Monday, August 20, 2018

Savant's Words

The remarkable thing about that is that I've found the attitude you speak of more common among some Blacks who were already middle class than among poor Blacks with whom I grew up in East Baltimore. Mostly, they want to leave poverty behind but see no way of doing so. Even the criminal activity that a minority engages in is an unorthodox way of trying to escape poverty, and SOME (not most) even succeed. (As we know many rich whites are descendants of men who became rich, rose out of poverty through criminal means, and then tried to become "respectable. " A famous example from Baltimore was a guy called "Little Willie"--who after becoming rich became "William D. Adams, III). But most of the poor do not resort to criminal activity, and most who do hardly become very successful. Most of the poor, like my parents, work low income jobs and hope for something better for their children. Fortunately, my parents' hope came true to a large extent

All unsavory loon parties--like Republicans and Nazis (now part of Trump's base)--must create a bogeyman alright, conjuring images of hallucinatory dangers while deflecting attention from REAL dangers. Hence the clap trap about threats of terrorism from "black identity extremists" which (like the "Jewish Commie conspiracies" Nazis and many US conservatives rant about) DO NOT EXIST, and deflection of attention from WHITE RIGHT WING EXTREMIST terrorism and dangers of terrorism which DO EXIST. And this paranoid psychology is more widespread in this sick society than is often known. You're more likely to be murdered by a right wing Christian loon, but you're TERRIFIED of Muslims. Or you're a mentally unbalanced white man or woman who's TERRIFIED of "black crime" even thought there's an 87% chance that you will be victimized by another white person. (At least on this point, Blacks are more sane. We don't fear white crime when we know there's a 94% chance such crimes will be done by another Black person. In short, we fear the crime that we actually SUFFER, not (as so many paranoid whites) crimes that we IMAGINE. What we protest is not white crime, but WHITE RACISM.....unless of course, racism is a crime). You have Americans being duped into hating immigrants for taking jobs most American born citizens will not accept anyway, and allow themselves to be duped by Trump's xenophobic hysteria against immigrants. Yet it is the class to which Trump belongs that destroyed the economies of the poorer countries (thereby creating the immigrant crisis), and came within a hair of destroying the economies of the wealthy global northern countries. Yes, the unsavory poliicos--MAINLY right wing (not only)--always need some witch or demon to hunt, when indeed the only demons are those raging through their own hearts and minds.


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