Saturday, January 05, 2013

Controversial Words in Saturday of 2013

There has been news about gene therapy. Some believe that a single injection in the evening can begin to make human beings recover from cancer, a genetic disease, or even age related deterioration in the morning. This is done without prescriptions, no lengthy treatments, or no difficult decisions involving money. Gene therapy relates to finding genes that can harm humans from diseases to other health related complications. Technology can be used for good or ill. Scientists can use gene therapy by taking human cells. Then, scientists can edit them genetically and reinsert them into the human body. Then, they will replicate and carry out their newly designed functions. There is a modern prospect of finding gene therapy that can help those with diseases. We shouldn't use genospecific weapons as the 2000 neo-conservative Neo-Conservative Project for a New American Century report entitled, "Rebuilding America's Defenses" mention. This document said that their agenda will not come absent from a new Pearl Harbor. A year later, 9/11 came about. The attacks in the WTC in NYC and the Pentagon in Virginian soil caused transformations in society. The West is even using cyber warfare against Iran. Even the extremists from the American Enterprise Institute named John Entine wants to advocate a renaissance of the pseudo-science of eugenics. The AEI to this day advocate war mongering agitation against the nation of Iran. They love the reactionaries in Israel too. We know that Entine wants folks to be ignorant about genetics in general. He is a supporter of GMOs or genetically modified organisms. GMOs are proven to be dangerous and causes damage to mice and especially crops. He likes the poisoned, dangerous products of big agri giants like Monsanto and Syngenta. His website called "Genetic Literacy Project" is a cheering house for big Agra lobbying efforts being funded by big agri. He is in the establishment and he has ties to the corporate subsidized academia and corporate special interests. Technology should not be abused at all. DIYbio community labs try to educate human beings on genetics and combat big Agra’s lies. There is Glybera, which is the first Western approved gene therapy that can treat a rare genetic disorder affecting pancreas for an entire lifetime with a single treatment. It was developed by the Amsterdam based UniQure company. This can help human beings right now. Human progress can come with technology, innovation, localization, and other actions. Independent innovation in the local sphere and all levels of society can cause cures and assist the human race. Genspace is one community lab in NYC that use technology to help communities in the world. Such similar devices to Glybera can be used in the future to cure hemophilia and even blood cancers. There is nothing wrong with universal health care either. We should have individual and collective power in our lives. We just need extra technological advancements as well.

The extremists are either side is wrong on the Second Amendment. Regardless of what Vanity Fair says, the Second Amendment should not be repealed. Also, there is nothing evil in gun safety programs as well. Kurt Eichenwald is the contributing editor at Vanity Fair Magazine. He wrote an article that wants the Second Amendment abolished because of various establishment reasons. The Sandy Hook shooting is a tragic situation, but reasonable solutions are needed without historical revisionism at all. The banker run the Economist wants the Constitution to change to bash the Second Amendment. So, the establishment clearly wants the Second Amendment to be bashed. Eichenwald says that the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with modern America. This is silly since does the First Amendment does apply to modern America and in the past. Tyranny is always a threat in any age. The Constitution can be added and changed to improve society, but the Second Amendment has legitimate words in them. History proved that concealed carriers used in the right fashion can deter a gunman. Eichmenwald made the silly argument that the Second Amendment is grammatically difficult to comprehend. Again, this amendment ends with, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” To this end, there is not a grammatical argument. Comma or no comma, the amendment’s conclusion is the main point here as evidenced by the words of our founding fathers. Thomas Jefferson and George Mason believed that the people have the right to bear arms. Samuel Adams believed in the same concept. Eichenwald even made the more false argument that the people don’t mean all of the people. In today's era, the people refer to the American people. Gun owners should not be forced to purchase insurance. Democide, or the government killing human beings, have killed millions of human beings or nearly 300 human beings in the 20th century alone. I believe in a progressive government, but not in tyrannical government that acts authoritarian against the rights of the people. Yet, we should have reasonable policies. Even the Bill of Rights is not divine. Universally held, moral principles are found in the Bill of Rights though regardless of what anyone says. Violence is not a respecter of zip codes. So, we have no choice to have a holistic approach. We have to have gun safety and reasonable policies. We need to decrease poverty and end the war on Drugs with alternatives. We need to deal with mental health in a tolerant way. We need to have safety in our schools without extremism. We also need to have a culture that respects differences too. Far too often, many of these mass shooters (they are still murderers, so they have no sympathy from me at all. A murderer is a murderer) were social outcasts; therefore we need to have an outlet where those who feel left out need a place where they feel at home without oppression. There is nothing wrong with being different. For manhood is not defined on how a man can hunt animals, shoot things for fun, or intimidate human beings unjustly. Manhood is about strength, righteousness, fighting for justice, respecting males including especially females, and treating your neighbor as yourself. Guns are to be used as a careful tool not as some psychological crutch to validate a sense of strength in society. We need a more peace economy not a war economy. I believe in self-defense, but we should strive to enact nonviolent solutions to any problems that we encounter. Self-defense should be a last resort if it ever comes to an extreme level. One smoking gun is not going to cut, but a multifaceted approach can radically decrease the risk of these tragedies from occurring in the first place.

