Today, it has been five years since the passing of Michael Brown. Back in 2014, Michael Brown left a convenience store and was shot to death by the then Ferguson officer Darren Wilson. There has been discussions and movements for social change grew ever since. The parents of Michael Brown (Michael Brown Sr. and Lesley McSpadden) have continuously spoken out against extrajudicial killings and any form of unjust gun violence in general. Gun violence is a health crisis and an epidemic in American society. The events in Ferguson back in 2014 represented not only a new era of American history but a new era of the overall black freedom struggle. Ferguson proves that tons of young people are not apathetic, but they are willing to stand up for legitimate social causes. That is why the grassroots activism in Ferguson were made up of young people, women, and others of diverse backgrounds. They didn't want establishment control. They desire change to be encompassing and real in their daily lives. We saw children and adults standing up against militarized police, sound weapons, and the powers of the state. We have witnessed ordinary people, journalists, and activists being hit with tear gas, being unjustly arrested, and experiencing the might of the state while never giving up. After rebellions and some political change, we still have a long way to go in seeing police brutality eradicated. After Michael Brown's passing, a lot of black men, black women, and black children have been killed by police officers, vigilantes, and white supremacists. The recent events in California, El Paso, and Dayton, Ohio made everyone aware that America still hasn't dealt comprehensively with the issue of hate and bigotry.
After these years, many Americans realize the issue of policing and racial profiling. Many individuals know about systematic racism, the mass incarceration, and they sincerely are fighting for solutions to these issues. Other Americans have their heads in the sand, or they just minimize or ignore the legitimate outrage by black people about injustices. Ferguson is a microcosm of America. It was birthed as a suburb of St. Louis. Later, Ferguson has been a victim of housing exploitation, economic exploitation, racism, discrimination, and poverty. Many residents are still fighting for economic and racial justice after five years. Hand Up, BLM, the Dream Defenders, and other organizations are doing amazing work today. Jamala Rogers and other people have shown courageousness in the fight for justice. Years ago, the FBI report proved and documented the massive racist and economically exploitative actions that the Ferguson police department enacted against Ferguson residents spanning years. That is why not only must laws be changed. We have to create investments in establishing a much better society than the past. We want any person to walk in the street and not be judged unfairly by virtue of his or her color. We certainly believe in accountability in the world. We want justice as our black lives always matter.
There is the recent ICE arrest of about 700 people in Mississippi. It was a cruel display of heartless power. Many children waved goodbye to their parents as their parents were taken into custody. These immigration raids were huge. The timing of it is suspicious. This involved the largest raids against immigrants in Mississippi's history. Many children were at school while their parents were arrested by ICE members. Right now, children are crying and suffering confusion on the whereabouts about their parents. Trump wanted to use this to instill fear and irrational bigotry. These raids refutes the notion that Trump has some empathy towards immigrants or the victims of the tragedies in America. ICE agents arrested people in poultry plants. The employers of these employees readily have lax wages and further labor exploitation, while immigrants struggle to survive in America. The solution to this situation isn't xenophobia. It deals with a comprehensive approach that protects the human rights of immigrants while realizing that compassion is better than family dislocation.Some parents have been returned to their children. Some have not been returned. There are many questions about the conduct of the raid, and who was warned about when it took place.
Officials at the Mississippi Child Protection Services said that they weren't given any notice of the raid that would suddenly separate children from their parents and caregivers. The CPS said that the raids will increase their caseload by 50 percent (or 1,200 new children entering their system). These raids definitely involved brutality. One young worker was tasered by an ICE member, and he wasn't detained when the agents discovered that he was a U.S. citizen. This hatred of immigration is embraced by Trump and Stephen Miller (who even hates some legal immigration). Many children have no more shelter and have no other choice but to live with another family member, friend, or neighbor. So, the reality is that these raids are part of an effort to promote an agenda of fear and horrendous extremism.
No one should be shocked at Tucker Carlson's comments. He is what he is. He is the one who demonized Iraqis in racist terms. He has made disrespectful comments for years from his stint at Crossfire at CNN to his show on Trump TV (or FOX News). He said that the epidemic of white racist terrorism in America is a hoax. We know that its not only a lie, but it disrespects the victims of such far right white racist terrorism. There were victims of white terrorism in Charlottesville, Virginia and in other locations nationwide plus worldwide. We have to call out evil if we want goodness to flourish in the world. Much of the GOP is silent about these deadly attacks in El Paso and Dayton, Ohio. Trump's words have spread hate, racism, and xenophobia in America. Even Governor Bill Weld has condemned Trump's words. Innocent people have died as a product of white racists who used their screeds on the Internet to mention their plans, and this person Carlson called these events a "hoax." He is lower than low. Trump thrives on hate and division. We don't believe in hatred of a human being because of his or her creed or background. We believe in the Golden Rule. Each person born on this Earth are created equal, and they are entitled to freedom, justice, and equality.
By Timothy