We are nearing the Second Inaugural of the President Barack Obama. We are also in the time of the birthday and holiday of the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King inspired all of us to do better and to strive to achieve excellence in our lives. Many folks try to compare the legacy of Dr. King to the actions of the President of the USA. The comparison is inevitable, because of obvious reasons. Both men are black men and both are controversial. The truth like in many matters is in between the two extremes. President Barack Obama is part of the Dream, but he is not the total fulfillment of the Dream at all. Barack Obama doesn't have the oratory ability of Dr. Martin Luther King (still, Barack Obama has great oratorical skills in his own right), but the President made some legitimate policies (like the aid to HBCUs, the aid to African American farmers including Native American farmers, the Lilly Leadbeater Act, the stimulus that helped some human beings, the legitimate portions of his ACA law, etc.) despite his other policies that I strongly disagree with. I think that if Dr. Martin Luther King was alive today, he would have marveled at Barack Obama being President for a historical reference and a cultural development of humankind. I think that Dr. Martin Luther King would admire many of the President's leadership qualities and some of the actions that Barack Obama has gotten correct. I think that Dr. King would disagree with him on some issues though. Dr. Martin Luther King was a man of nonviolence. Regardless if you agree or disagree with that philosophy, he followed that viewpoint sincerely. Therefore, Dr. King would oppose drone attacks, he would disagree with the continuation of many laws that violate human civil liberties, and he would try to advocate a radical policy in handling poverty in the world, not just in America. Dr. Martin Luther King predicted that a Black person might be elected President in 25 years or less. We live in a paradox in that we live with an intellectual Black President now, but the conditions of the Black masses are still very difficult because real poverty is not addressed in the world. We have domestic poverty that hovers only a fraction of a percentage below the levels of 1965. The President is obviously not a socialist since the stock market is growing and Wall Street is continuing massive record profits. We have disaster capitalism where Wall Street financial interests are made in a superior position of concern by the establishment than the interests of the common people. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., if he was still alive, would oppose Western supremacist, militarist doctrines, the kill lists, and other ills in our country. He broke with Lyndon Johnson over the issue of the Vietnam War. Dr. King would of never allied with some grand austerity bargain with reactionary Republicans either. Dr. Martin Luther King in his 1967 "Where Do We Go From Here" speech called for a guaranteed annual income for all Americans. Today, both parties have members who want to target Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid in the weeks just before the President's 2009 Inauguration. Forty-five years ago, King’s position was clear: “Our emphasis must be twofold: We must create full employment, or we must create incomes.” The very notion of a grand austerity bargain with the Right would have been anathema to MLK. Malcolm X didn't trust centrist Democrats and neither did Dr. Martin Luther King. Dr. Martin Luther would not aid corporatist adventurism overseas and domestic spying domestically at all. We do not need a coronation of any political leader. We just need the elimination of imperialism and the advance of equality for all human beings. Dr. Martin Luther King didn't just fight against U.S. apartheid via the Montgomery Bus Boycott and other accts. He fought for labor rights from marching in Detroit, marching in Washington, D.C., and he supported the sanitation strike workers in Memphis, Tennessee. Ironically in our time, reactionary forces have attacked the working class so harsh that has never been seen in decades. That is why labor supporters occupied the Wisconsin state Capitol Building in Madison as a means to fight for their right of collective bargaining. Many led sit ins in the complex. Workers have fought in the streets of Greece, Portugal, South Africa, Egypt, and Indonesia. If he was alive today, Dr. King would have been 84 years old. The President has a choice in 2013 and beyond. He can go into the centrist path of gradualism or the revolutionary path of radical change and justice that we can believe in. Also, Dr. Martin Luther King was about service to. So, we or all of us should serve humanity. It can be in many volunteer programs or other unique ways to help society in general. If we help our neighbor out, then Almighty God will help us indeed.
