The Second Inauguration of President Barack Obama has been filled with historical events and fanfare. There have been a lot of parades, balls, and pageantry. The television screens presented a lot of occurrences that dealt with political leaders taking oaths of office, singers praising America (like Jennifer Hudson, Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, Usher, Alicia Keys, etc.), and a whole list of celebrities. The President looked back from the Capitol to look at the view for the last time. Folks have talked about the elegant, beautiful dress of the beautiful, dignified First Lady Michelle Obama as well. There is the reality of our situation too. We love the historical significance of an African American being as President, but Barack Obama has let many corporate financier interests dictate much of policies. We must not be silent about the criminal actions going on against brothers and sisters in Libya. There is a financial meltdown that has been growing for decades. There have been drone attacks killing civilians indiscriminately worldwide as well. We know the truth and the truth shall not be silent. Now, the President was right in his Inaugural Address on Monday to say that all men are created equal. That includes all human beings without question. He was right to expose the fact that human beings should not wait long hours to just vote. His Inaugural Address was about his vision for America during his second term and for the future. He wanted the issue of climate change to be addressed. He was the first President to talk about gay rights in his Inaugural Address too. Fundamentally, regardless if you agree or disagree with alternative lifestyles (which is a part of your free speech rights. You have the right to have religious freedom. You have the right to your views without intimidation), all people of any sexual orientation deserves equality and ought to have human rights period. When rights are extended, you rights are protected. I reject discrimination wholeheartedly. I reject sexual abuse, pedophilia, and any form of sexual perversion. Likewise, for moral or religious reasons, human beings have the right to disagree with alternative lifestyles as well in a peaceful fashion. We may have differences of ideologies, but we are unified in our basic, true humanity. Although, as a black person, our interests need to be advanced too. Far too often, the interests of others have been expressed by name by the White House and the President need to more talk about black folks’ interests. Regardless, we as blacks need to grow our own. The President invoked events like Selma, Seneca Falls, Stonewall, and other times as a means to try to justify his goal of a diverse America. There is class exploitation in America and readily both parties talk about the middle class without expressing massive talk about the poor (or exposing the class divisions in society). The working class suffered the Haymarket martyrs, the IWW, the Flint sit down strike, the Memorial Day massacre, etc. The President talked about democracy and other themes, yet his foreign policy is blatantly reactionary in my opinion. The financial elite are still having record profits. Now, he said that he wanted to preserve the social programs of Social Security and Medicare. He still wants to cut money from such programs in his mind via a so-called balanced approach. The Grand Bargain is still supported by numerous Democrats not just Republicans. The reactionaries want to have severe cuts to Social Security and an increase in the Medicare eligibility age. Barack Obama said that he wanted to do away with “outworn programs” and proclaimed, “We must take the hard choices to reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit.” The President made the mistake to assume that the decade of war is now ending and an economic recovery has begun. Our recovery is stagnant at best. The West is still having the war on terror in Africa not only in Central Asia or the Middle East. America supports the French invasion of Mali, which is an offshoot of the U.S./NATO war in Libya. The White House wants the rebels to win in Syria and it desires to continue the murderous sanctions against Iran. The President swore on the MLK Bible and the Lincoln Bible. President Barack Obama loves Dr. King and the late President Abraham Lincoln. What we see now is that corporate corruption and economic repressiveness are heavily responsible for homelessness, hunger, declining wages, mass unemployment, and poverty in the USA. It is as simple as that. The 2013 Presidential Inauguration Celebration was historical in many ways. Barack Obama's speech was better than his first Inaugural Address. It outlines the diversity of America. It focused on how far that we came as the American people and how far we have to come in developing a strong, vibrant beloved community as many say. On the other hand, Dr. King's dream wasn't I have a Drone. It is that I have a Dream. Yet, criminals like Bush Sr., Reagan, Hitler, and the rest of them are worse in deed and character than the current President of the White House. The system of white supremacy ought to be defeated regardless of who is in office. The White House should make radical changes or it will be known as Centrist 2.0. We need no excuses or settling for the status quo. We can do better and that includes all of us and the President. The choice is up to the brother indeed. The whole world is watching.
