Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Savant's Research in 2013
Since former Confederate were seditionists who tried to subvert the Republic to protect slavery, I think they were treated leniently. They could have been hanged for treason. If anything I fault the North for having withdrawn support from Reconstruction and abandoned the Blacks who fought to win their freedom and save the Republic. At the very least they should have redistributed land to former slaves to enable economic independence; and maybe also ARMED them to enable self-defense. The reactionary South was directly responsible for the racial violence and caste system which wrought so much devastation on the lives of my parents, grandparents & great grandparents. The North was perhaps indirectly responsible for not seeing through Reconstruction and the democratization of the South
As for Hamas and Al Qaeda, well we know whet they are. You acknowledge that Attai expressed outrage over Al Qaeda atrocities in Mali. You may have forgotten also his concern --during the Arab Spring--that the Spring might be thwarted by militant Islamicists In Tunisia and Egypt....a concern which you also expressed. I recall that conversation happened in a thread entitled ISLAM AND THE BLACK RACE. I can tell you that Attai's attitude toward militant Islamicists in thread were also expressed in private messages, and in stronger terms than in threads, But not with your more inflammatory language. Now you say that he calls for the destruction of Israel, which you further insist is a contradiction. But that sounds somewhat like the charge about him wishing for the destruction of the white race. I've simply never seen any statement of his which calls for any such thing. I've yet to see any pro-Hamas statements by him either. But like many European leftists, and some American ones, he clearly is sympathetic to the Palestinians. One can obviously debate these issues, and there are many different views even among Israelis and Palestinians themselves. But I see no grounds for assuming that someone who disagrees with your position is a Nazi or a jihadist. I know of no Nazis whom Attai supports, and know of no evidence indicating that he is a Nazi. But I notice that you use the term "nazi" quite loosely, even applying it to Bishop Desmond Tutu, part of South Africa's democratic opposition to the Nazi-esque apartheid regime, and (like Gandhi and KIng) an advocate of nonviolence. What a strange crop of Nazis--democratic, antiracist and NONVIOLENT! I've said before that this loose use of words like "Nazi" and "fascist " on the left, is similar to the Right's use of "Communist. " Angela Davis once criticized the Panthers for such rhetorical excesses. It begins eventually to be like crying "wolf" too often. Then when REAL NAZI wolves are at the door no one will believe you.
Now I read that during the 1980s, Jean Marie Le Pen's Front did engage in acts of terrorism against Black and North African. So is the National Front trying to polish up its image?
Southerners were fighting to protect slavery. States Rights was a pretext. As long as southern politicians were dominant in the national government, and could impose laws like the Fugitive Slave Act, there was not great demand for secession or states rights. Only when they saw themselves losing power, and Lincoln's Republican Party (which they perceived to be Abolitionist) did they seriously lean toward secession. Lincoln was opposed to slavery so far as his personal moral view was concerned, but was a politician fist of all. He initially didn't heed the Abolitionist demand to make the war a war of liberation against slavery. Only when Abolition became a military necessity, and public opinion turned against slavery, did he bring his politics in conformity to his ethical views Hence the Emancipation Proclamation.
Capitalism is a scam, a global scam. And it's in the interst of the 1% to keep the mass of the people as ignorant as possible. A few educated people they can handle, can use. Like my former fellow student Lorna. But mainly they want most people to be ignorant. Hence they discourage education on the one hand, and try to undermine the quality of education (for the masses) on the other. Stokely Carmihchael, Dr. King, Huey Newton, Angela Davis, Paul Robeson, Bobby Seale, Kathleen Cleaver, and a host of other Black movers and shakers (and non-Black movers and shakers) were educated people for whom education was more than a ticket to money and high position. But if you cannot or do not go to college, then at least be like Malcolm X. REad and study all you can. Know history, politics, philosophy, culture and the arts. Learn, learn, learn! Ignorance is for slaves and fools. And a famous SLAVEHOLDER knew this very well: "Those who wish to be both ignorant and free, want what has never been and can never be." No wonder they refused to allow our ancestors to learn. Learn, learn, learn!
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