Top US CEOs propose the sick plan of raising the retirement age to 70. They are from the BRT or the Business Roundtable. The companies in that group general an annual revenue of $7.3 trillion. Their statement wants the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare eligibility to be raised to 70. They even assert that Medicare must be at least partially privatized. These executives are scheduled to meet with members of Congress and the Obama administration to press for the enactment of these measures during the upcoming rounds of budget cuts. The mainstream media talks about America's long term fiscal imbalance. The political establishment obviously wants austerity in society. The BRT favors means testing. The organization’s press release declares, “Benefit growth should be restricted through gradually phased-in adjustments in the calculation of future Social Security benefits. These adjustments should increase progressivity by adding a new minimum benefit that ensures that the benefits of a full-career worker would be above the poverty line and means-testing benefits eligibility for individuals with high income.” This is silliness by the CEOs, because right now the poverty line is very problematic. In 2011, the poverty line for a single person over the age of 65 in the US was an annual income of $10,788. For a household of two people over 65, poverty was defined as $13,596. This is borderline pauperism. The BRT tries to lecture society on personal responsibility, but not Wall Street though. Right now, we have folks who have the inability to save money for retirement, spiraling health costs, and an increasingly cost of living. This slick austerity package as promoted by the BRT is called entitlement modernization (or a slick phrase to advance cutting costs for entitlements and privatizing them). Randall Stephenson is the Chairman and CEO of AT&T with his 2011 earnings of $26 million. He coined the phrase "entitlement modernization." The document exempts all those who are 55 or older. So, this is about stripping the social safety net from future generations. The issue with Social Security and Medicare is not a demographic issue. It has to do with the oligarchs hoarding wealth and then it lies and says that there is no money for all types of social programs. A recent report by the Congressional Budget Office estimates that if the cap on the Social Security tax—which exempts income in excess of $110,000 a year—were eliminated, it would raise three times as much money for social security as raising the retirement age to 70. It would also close the solvency gap of the program for 75 years. The BRT report underscores the reality that the entire American ruling elite is united in opposition to the idea that everyone has the right to decent health care and a dignified retirement. Some of the bus drivers are striking in NYC city. This represented the continuing struggle of not only labor rights, but human rights. The deal is that the multibillionaire may of NYC Michael Bloomberg put up for bid two bus contracts that do not guarantee job security provisions known as the Employee Protection Provision (EPP) that forced drivers out on strike. Workers have been protected by the EPP—which allows them to keep their seniority and pay scale regardless of which bus company has secured a contract with the city—for 33 years, since a 13-week strike won them the right. Drivers, bus attendants known as matrons, and mechanics are members of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1181. The EPP is gone and now the strikers feel that their standard of living is being threaten. Experienced drivers are being replaced with underpaid and untrained workers in that system. Both major parties have been involved in significantly reducing the pay and benefits for public sector workers like transit workers, clerical employees, teachers, fire fighters, and sanitation workers. In the final analysis, these bus workers want job security. They don't want some excessive amounts of cash at all.
There are reasonable discussions about gun rights issues and then there is extremism. One Massachusetts State Representative named David Linsky has filed a new bill. This bill will force gun owners to undergo mental health background checks, have liability insurance, and pay an additional 25% tax on all forms of ammunition. He wants to require firearms categorized as assault weapons to be stored outside of their homes and only at government approved storage depots. “This bill is a comprehensive effort to reduce all types of gun violence – murders, intentional shootings, accidental shootings and suicides. There is not one solution to reducing gun violence – we can’t eliminate it – but there are a lot of common-sense steps that we can take to significantly reduce the everyday tragedy of gun violence and deaths,” said Linsky. The problem with the bill is that criminals could care less about these laws. Also, what does paying an extra tax has to do with reducing gun violence? Nothing. Also, it is immoral to force a law abiding citizen to have proof of liability insurance as a means to express the constitutionally guaranteed right to bear and keep arms. The bill will require all applicants for gun licenses and FID cards to sign a waiver of mental health records for review to be destroyed after decision. It limits gun buyers to buy one firearm per month. The goal of some anti-gun extremists isn't just to regulate gun sales, but to outright restrict the gun rights