Mali is being invaded by French imperialists. French troops are in Mali. Many Euro-Americans want to have a military intervention in Western Africa and beyond. One leader admitted that, "...This is a global threat and it will require a global response… that is about years, even decades, rather than months,” British Prime Minister David Cameron said over the weekend. French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian defined his aim in Mali as “the total re-conquest of the country,” using troops provided by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). France, which is currently spearheading the war in Mali, plans to expel Tuareg and Islamist fighters from Mali to pursue its agenda. France wants to expel the Tuareg and the Islamist fighters from Mali. They want to stabilize the corrupt regime in Bamako, which is led by the military junta of Captain Amadou Sanogo. So, France wants a stooge regime in Mali as a means to gain more corporate profits & a puppet regime. British Foreign Secretary William Hague wanted Somalia to be an example on how imperialists will handle Mali. Somalia is still an impoverished country, because of civil war and Washington directed drone strikes. The former Pentagon counterterrorism official Rudolph Attala said that the West wants to end the Al-Qaeda network in the Islamic Maghreb. Washington and Paris according to the Times wanted to court Algeria as a means for them to give them help in Mali. Some want America to give military aid to France as a means to dominate Mali. Now, French fighter planes and Gazelle helicopter gunships carried out a dozen operations. On Monday about 200 French soldiers from the 21st Marine Infantry Regiment, supported by six combat helicopters and reconnaissance planes, seized the towns of Diabaly and Douentza. The infantrymen had set out at dawn from the nearby government-controlled town of Niono, thirty miles south of Diabaly. The Human Rights Watch or the HRW said that they have received reports of the French back Malian security forces committing serious crimes and ethnic killings against civilians in Niono. HRW said that the Tuaregs and Arabs are being targeted. I don't want the Tuareg to suffer this evil genocide. As for the Arabs, I don't want them to suffer genocide, but they are not superior to my black people at all. According to US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland, about 100 American trainers have deployed to Niger, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Togo, Senegal and Ghana to help prepare troops in these countries for combat in Mali. The EU appointed French Brigadier General Francoiss Lecintre is the commander of a mission to send 250 military trainers to Mali in February. It will not only give 50 million euros ($66 million) of funding to Ecowas forces, but has announced it will unblock € 250 million in aid for Mali that was frozen after the military coup in March 2012. It is hypocritical for the French government to claim to be socialist, but they want to dominate Africa. France is showing colonialism period.
The shooting in Houston means that we have issues in America. What it does not mean is that law abiding citizens are responsible for these acts. Criminals are. There was a gun control meeting held by New Trier Democrats in Glenview, Chicago. Some of the anti-gun extremists compared gun enthusiasts to Nazis. It is one thing to have a debate on this issue, but to compare gun rights advocates to Nazis is offensive and going too far. The Second Amendment is relevant then and now. The reason is have we have the threat of tyranny today. When you have a foreign policy apparatus that says it is right to kill folks in foreign lands without due process of law and fusion centers spying illegally on citizens, then we have a problem here. Speakers included Mark Walsh, campaign director of the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence; Lee Goodman, of the Stop Concealed Carry Coalition; and Northfield residents Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins of the Million Moms March and her husband, author and gun control advocate Bill Jenkins. Bill Jenkins tried to compare the NRA to Nazis. The truth is that there is nothing immoral about a law abiding citizen being trained and having a concealed carry handgun at all. That is not immoral. Also, the Nazis followed radical gun disarmament against innocent human beings. The shooting at the Lone Star Community College in Houston, Texas is a tragic situation. Those involved ought to be having justice completely. Three human beings were shot. Most researchers believe that the shooting is a gang related incident. FBI stats prove that human beings in America have a better chance at being struck by lightning than experience a mass shooting. The corporate media exploit tragedies like this as a means to scapegoat all gun owners and all gun manufacturers. There is a major move to disarm certain guns from law abiding citizens not just criminals or those with serious mental illness. One of the three folks shot was one of the gunmen. Some didn't want to show all of the footage of the Houston shooting, but used a delayed field. The government murdered over 200 million human beings in the 20th century alone, which is called democide. The truth is that gun violence is way down from 10 or 20 years ago. In 2010, America had the lowest gun murder rate since at least 1981. Gun robbery from 2004 to 2011 has decreased per 100,000. Gun ownership is up. Violent crime has decreased over the years. Some anti-gun extremists don't want human beings to know the facts since they want fear. We have the right to question information in Sandy Hook and any other event in the world. Now, these extremists are right that we should have reasonable policies of gun safety programs, but we need to address mental health issues too.
