public museums. The Standard of Learning test system was created by the Department of Education. There are the Secretary of Public Safety, the Secretary of Transportation, and the Secretary of Technology as well. In the local level of government, you have county/city agencies and regional authorities. Local communities have a county-manager system (where the city manager works with council members that control many of the policies of the local community) or a mayor council system (mayor is the chief executive). Regional authorities act as a way to organize power more effectively in the state. There are regional authorities (or groups of cities and counties working as one unit) that deal with the park systems, recreation, transportation, energy, and other facets of the region of the state.

There has been a lot of debate on health care. Many people even hate Medicare. That’s silly since Medicare is a system that the elderly receive by earning it. It isn’t given to people free. Before Medicare came about in 1965, tons of the elderly were dying in the thousands across America. Life expentancy before health care was in the 40s and 50s on average. With the advancements of technology and the advance of real laws, millions of laws have been saved. The new world order crowd hates universal health care since it ends the monopoly of the current system. The current system is mostly controlled by Big Pharma. Administrative costs are very high in America, because of the recession, the health care system is very expensive, and health care disparities among the super rich and the rest of us. Now, some of these hypocrites in the alternative media (not everyone in the alternative media) want to vote for Mitt Romney, who is a war monger and a hater of assistance to the poor. Romney publicly said that he isn’t in the race to have concerns for the poor blatantly. People like Mitt Romney and Ron Paul agree with cutting spending to 2000 levels, new tax cuts for the wealthiest of Americans, new tax cuts for corporations, the ending or massive cutting of Medicare, cuts to Social Security, opposition to the quaint Buffett rules, oppose ending tax breaks for Big Oil, and opposes ending tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas. That agenda doesn’t relate to populism at all. It’s relates to the status quo. They even reject a public option in health care. Health care isn’t some privilege. It’s a human right, because our health is a part of our human soul. Health is a part of our humanity. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul want to massive cut federal government departments. People like Paul and Alex Jones are paleo-conservatives, which mean that they are just as much in the Left/Right Paradigm as George W. Bush and President Barack Obama are in. I don’t agree with the Patriot Act, I disagree with the war on terror, and I want economic justice for the poor. I am an Independent. I don’t support all of the policies of the current President, but I disagree with the President based on reason (without emotionalism or ad hominem attacks like the reactionaries do). America is ranked 37 in the world in terms of health care, so single payer health care is much better than the current system that we have now. People have the right to choice a public option choice if they want to. A singer payer system can give 100% health care to anyone that needs it. This system works in Canada, France, Northern Europe, and other places in the world. Universal health care is implemented in all industrialized countries, with the exception of the United States. It is also already provided in many developing countries such as India, Peru, Columbia, and inside of Brazil.

People understand about Stanley Kubrick. Before Stanley Kubrick died, he wanted to expose more secrets found in society. He wanted to make the film AI about a robotic child trying to embrace human emotions. This was before the Bilderberger Steven Speilberg made his film called Artifical Intelligence. Some of film “Eyes Wide Shut” was cut out that depicted Illuminist like human sacrifice In all of Kubrick’s films, they describe hidden truths or facts of history inside of the world society. People like Hunter Thompson, Stanley Kubrick, Gary Webb, etc. were exposing the truth (when it was taboo to expose these issues of the CIA sending drugs into America, secret orders doing occult rituals [as found in the Bohemian Grove & Freemasonry], industry puppets being controlled by slick handlers, MK Ultra, Monarch Programming, and the military industrial complex funds both sides during the Cold War. Also, his films deal with Apollo and the Moon. It’s a known fact that ex-Nazis and intelligence agents helped to create or fund NASA. NASA used pagan gods and goddesses titles in its infrastructure plus one famous NASA leaders was a high level Mason). Before Kubrick died, he wanted the rights to “Eyes Wide Shut.” The mysteries are always known by the elite. In this generation, the mysteries (sacred to the occultists) are more commonly known. Kubrick lived until 1999. His other famous films include the following: Dr Strangelove, 2001, A Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket Kubrick, and the Shining. In real life, films like Roots, Eyes Wide Shut only a glimpse of the evils of the elite. In real life, the Maafa and secretive sex rituals by the elite are much worse than what are presented by the movies. He was secretive in how he expressed his ideals in film. He was one of the greatest filmmakers in human history. Jay Weidners analysis of the Kubrick film “The Shining” was interesting. He believed that the film relates to the Apollo Moon landing, America’s decay, and the acts of the military industrial complex during the contrived Cold War. It’s not a secret that an occult-inspired elite clique controls the major international policies of the world.

By Timothy

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