of law abiding citizens. Requiring huge insurance premiums will make ownership unaffordable potentially for most Americans. There is a Portsmouth, Ohio drill that demonizes certain gun owners as terrorists. This was a safety exercise, which involve the police, the National Guard, and emergency management officials in Portsmouth, Ohio. It centered about the premise that individuals who are disgruntled over the government's interpretation of Second Amendment plotted to use weapons of mass destruction to terrorize the local community. The exercise has been run by the Ohio Army National Guard 52nd Civil Support Unit, Scioto County first responders as well as local law enforcement. The authorities believe that this drill was necessary since they feel that domestic terrorism is a threat. They talk about the Oklahoma City bombing, but that bombing was influenced by the fed agitation in Elohim City. It is a common occurrence for the federal government to falsely call individuals with certain political philosophies as terrorists basically. For example, 2009 New York Times report detailed how Homeland Security was training boy scouts to take on and disarm “disgruntled veterans” who are described as “terrorists." In March 2009 we broke the story of the infamous MIAC report, leaked to us by two concerned Missouri police officers. The report listed Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, people who display bumper stickers, people who own gold or even people who fly a U.S. flag and equates them with radical race hate groups and terrorists. A study released last year funded by the Department of Homeland Security also characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists. Just because a man or a woman exposes the new world order agenda, doesn't mean that this human being is some terrorist either. We have the stats on our side and more importantly, we have the truth on our side. Bill Maher is wrong again for saying that being a proud gun owner is stupid. That is wrong since gun ownership is about collection, sport, and other purposes not just shooting. The establishment says that no one wants your guns, but why are their bills that prevent the gun rights of law abiding citizens for? The definition of a law abiding citizen is that they will not use a gun to cause criminal activity. Even the SPLC had to apologize to Richard Mack or the former sheriff of Graham County in Arizona for falsely accusing Mack of wanting to kill IRS agents or federal agents. Richard Mack is the founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (or the CSPOA). What more proof do these skeptics need? I don't agree with some of the views of Ron Paul, but I don't believe that a sincere conservative or a sincere libertarian is some terrorist. That is extreme point blank period. If you want to end gun violence, then end the Drug War, end the War on terror, have an end to police brutality, target the underground sale of guns or immoral gun running, building up our socioeconomic conditions in America (in other words, we should grow our social safety net, give jobs to human beings, have a living wage, grow community development programs, and other forms of economic justice to the human race), address mental health issues without violating human liberties, and go out and prevent criminals from owning guns. Also, we should use anti-crime mechanisms, promote real gun safety, and go out and protect law abiding citizens the right to bear arms. Also, we need to improve our culture that repels bullying and intolerance. We need to educate human beings on gun rights and allow a society to reject unjust violence against anyone. Who does the government think that it can tell law abiding citizens to give up their God given civil liberties?
Haiti has been exploited and harmed by predatory capitalism for a long time. Foreign governments, corporations, and NGOs have worked together in trying to pacify the power of the Haitian nation. Now, Haiti still struggles in poverty and resource theft by outside influences. The terrible earthquake came in Haiti back in January of 2010. The earthquake killed over 300,000 Haitian human beings in 35 seconds. This was followed by more than 7,800 people who died by cholera because of UN Nepalese troops stationed in northern Haiti since October 2010. These troops dumped human waste into the tributary of the country's main water supply as found in the Artibonite River. The UN has the nerve to refuse to take responsibility for its harmful actions and refuse to execute social justice for the victims. These are some of the same peacekeepers that raped innocent human beings. These human beings being raped include Haitians and other all over the world. Haitian brave citizens are protesting United Nations occupation of Haiti. During the year of the earthquake, Haiti's nine-member Provisional Electoral Council (CEP), headed by Gaillot Dorsinvil, continued its exclusion of Haiti's largest party, the Fanmi Lavalas of deposed President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Numerous Haitians disagreed with the government of Martelly since they accused him of corruption and failure to massively improve the conditions of Haiti. Martelly reinstituted the Haitian Army that then President Jean Bertrand Aristide once dismantled back in April of 1995. Martelly wanted the Army to in his mind protect its borders, fight narcotics, and maintain law and order. Many of the more progressive members of Haiti's Fanmi Lavalas party have