The establishment neo-cons falsely believe that people like me accuse them of racism because of their critiques of President Barack Obama. That is wrong, because not all of their critiques are based on racism, but some reactionaries do criticize the President because they are racists. When some reactionaries falsely ascribe the President as being a Muslim Communist from Kenya, then that is rooted in bigotry or racism. Numerous human beings can have honest disagreements with the President on specific issues with reasoned, legitimate arguments. Yet, others have used a bias or bigotry in trying to slander the White House. I don't agree with that goal at all. Some in the Tea Party movement have gone overboard in critiquing White House policies. For example, some Tea Party protesters have shown signs of hate about the President during demonstrations across the nation. Judson Philips of Tea Party Nation in 2011 believes in the Birther theory or that the President was born in Africa (and used a falsified birth certificate as a means to be elected into the White House). Even Orly Taitz wanted armed rebellion against Obama. A 2011 New York Times/CBS poll shows that only 32 percent of likely GOP voters believe that Obama was likely born in America. About 17 percent of all Americans view Barack Obama as a secret Muslim. Rush Limbaugh made the racist remark that the President is behaving like an African colonial despot. This man has lies in his closet and he believes in the evil of the war on terror. Rush Limbaugh said that the Affordable Care Act was passed as a way to create reparations in America. I can show more examples too of these people. Mark Williams of the Tea Party movement said that the President Barack Obama is an Indonesian Muslim and welfare thug. Pam Geller accuses the administration of wanting Jewish human beings to get into the concentration camps and he called the President a Muhammedian President. See, I will show the truth about these extremists like God Almighty would want me to do. Geller was the human being that didn't want a mosque to be built in NYC, which is part of the First Amendment. Brent Bozell of the Media Research Media said that the President looks like a "skinny, ghetto crack head" in 2011 on FOX News. He won't go on MSNBC or CNN. These white racists like Bozell are getting bold. That is why I don't take these reactionaries seriously when they claim that they aren't extremists or racists. Trey Walker, an advisor to S.C. Attorney General Henry McMaster, made disparaging remarks about the beautiful Sister Michelle Obama. Glen Beck said that the New Black Panthers are Obama's new gang of thugs. Glen Beck is the punk that disrespected the President's children and was forced to apologize later on. Only a coward would mock a young girl. See, I can list more examples. I show these examples, because the neo-cons lie and claim that it is not racism as a motivation for their disagreements with President Barack Obama. If racism wasn't the motivation, then they need to explain the previous comments. Only a racist would make these comments. Only reactionaries and racists would defend the Mormon Glen Beck too. So, when neo cons lie and deny they there is no massive bigotry against White House, just show these facts to them. Yet, there is nothing wrong with legitimate criticisms about the White House that involves civil liberties, the war on terror, labor, the war on Drugs, the prison industrial complex, on his centrist economic agenda, on warrantless wiretapping, on FCC, on Africom, etc. On the other hand, human beings like Limbaugh or Beck go overboard indeed.

