My Brothas in Baltimore are Holding it DOWN!!!!
It's hard to know when these racists are lying and when they're just DUMB and really don't know anything. (17 hrs ago | post #248)
Wow! Why am I only seeing this now if it was posted in May? C'est terrible! Un systeme stupide, Topix. (17 hrs ago | post #4796)
WHITE FOLKS: YOU need to know what King Knew!
I'm talking about HISTORICAL REALITY, not some racist's paranoid fantasies about Jewish Commie conspiracies. (17 hrs ago | post #36)
WHITE FOLKS: YOU need to know what King Knew!
A former Panther told me about a group called the Young Patriots who when the Panthers in Chicago met them were carrying Confederate flags, but after the Panthers worked with them were quoting Che and singing IWW songs. LOL! Now I KNOW why the FBI killed Fred...Of course, the FBI probably didn't appreciate Panther connections with Latin groups, not to mention truces between Chicago Black street gangs combined with political education. With all the talk about "black crime," let someone work and try to turn street toughs into politically conscious folk and revolutionaries! Man, the rulers practically lost their minds! (18 hrs ago | post #35)
WHITE FOLKS: YOU need to know what King Knew!
'Sorry it has taken me so long to get back. I posted this on January 15, which was Dr. King's real birthday, not just the official MLK Day. But I was called away to DC to join a talk and interview on Dr. King's legacy--where I was joined by another historian in the University of Md. system and a young sister who works with Black Lives Matter in Washington. And then had to begin return to my university for faculty meetings. I will read the comments here when I get back. To some I will reply. Glad to see Harrisson and Barros found this thread. And, of course, the usual suspects of bigots, white supremacists and the like couldn't resist. LOL Sartre, Fanon, Fromm and Adorno were all RIGHT: You guys are OBSESSED with the objects of your racial disdain. (18 hrs ago | post #34)
I suspect that source is fake since every other source lists Alabama and/or Mississippi as poorest. Not surprising. (Monday Jan 15 | post #13)
WHITE FOLKS: YOU need to know what King Knew!
An elder colleague colleague told me that in about 1966 or 67, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. came to Baltimore. At one gathering he reportedly said: "The difference between us and our bemused white brethren is NOT what they think, and maybe not what WE think. It is not that they're free and wee're not; it's that we KNOW we're not free while they think they are." King reportedly mention that while we're proportionately poorer than whites when compared collectively, there were nonetheless more poor white people in America than the entire Black population. That if white UNDERSTOOD their REAL situation without the delusions of racism, there would probably be MORE whites in these protest demonstrations than Blacks. Racism and the myth of white superiority may feed their egos, but not their bellies. Well I wasn't there yet I find my elder's story believable. For if King didn't say what my elder report while in Baltimore, he certainly did say it in a speech called "The Drum Major Instinct." He said it in a book called WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE: CHAOS OR COMMUNITY? King hoped that his planned Poor Peoples Campaign would arouse and awaken the poor and their allies of all ethnicities, colors and creeds. He was going to lead the FIRST Occupy Movement in the Spring of 1968. He was about to take drastic but NONVIOLENT acts of defiance to the powers that be. But then the powers that be murdered him before he could fully AWAKEN the poor, especially the benighted white poor. Too bad. White folks need to wake the fuuck up! (Monday Jan 15 | post #1)
The RADICAL Martin Luther King: Reclaim the LEGACY!
Today I had a radio conversation with with a young sister who is active with BLM and a fellow scholar. I was most delighted to see the young BLM sister was studying King's writings, and addressing issues of CLASS as well a RACE. As early as the 1950s in his book STRIDE TOWARD FREEDOM King reports that as a youth he "had also learned that the inseparable twin of racial injustice was economic injustice." It still is, and I'm pleased to see that members of DC's Black Lives Matter are aware of this. I've also tried to explain to them that while the exploiters and oppressors are mostly white, it is also true, as Fanon once wrote, that "exploitation can wear a black face as well as a white one." Structural racism, economic class injustice and patriarchal subjection of women must all be done away with. (Monday Jan 15 | post #3)
The RADICAL Martin Luther King: Reclaim the LEGACY!
It's time to put an end to the myth that Dr. King was a conservative Republican, or that he was a Communist--fabrica tions of unstagle minds. But Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a REVOLUTIONARY, and an advocate of REVOLUTIONARY NONVIOLENCE. He had gone past the point of liberal reformism by the time he was killed. He understood that desegregating a lunch counter meant little to millions who couldn't afford a meal, and that for the great mass of Black folk to obtain much benefit from the civil rights victories won by 1965, there would have to be a radical redistribution of political and economic power. But at this point it is not only RACISM that had to be opposed, but economic and class injustice as well. Indeed, racism and economic injustice--which he once described as inseparable twins-that you cannot wholly defeat one without defeating the other. But this requires a Movement of ALL the dispossessed and disinherited: workers of every ethnicity and creed, poor blacks, whites, Latins and whoever else. Indeed, this would involve a challenge to the entire order of capitalism itself. If we REALLY want to honor King, then we must go beyond the eloquent "I have a Dream" speech to the entire legacy--to King's call for a "radical revolution of values" and a "radical redistribution of political and economic power." That is what he was seeking in his efforts to lead the Poor Peoples Campaign. That is what is needed more than ever TODAY. (Monday Jan 15 | post #1)
HAITIAN Brothers and Sisters.......
Even as a boy of 15 I was inspired by the courageous struggles of the Haitian people against slavery and French imperialism. Inspired by the struggles of a Black people in another country who waged the ONLY successful slave insurrection in history. Bravo! (Sunday Jan 14 | post #2)
Racism in America
Actually, when "obamacare " is given its correct name, "the Affordable Care Act," most people approve--even millions of benighted white people. It's only when it's associated with that smart talking black guy that it becomes unpopular for many (Sunday Jan 14 | post #1762)
Leaders say Trump presidency is at odds with MLK's legacy
I can't imagine anyone believing that Trumpism is compatible with the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.