been killed in late 1993 and early 1994. Canadian mining interests like the company named Eurasian and other corporations are exploiting the resources of Haiti even. There has been more than 93,000 people have become ill and some 7,500 have died from the disease. Even Hurricane Sandy killed 54 lives in the winter of 2012. A lot of individuals have forgotten the plight and complications that still reside in Haiti. We should always remember that Haiti is a mostly black nation and it is a very great part of pan Africa. It has a revolutionary history since its birth. It was the Western Hemisphere's first black Republic since 1804 under Jacques Dessalines. Haiti immediately abolished slavery. Later, America refused to recognize the nation until 58 years later. America even paid France 150 million francs as compensation for France's losses in slaves. Haiti suffered under France and still via the U.S., Canada, and the U.N. This suffering is very huge. The UN denies responsibility for the cholera outbreak. NGOs dominate the infrastructure of Haiti now. Michelle Mitchell made a great documentary entitled, Haiti: Where Did the Money Go? It raises many questions about the role of NGOs like the American Red Cross in Haiti. Much of the billions of pounds sent to Haiti still reside in bank account. The massive development of Haiti's socioeconomic infrastructure has yet to begin. It is a historical fact that the IMF, the World Bank, the USAID, the US National Endowment for Democracy, etc. want to make Haiti to have a neo-liberal economic agenda as a means to stop true grassroots democratic systems in Haiti (while cheap labor is the order of the day). Many populists have been killed when the populist tried to enact real change in Haiti. Even 3 years after the earthquake, Haiti has yet to witness a massive reconstruction program. Thousands of Haitians in the realm of ca. 300,000 human beings are still in refugees in camps. More than 60,000 human beings live in tenets on private lands and they have been evicted.
One of the biggest lies from the establishment is that we do not have tyrannical laws and everything is okay. The truth is the opposite of that lie indeed. The truth is that we have tyrannical laws on the books now from the Patriot Act to the Military Commissions Act. These laws existed for a long time even before the days of Nixon. Power is readily centralized under the oligarchy. This oligarchy uses military and police power to dominate human beings mentally and physically. From police brutality to the usage of sound weapons against peacefully protesters in Pittsburgh years ago, these acts define extreme, unjustified, and abhorrent police state power. The National Defense Authorization Act or the NDAA makes huge leaps on who can be arrested and detained in the world. Some may be blind to the truth, but we know about the cartel capitalistic clique that is increasing its militaristic imperialism operations. Military suicide rates have skyrocketed in recent years. The Chief of the U.S. Central Command once said that: "...It's fun to kill people..." His name is Marine Corps General James. N. Mattis. He served as a lieutenant colonel in Operation Desert Storm back in 1991, he commanded the first ground troops that went into southern Afghanistan after the 2001 invasion of that country. He led Marines in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. In April of 2004 he headed up the first US assault on the Iraqi city of Fallujah and helped plan the siege later that year that destroyed the city and killed thousands of its residents. In a speech to Task Force Ripper during Desert Storm, he reportedly said, ‘It’s the mission of every Marine in the battalion to send one dead Iraqi home to Mama.” This is the mentality of many of these egotistical members of the military industrial complex. Also, the government has used informants to illegally spy on fellow citizens for decades. Just look at COINTELPRO to witness the proof of that. War has been used to build up defense armaments and many wars have been fabricated from the start from the Gulf of Tonkin to the yellow cake claims shown in the United Nations. Many wars developed in human history as a contrived process wherefore political and economic purposes are used by those in power. War is a great means of mobilization of profit and it killed millions before including now in our present modern age. When wars come about, many of the elite don't directly participate in the front lines of it. That is why JP Morgan, Jay Gould, James Fisk, William Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Philip Armour, and Andrew Mellon (some of the most powerful men of the 19th century) bought their way of out of the draft during the Civil War. Today, the American Empire is still potent and powerful. The war on terrorism is costing us 6 trillion dollars. Israel's reactionary government (as opposed to geniunely sincere, peaceful Israelis and Palestinians that want real peace in the Middle East. The elite is our enemy not Jewish human beings or Arabic human beings at all) is giving billions of U.S. dollars over many decades, even in military aid. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other reactionary governments in the Middle East (that brutally suppress the human rights of its citizens) receive millions of dollars form us as well. These nations are Western allies. This problem existed long before President Barack Obama was in office, so I want to make that perfectly clear.
By Timothy