Revolutionary views and the Illuminati go hand in hand when you research real history. The American Revolution was made up of more moderate individuals and the more radical revolutionaries encompass the French Revolution. We know about laissez faire capitalism had their modern roots from Adam Smith and David Ricardo. The Jacobins, who views were influenced by the Illuminism, include human beings like Robespierre, Mara, Danton, and others in France. Throughout human history, there has been a divergence of revolutionaries. We have anarcho-Marxists, anarcho-capitalists, feminists, civil rights activists from across the political spectrum. Now, in our generation, we do readily realize the secret society and occult thinking that undergird much of the revolutionary faith of certain human beings. It is a known fact that secret orders like Freemasonry influenced numerous revolutions of Europe and America. Even today, Masonry has influenced the English crown. The Queen of England is the royal patroness of Freemasonry and Duke of Kent is a famous Freemason living now. Freemasonry in America is diverse and once the Scottish Rite had very discriminatory policies to say the least. In the UK, some human beings sincerely wanted liberty while others were well known infiltrators and spies. Scholars believe that the Grand Orient influenced socialism, communism, and egalitarianism. I have no issue with egalitarianism at all. Far too often, there are those who obsess with communism and socialism, while forgetting to expose the weaknesses of laissez faire capitalism (which contributed to the modern day economic inequality of the 21st century). For example, laissez faire capitalism is responsible for a lot of the evils found in the Gilded Age. Now, the French Revolution was about opposing the evils of monarchy. Yet, some of the revolutionaries went too far in using the red terror and executing policies that destroyed religious freedom. They wanted to have a dictatorial state, which was just as wrong as having some theocratic monarchy. Many of them were ideological descendants of the Bavarian tradition of Illuminism. Critics of the French Revolution believe that the revolutionaries wanted some atheistic, secular republic, but the monarchy and the religious establishment committed sick acts against the common people. Thomas Jefferson agreed with Illuminism and the French revolutionaries' agenda. Thomas Jefferson was a Deist, who wanted religious liberty, but he had errors. We know his errors. Even George Washington had reservations about the Jacobin Illuminists. James Billington, John Daniel, and other scholars have written about the revolutionary passion among controversial revolutionaries spanning human history. The Continental or Grand Orient Masonry was a key facilitator of numerous changes in Europe including the world. Not everything that the French Revolutionaries did was evil. Victor Schoelcher was right to advocate the abolition of slavery. Others were right in giving women rights and banning child labor. Yet, some of them were wrong in trying to kill folks that disagreed with them religiously or ideologically. Even a pro-monarch has the right to exist peacefully and I reject political monarchies completely. The freedom of conscience is legitimate and this concept has been opposed by the Papists and dictators for centuries. All men are created equal. Just because a Mason may talk of these things, doesn't mean that it is inaccurate. I don't agree with all in Freemasonry, but equality, justice, and liberty are neither vices nor sins at all. Now, we should have boundaries in our conduct though. Freedom is not freedom without morality, standards, and moral absolutes. For example, murder being wrong is a moral absolute.
Queen Nanny of the Maroons is very heroic human being of the Caribbean. She was the famous leader of the Jamaican Maroons and she lived from ca. 1685 to 1755. She founded Nanny Land. The Maroons formed their own communities in the rugged, hilly interior of Jamaica than adjust to slavery. They were skilled fighters and they were hard to defeat. The Windward and Leeward Maroons were headed by Nanny of the Maroons and Captain Cudjoe. Many of the Maroons came from human beings from the Akan region of West Africa. Nanny came from the Ashanti tribe. The Maroons freed slaves from the plantations. Later, they damaged land and property belonging to the plantation owners. Nanny was born in Ghana, West Africa. She was brought to Jamaica as a slave. Some of her relatives were sold as slaves as well. She, Accompong, Cudjoe, Johnny, and Quao ran away from their plantation. They hid in the Blue Mountains area of northern Saint Thomas Parish. Each of them formed communities all over Jamaica like Accompong settling in Saint Elizabeth Parish in a community known as Accompong Town. Nanny Town was made up of 500 acres of the land granted to runaway slaves. It overlooked Stony River via a 900 foot ridges to make sure that a surprise attack by the British virtually impossible. The Maroons at Nanny Town also organized look-outs for such an attack as well as designated warriors who could be summoned by the sound of a horn called an Abeng. The community raised animals, hunted, grew crops, and were organized very similar to the Ashanti tribe of Africa. Nanny freed more than 800 slaves and helped them to resettle in the Maroon community. Nanny was a true heroine indeed of the black liberation struggle. Her contributions ought to be acknowledged. We have to learn about learn about our heroes like Bussa. Bussa was an African born man. He was a Barbardian slave who in 1816 led a slave uprising in Barbados known as Bussa's Rebellion. He may have been Igbo or of Akan descent. He was captured by African slave merchants and sold to the British in the late 18th century. His rebellion was the first of the 3 large scale slave rebellions in the British West Indies that shook public faith in slavery in the years leading up to emancipation or the freedom of the slaves. The Bussa Rebellion inspired the Guyanese insurrection. The planning was undertaken at a number of sugar estates, including Bayley's plantation where it began. Preparation for the rebellion began soon after the House of Assembly discussed and rejected the Imperial Registry Bill in November 1815. By February 1816, the decision had been taken that the revolt should take place in April, at Easter. Bussa led the slaves into battle at Bayley's on Tuesday on April 16. Bussa led 400 freedom fighters and he or Bussa was killed in battle. The rebellion, but liberation for Barbados would soon come who have valiantly fought for their liberation like men, women, and children. The Emancipation Statue still exists in Haggat Hall in the parish of St. Michael. It was created by Karl Broodhagen. An act of Parliament in 1998 made Bussa to be named the ten National Heroes of Barbados.