Ishmael Reed and Jared Ball are 100 percent right on Django Unchained. These are my views. You don't have to agree with me. If you don't agree with my following views, you are not a super evil person. We can agree to disagree on some issues in the world. That film is one of the biggest deceptions in our community. Even so-called conscious individuals have supported the film, which was made by an exploiter. These hypocrites yell about black power (which I have no issue with), but say nothing in opposition to the power structure about this issue. First, Quentin never apologized for saying racial slurs all of the time in private for purposes of pleasure. I will never support a man like that and he disrespected Spike Lee for years. I did have an intuition about this film. Now, I do believe that many sincere actors and actresses genuinely felt the movie was revolutionary, but historically human beings have been sincerely wrong. Now, we should look at big picture issues. The Weinstein Company influenced the film and they wanted to distribute the movie "Precious." Jamie Foxx is portrayed as Django. The actors and actresses in the film are used as a buffer to deflect criticisms toward the producers and QT. It is ironic that Jamie Foxx and Kerry Washington are love interests in this film. You know the irony. LOL. It is what it is. See, the truth is going to be unchained here. It is not about big payback. It is about bringing the truth back. When a recent showing of a film came, even hostile questions came to the film's writer and director Quentin Tarantino from black movie goers. The major characters in the film are Jamie Fox, Waltz, Kerry Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, and Leonardo DiCaprio. The movie shows Django trying to find his kidnapped wife whose name is Broomhilda (this is not a joke). Django fights in slave fights for the entertainment of the characters of DiCaprio and his friends. Django is very perplexed by the talk of Waltz and DiCaprio talk about Beethoven, phrenology, etc. The DiCaprio character believes that there are wrinkles in the brain that cause blacks to be docile. The film promotes the lie of the docile black stereotype during that time period. When a black woman is whipped, a black woman is enjoying herself on a swing. When some blacks are brutalized, other blacks continue on in their business with rebelling against injustices. This shows the image of blacks lacking compassion when there were hundreds of black rebellions in the Western Hemisphere plus Africa in opposition to slavery in real life. Django murders lower class whites when the lower and elite whites are also responsible for American slavery. Djano wanders the South without interruption when even free blacks like Solomon Northup in real life returned to slavery by white slave catchers. Jamie Foxx's character relies on the German assistant for assistant. White assistant wasn't necessary in our rebellions since there were hundreds of black led slave revolts in the Western Hemisphere alone. Even Kerry Washington's character had 2 paragraphs of lines and she is whipped and raped twice. Kerry Washington is a talented actress in real life too. Even some house slaves not just the field slaves rebelled against slavery. This movie is like Tarrantino's near snuff film that exploits history. The film shows the message that black liberation must be stirred under the subservience of white people. There is nothing wrong with a black man doing all that he can to free his black wife. Yet, there is something wrong with a filmmaker using a word constantly in private conversation for a social kick. There is something wrong with trying to find serious humor in one of the worse occurrences in human history. This man made Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown and these films have nothing to do with 19th century. The N word is used hugely in those films. Tarantino does this a means to use the word without recrimination, especially since he claims to be a liberal. Liberals can be racist too not just the overt reactionary Tea Party types. Black leadership in the ending of slavery is omitted in this film and even in the movie Lincoln. It is not humorous to make a comedy about enslavement, violent beatings, lynchings, rapes, etc. Django doesn't express peaceful words even to fellow slaves, but his own wife. Django gets to kill Samuel L. Jackson's character, who acts like an Uncle Tom in the movie. Waltz kills DiCaprio not Jamie Foxx's character. Slavery in America is influenced by capitalist exploitation and this movie is fund once again by capitalist exploitation. Black slaves fought for freedom all of the time. The film plays on the myth of black subservience as a means to get black liberation or freedom. Free blacks and enslaved blacks burned down buildings, destroyed crops, and led rebellions in fighting slavery in the Western Hemisphere. Like I have always said, the D may be silent. Yet, the truth will never be silent at all. We live now in about 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation came about in 1863. Are we still free? The answer to that question is obvious. The anti-slavery narrative didn't involve a man saying jokes and or a man killing white folks alone. It involved real black human beings using rebellions, intellectual arguments, complex organizations, fighting for real, and other methods.

The Droid DNA "Hyper Intelligence" commercial represents new technology and the transhumanist agenda. Verizon's Droid DNA phone has an interesting commercial. The gist of the commercial is about Verizon has a cell phone so advanced that it is similar to causing a new to be better genetically via transhumanist acts. The commercial has no scenes than describing a smartphone. It has a man merging into machines as a means to so-called "upgrade" himself. There is nothing wrong with using cellphones, but some folks use cellphones as an emotional crutch. Healthy relationships among humans directly is always superior to an over dependence on advanced technology. The ad shows the device fully modifying the user's body and genetic makeup. This commercial shows the real concept of transhumanism indeed, because the user tries to be genetically better via technological devices. The commercial occurs in a lab of some sort. The Droid DNA augmentation takes place. When the man is connected to the phone, the man’s DNA changed into a dark artificial, robotic DNA string. Something is shot right into the man's wines. Neuro-speeds increased to 4G is said in the commercial. In real life, the establishment wants us to be injected with chemicals and monitored as a means to control us from checkpoints to vaccines. Scientists are supervising the procedure and someone said “brain upgraded to a Quad Core processor." The reality is that human brains are superior to Quad Core processor since human brains created this technology including Pentium 4s. Also, the brain is an advanced biochemical, neuron filled organ. The ad ends with a purely transhumanist slogan: “It’s not an upgrade to your phone; it’s an upgrade to yourself." So, the commercial is all mixed with transhumanist ideologies. There has been a glamorization of microchips and other items in the past few years. There is nothing wrong with using technology positively. There is something wrong with thinking that certain humans are superior to other human beings because of differences that exist in the human family. Being healthy doesn't mean that we make technology as a god. It is only a tool alone. Also, there is no dualism with good and evil. Good is forever superior to evil and we should act good. The good news is that we can do things that can benefit society. We can obvious evil. We can work in independent groups as a means to actively help our own communities. We can educate humanity on the mechanics of the elite. We can also go out speak out publicly against any form of oppression or discrimination that exists in the globe. Life is beautiful, because all of us can enact legitimate contributions in the globe. All of creation has a purpose and doing the right thing is better especially long term than doing the wrong thing.

By Timothy

1 comment:

Tomoko said...

This is cool!