hernandayoleary replied to scotty • 44 minutes ago
Corporate welfare is notoriously poor at job creation, you
are usually paying $100,000-$500,000 per job. Alcoa, a company that employs
almost entirely white people, gets 5.6 billion in FREE GOVERNMENT money a year. It has 60,000 employees. This
works out to about $94,000 per employee. This is the true welfare that is
destroying America. Not some poor women in a trailer park, or barrio or ghetto
getting $18,000 in federal aid. Corporate welfare is far more than poor welfare
even proportionally.
Corporate welfare rarely provides jobs to inner city folks
because the reality is companies like Alcoa (mining) aren't mining in new york
or chicago, they are mining in wyoming, and we know what race lives there.
When you consider over 305 billion a year goes out in
corporate welfare to mostly white companies, with mostly white employees, and
the job creation isn't even there, it would be better to just give out $50,000
checks to everyone and end corporate welfare.
As for America being fine when it was ran by white people,
ever heard of the wild wild west? Ever heard of pioneer and settler times when
50% of the population was dying off from basic things like exposure and
starvation? Ever understand that there are no trees naturally in places like
nebraska and when homesteaders started showing up in planes states they mostly
lived in mud huts because there were no wood to build houses. Oh, and don't
forget that their irresponsible agricultural practices of white americans in
the heartland turned what was the breadbasket of the world into what is
becoming the world's largest basket case and desert aka the dust bowl on the
America was falling apart at the seems when it was white
run, even as far back as the 1930s the lowest point in the country's history,
the leadership was mostly white and they ruined america and ran it straight
into the ground.
As for black and brown run countries. It is quiet ironic
that you mention that, because Mexico is a brown country with a white
leadership, go ahead and google it, their leadership is whiter than texas's.
And the whites there have managed to run it into the ground. As well Lulo da
silva president of brazil points out that blonde hair blue eyed white people
created the financial crisis of 2007 and once again ran the economy of the
entire world into the ground.
When you look at the top 10 economic countries in the world,
about 1/3rd are arab brown oil states, 1/3rd are carribean black offshore
havens or african oil states and the other 3rd are white banking centers where
rich whites in neighbouring states run to (like luxembourg or liechtenstein)
There are alot more factors than race in determinging a
country running. But the soviet union certainly is a hell hole given all its
resources and it is white run.
When speaking of the future economies of the world, the
experts tell you the future is as such:, you usually get BRICS
South Africa
Followed by MINT
Finally you have the CIVETS
South Africa
No matter how you slice it, I don't see a single white
majority nation counted in the future growth of the world economically
speaking. When speaking of white countries, bankers do however talks about the
PIIGGS failing economic states of the world, who are failing due to financial
irresponsibility of its citizens and politicians. They include:
Great Britain
So what you have is general world wild economic white
decline. This is just factual
Carl Hankins:
Wrong! Whites are killed by other whites 84% of the time while Blacks are killed by other Blacks 86% of the time according to DOJ data. It would seem then, that White on White crime is just as big a problem as Black on Black crime but where's the news story? White's make up 61% of the total jail population in America but who gets labeled as thugs? Whites make up 70% of child molesters, 93% of mass murderers, 64% of rapist, 71% of serial killers, 53% of deadbeat Dads, 52% of wife beaters and 57% of murderers in America according to data but who gets labeled as "thugs" and "animals"? White people make up 61% of American citizens receiving government/welfare benefits yet who gets labeled as "lazy", "deadbeats" and "welfare queens"? America and White Americans see and believe what they want to believe and facts don't matter. So if the attackers were white, it wouldn't have made the news. The only reason it did this time is because the mother made noise about it. Otherwise, this crime would have been swept under the rug too. The schools and police are already denying any crime happened yet no one is investigating the mother for child abuse. Something is wrong with that picture. This child suffered blunt trauma to more than one spot on her face indicating several blows to the head. You won't get that from simply falling off the slide. That is unless there was a cliff right by the slide and she tumbled off that too. Truth hurts doesn't it?