Secret Societies are controversial. I don't agree with Richard Cassaro on all issues. Yet, he made an excellent point that we should battle against economic inequality and the corporate domination of our governments in a foul fashion. He is right that elite families and select bloodlines control most of the major banks and giant multinational corporations (via nefarious means in hegemony). This handful of the richest families gain more hegemony over time and this cabal tries to restrict true spiritual and political information from the rest of the human race. The truth on many occasions is restricted from the masses. The elite want to make a globalized system where human individual liberties are suppressed and true spiritual understanding of reality is highly restricted among the majority of the human family. Now, many movements for change came about in opposition to the tyranny of the Inquisition and theocracy or monarchy. Back centuries; you can be killed in Europe for just expressing an opinion peacefully about the Roman Church. Now, this has nothing to do with real Christianity. It has to do with some distorting the real teachings of Jesus Christ and Christianity as a means to advance a more reactionary, faux religious agenda (which heavily came into being from the Council of Nicea on 325 A.D.). Regardless of if you agree with the wisdom traditions or not, the Catholic Church or any religious body has no right centuries ago to kill folks if they peacefully expressed an alternative political or religious point of view that was in contrast to Romanism. Now, not every secret society is holy or good. For example, the Skulls and Bones were involved in working for the agenda of internationalists and globalists. The Knights of the Golden Circle were pro-Confederates as well. In our world, elite big corporations exploit the symbolism of the past from pentagrams, eyes, or otherwise as a means to stamp their influence in modern day society. The elite populations need a fearful, brainwashed populace in order for them to buy their products from cars to genetically engineered food. We know about the 2 party system of the Republicans and the Democrats being ruled by the oligarchy. Even in 1922, John Hylan or the then Mayor of New York City (from 1918 to 1925) admitted an invisible government has infiltrated the nation even in the local or city level of political infrastructure. Even David Rockefeller wrote his Memoirs that he wants an one world system and he is not ashamed of that goal at all. We know how many international banks have been involved in corruption. We understand how some in Big Pharma make it a business to advance not only drugs, but dangerous chemicals in the air, food, and water supplies of the world. One time, Merck and Company had to pull its arthritis drug Vioxx from the market since concerns over its risk of heart attacks and stroke. We know about the interconnected network of large media conglomerates that spew propaganda and deception all of the time, especially during the run up to the Iraq War. Now, as for Freemasonry, the Freemasons are still wrong to have death oaths, to have deception in their degrees, to claim that man can create godhood among some of its adherents, and to believe in other errors. In essence, numerous secret societies believe that the ancient wisdom traditions were a means wherefore humans can achieve enlightenment or basically be like God. The Secret societies believe that life is about us activating the inner divine or eternal self or your inner soul (as found in the third eye). So, Freemasonry is the revival of the Ancient Mysteries. It is also true that man is valuable. Man is not God, but the Kingdom of God is within you.