We live 40 years after Roe v. Wade came back in January of 1973. Abortion is a serious and controversial issue. It stirs fierce debate in the world. I looked at the arguments from both sides. To this day, I have not seen an argument that merits abortion on demand at all. I don't see the argument. Human life is precious and it has value. To destroy innocent human life on demand with sharp instruments is greatly a terrible circumstance. It doesn't matter what other say. Seeing babies getting their body parts ripped out and some of their bodies crushed into foods and ceramics is greatly troubling. There is morality in the world. There is a right and a wrong. Human morality is real, so innocent human life ought to respected in the world. Far too often, the enemies of truth use Roe to justify unlimited abortions. The polls only show a very small percentage of Americans agreeing with unlimited abortions. 56 million unborn children have been killed via abortions since 1973. I agree with maternal and child health care. I agree with programs to address STDs and fights against cancer. I reject super invasive procedures against women. Yet, there is a line that I won't cross. The execution of unborn babies on demand is that line. The Pro-Life Movement grew after Roe. Now, the Pro-life movement is in a crossroads, because demographics are changing in America. Polls show conflicting testimonies on whether the Pro-Life position is gaining ground or not. Michael New is a college professor who analyzes abortion data and public opinion. He wrote in a new piece today that the pro-life movement has gained ground in the huge debate. There are a lot of stories unreported by this mainstream media. They readily refuse to report the vandalism against pro-life legal crosses in areas across America. They refuse to report pro-lifers being assaulted by extremists and those who are intolerant of dissenting viewpoints. They refuse to expose the medical imperfections of some abortions and the great complex humanness of the unborn. Abortions for any reason whatsoever deprives the possibilities of an unique new life. Adoptions have worked wonders in giving human beings a chance at living fully functional, transparent lives in the world. Roe has never been the silver bullet to completely end poverty. The only way to end poverty is a comprehensive approach that deals with addressing socioeconomic issues, ending the War on Drugs, and having a redistribution of economic plus political power. Margaret Sanger wanted infants to die. Sanger’s colleague and fellow eugenicist, Henry Goddard, condemned adoption as a “crime against the family." Planned Parenthood receives a half of a billion annual taxpayer dollars via Title X funding to commit over 329,000 abortions annually. This is prohibited by federal law. Just because a human being is unwarranted in the eyes of the world, doesn't mean that this human life has no value or should be killed immediately. It is immoral to kill a baby in the womb for any reason when it has broken no law or committed no crime in the Universe. I believe in the freedom of choice except when innocent life is destroyed wantonly. What makes an unborn baby unworthy of life? Nothing. Killing innocent human beings is not my thing.
At least 50 African children were paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates backed meningitis vaccine. Bill and Melinda Gates have worked in a crusade for years as a means to try to vaccinate every single child in the world. They wanted Africa to be their geopolitical targets. Many places in Africa (not all places in the Motherland) have poor sanitations and a lack of clean water. This caused diseases like meningitis and malaria to run rampant in some areas. They can easily address these needs, but some of the multibillionaires including their allies have thrust vaccines on indigenous populations alone as the solution. This has resulted in a wave of paralysis among Africa's younger populations. There has been the investigative journalist Christina England at the who reported about the small village of Guoro in northern Chad. This village has recently fell victim to corrupt vaccines. 50 of the area’s youth in that area developed paralysis following vaccination with MenAfriVac or a new meningitis vaccine, which was developed specifically for Africa. This vaccine was touted as a preventive cure for meningitis. MenAfriVac reportedly caused each of the children. Some of the children as young as seven have suffered hallucinations, convulsions, and ultimately paralysis. The horrific side effects of MenAfriVac began to transpire within 24 hours of its administration according to a cousin of two of the vaccine injured children. Many of the children affected by it immediately began to experience headaches and vomiting. This later progressed into uncontrollable convulsions while bent over with saliva coming from their mouths. Later, when parents and local authorities tried to call on higher up government officials to take action and help the affected children, their petitions for relief were all but ignored. The government of Chad tried to bribe parents into silence. This same cousin, who is referred to by England as “Mr. M.,” added that when Chad’s Minister of Health and Minister of Social Security finally showed up to Gouro nearly a week after the series of paralyzations first took place, they decided to evacuate the 50 paralyzed children to a hospital more than 300 miles away, as there is only one available doctor in the entire region of Gouro. The government refused to halt distribution of the vaccine until an investigation occurred. They tried to bribe parents and cover up the dangers of ManAfriVac occurring to Mr. M. “[T]he government and the media have gone silent about the tragedy, while there are still facts requiring clarification,” stated Mr. M. in an email to England about the incident. At this point in time, virtually no media has picked up on this important story. “All this disturbs us and makes us fear the worst effects for the future. [I]t is very sad that (the) entire city is paralyzed.” The Gates Foundation and the WHO lie about the safety of MenAfriVac. Even the MVP or the Meningitis Vaccine Project lied about safety of the vaccine by repeatedly claiming that the vaccine can be transported without refrigeration. The vaccine’s package insert clearly states that it must be stored refrigerated and protected from light. I believe in voluntary usage of vaccinations, but not the usage of massively corrupt vaccines though. “Why have major organizations spent $571 million on a vaccination project, when wells to provide access to clean drinking water have been constructed for less than $3,000 by the International Committee of the Red Cross?” asks England in a series of important questions regarding this disastrous situation. “Why has this vaccination program not been suspended, (and) what are these organizations going to do about the atrocity that has happened in Gouro?” The answer is obvious. The reason is that some of the elite are obsessed with vaccine and corporate profit instead of promoting radical, revolutionary, progressive, and immediate solutions to assist those suffering in the world.
By Timothy