Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Friday, January 19, 2018
Friday News in Late January of 2018
We have a problem when wealth is redistributed to the top income earners (like executives, shareholders, and major industries) in a massive scale. In 2014, the corporate profits before taxes reached its higher share of the total economy in at least 85 years. The percentage of the economy going into people’s wages has declined. It is important to note that workers are consumers. When workers receive living wages and just compensation, then they can grow the economy (because they have the economic resources to develop their own lives, pay their mortgages, and fulfill their own sense of happiness). Consumer spending deals with 70% of the economic activity in America, so we have to understand how important consumer spending is as it relates to the economy. The super wealthy spend much less of their income than the middle class and the poor. Most of the economic gains today go to the super wealthy and this concentrated wealth doesn’t represent not enough purchasing power to radically improve the economy in a widespread fashion. In order to have sufficient demand (of goods and services) to compressively grow the economy, a larger share of total income must go into the middle class and the poor. In order for this reality to transpire, there must be a higher national minimum wage, a bigger Earn Income Tax Credit, lower taxes on the middle class (including the poor), stronger unions (which are used to negotiate for better working conditions), and policies benefiting families. These policies don’t hurt the wealthy and they benefit the masses of the American people. The economy today could be much better with progressive solutions implemented in our society. Also, I believe in net neutrality too.
Donald Trump, nativists, and xenophobes continue to spread lies about immigrants and immigration in general. Therefore, it is always the right time to show the truth about immigration in America. One big myth is that immigrants collectively take away American jobs. The truth is that immigrants add to demand and increase jobs. For the few past decades, deindustralization, trickled down economics, and other economically regressive policies (not immigrants) have harmed American jobs for real. Some believe that we don’t need any more immigrants, which is false. The reality is that the American population is massively aging and retiring at a high rate. Immigration is essential to build up the retirement system. Immigrants pay taxes. There is a recent study that says that undocumented immigrants pay $11.8 billion dollars in taxes (in 2012), which is a net positive to state plus local budgets. Comprehensive immigration reform can add more 2.2 billion dollars in extra tax revenue. Another lie promoted by xenophobes is that they believe that legal immigration and undocumented migration is increasing in America. The truth is that net rate of undocumented immigration into America has declined in recent years. The net rate of undocumented immigration went from 12.2 million in 2007 to 11.3 million in 2015. The blame for economic problems in America is not caused by immigrants.
The real issue is that economic oligarchs have promoted economic unfairness and economic inequality via their policies (for decades and centuries in America) which harm the masses of people (regardless of immigration status) nationwide and worldwide. That is why I believe in comprehensive immigration solutions whereby those who are here and are undocumented can have a pathway to citizenship. Scapegoating immigrants doesn’t solve anything and it’s xenophobic plus wrong. I agree with DACA and I certainly stand with the Dreamers. Also, we must promote the freedom of the press. Trump is known for demonizing the press and journalists in ad hominem attacks. Trump is the notorious liar by saying that there is massive voting fraud and he won in a landslide (which are notorious falsehoods). Trump is known to block many of the media from traveling with him and has threatened to sue the media (and he wanted to change libel laws, which attacks the freedom of speech). We must always support responsible media, especially media that legitimately critiques those in power. I reject imperialism too. One solution to economic inequality is to use progressive economic policies and end racism. The marketplace can’t be trusted unconditionally which is why laws exist to regulate the environment and other aspects of our society. Addressing racism and getting rid of it (plus other policies being instituted) eliminate economic inequality.
Days ago was the Birthday of Sister Angela Winbush. She is now 63 years old. For decades, she has been a legendary R&B and soul singer. Her fans are international and she has made a mark in musical talent. St. Louis, Missouri is the city of his birth. She grew up singing in the church. She studied architecture in Howard University. She joined the funk/soul band Mtume during the 1970's. She wrote and produce four songs for Janet Jackson's debut album Janet Jackson. She made music and overcame a lot. She credits her faith in God in overcoming ovarian cancer and other issues. She is a very spiritual woman and there is nothing wrong with praising the Lord. She is a shining light who not only loves music, but loves her family and the essence of human happiness. I wish Sister Angela Winbush more Blessings.
One of the most talented artists in our generation is Sister Estelle. It was her Birthday yesterday and she is 38 years old. For years, she has been a singer, songwriter, actress, producer, and rapper. She was born in born and raised in West London, England. Her mother was from Dakar, Senegal and his father was from Grenada. She grew up listening to religious American gospel music and traditional African music.She also listened to hip hop and reggae. She wrote and produced music. By 2004, her debut album was released entitled 18th Day. By 2008, she worked with John Legend and Kanye West to more international success. She has won many awards including a Grammy. Her gift is her spirit of creativity. She only makes songs better, she is a great contribution in the expression of music in general. She has a great voice and she works hard in other ventures from a great business venture to making more songs. Estelle is a very talented black woman who will continue to establish more excellence her life. I wish Sister Estelle more Blessings. Certainly, after all of these years, we haven't backed down. We still believe in fighting against economic inequality, which is one of the most important issues of the 21st century. We believe in the growth of jobs and living wages via progressive policies from the super wealthy paying their fair safe of taxation to investments in public infrastructure programs (used to repair road, bridges, hospitals, schools, etc.) without massive corporate privatization. We believe in education that is strong, modernized, and creative which benefits all children not just some children. Likewise, we believe in social justice and an end to police brutality. In terms of the environment, we fight for a clean environment. It was our forebears who fought for Social Security, a 40 hour work week, voting rights, civil rights, suffrage, and other important regulations in dealing with the environment plus health safety standards. In our time, we are renewed in our commitment to human justice.
By Timothy
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