There is the issue of Detroit. It has been shown in the news and other forms of media across the world. Detroit has been a victim of austerity and privatization schemes. It is not a secret that the issues of poverty, privatization, and the prison state must be addressed in society. It is fine to expose race based disparities in our health care, but we need to have a single payer health care system as a means to control costs and stabilize our health system indeed. We need solutions to our problems. Exposing racism and white supremacy is fine. Also, we need to create solutions for human beings as well. Even in Chicago, the Race to the Top educational privatization agenda of Obama threaten to close down 50 plus schools in Chicago alone. This is found mostly in black and brown neighborhoods. That means that the bankers and the elite privatize their public assets. In Detroit, there are corporate elitists are getting the property of Detroit. There is the state appointed emergency financial manager said that he won't the salaries of the City Council of the mayor for the time being. There are many demonstrators disagreeing with the disenfranchisement of the citizens of Detroit. Kevyn Orr will make decisions on how Detroit will deal with creditors that include his former firm's Wall Street client Merrill Lynch. Like always, the elitists will use a person of color as a scapegoat when oppression has existed in the USA for centuries. Jones Day is a corporation that represents banks like the Bank of America (and others that were involved in the evil, devastating home foreclosures). As Tom Stephens explains, that means Merrill Lynch “is one of the city’s key creditors.” So, financial dictator Kevyn Orr will be making decisions on how Detroit will deal with creditors that include his former firm’s Wall Street client, Merrill Lynch. Detroit is being exploited by corporate America who wants the disenfranchisement of its citizens and removal of human beings from the nation's cities. There has been the assault on locally elected authority over the public schools like targeting Black School districts. The concerns of African Americans ought to be respected, because racial oppression is just as important an issue as economic or class oppression. There is nothing wrong with Black power and black interests being advanced in Detroit and any area of the world. We know about the race riots in Detroit where white racists attacked blacks who just wanted to seek employment and public accommodations during WWII. That is why the liberal establishment is just as wrong on some issues as the conservative establishment. The establishment Left contains revolution, while the establishment Right advances reactionary propaganda. We know that the emergency manager usurpation is against legal principles and basic morality since cities, towns, and school districts have the right to their own sovereignty. In Chicago, there is a massive civil disobedience planned in Chicago to the historic mass school closings in Chicago. This action will be done by teachers, activists, and parents. Chicago's proposal closure of schools is the largest in the nation with the 54 school shut down (and to consolidate another 11). The folks in Chicago want to bridge a 1 billion dollar budget deficit by closing schools and investing in the remaining schools. Critics of the schools closure say that they will put children in risk since Chicago has a high number of homicides each year. The students involved in the closings and mergers have to walk in gang territory without bus service, security, or certain protection. Larger class size, overcrowding, and the rejection of the Ryerson offer are fruits of this policy if they come into fruition. That is why activists are protesting and seek funding for education instead of harsh austerity.
The music industry now is still showing the same patterns in fashion. A lot of photo-shoot shows these artists in dual black and white stripes that look similar to the Masonic checkerboard floor. This type of image is shown even by Rihanna in Elle Magazine via the checkered board pattern. It is interesting to note that she has the Egyptian falcon tattoo on her ankle. It is similar to the solar god Horus or one central figure of the occult mysteries. The All Seeing Eye comes from the Eye of Horus. The eye represents the third eye of humans finding their inner soul in order to achieve enlightenment. Big time corporations expose these symbols for their own purposes. In the same photo shoot, Rihanna wears the masquerade ball mask. Such a mask has been glamorized in films like Eyes Wide Shut and it is known practice in ancient occult elite rituals (and parties by the rich elite today in the 21st century). Rihanna also appears as cat woman. Folks like Courtney Stodden in this new generation show images that embodies alter personas and same personalities. She is just 18 years and she is married to a man over fifty years old. You know that they have issues because they went on a reality TV shows trying to fix their relationship. She in one video acts as a cat. Enough said. Stodden's husband appears as her handler. He has an Eye of Horus tattoo along with alchemical symbols of fire and water (in the upright and reversed triangles). The union of opposites is a key part of the esoteric tradition. The modern world just mimics the ancient world in more ways than one. Now, we live in the latter days. We should not follow some heresies like moral relativism or the view that you can do what you want to do. We should reject legends and false, endless genealogies that cannot save a soul. Only God can save souls. We see the growth of the EU nations and the massive Anglo-American Empire too. Back in 1909, the Round Table Society was formed as a means to try to make the British Empire to rule the world. Even Rhodes Scholars was created by Cecil Rhodes as a means to expand the British Empire as a means to promote the lie of the cultural superiority of the Anglo-Saxon peoples. Rhodes’s detailed instructions for his scholarship scheme provided for 60 students from the Empire, 32 from the United States and a smaller number from Germany to be taught and accommodated at Oxford for one year, and so the "Rhodes Scholarships" were born and still exist to this very day. Prominent Rhodes Scholarship alumni include the former US President Bill Clinton, as well as at least 9 senior officials in the Clinton Administration and 11 in the Kennedy Administration, and a few Rhodes Scholars are found in the current Bush Administration. The Round Table influenced the creation of the RIIA and the CFR.
By Timothy