Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Views on Life.

Stephen Miller's policies definitely want to decrease legal immigration. Trump wants to deny green cards to legal immigrants on public assistance. Using that policy back then would mean that tons of immigrants (who are of Irish, German, Greek, Afro-Caribbean, Italian, and Jewish descent) from the 19th century and early 20th century would never be allowed to be in America. This classist, xenophobic sentiment is embraced by Trump supporter or acolyte Ken Cuccinelli. He lives in Virginia, and I was born in Virginia. Ken was born in New Jersey not in Virginia. People from Virginia know all about Ken, since he was once the Virginian attorney general years ago. Ken Cuccinelli is so extreme that he believes in stripping away birthright citizenship. That plan is a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, since the 14th Amendment mentions that all people born in America is an automatic citizen. Ken once entertained Birtherism (which is the racist lie that Barack Obama was not born in America) until later on. Miller, and others want only rich, mostly people of European descent to come into America as immigrants. In life, you have to keep it real.

Trump's policy will penalize numerous legal immigrants. This comes after a gunman targeted Latino Americans in El Paso, Texas, and another gunman targeted innocent people in Dayton, Ohio. Ken Cuccinelli's lies go against the words found in the Statue of Liberty. Those words are found on a tablet which cites a poem from Emma Lazarus, who was a poet. Emma Lazarus was a Jewish American of Sephardic descent who made the poem to advance tolerance and human dignity. Her ancestors fled the Inquisition in Brazil in order to have a better life. In other words, the words from the Statue of Liberty doesn't discriminate based upon income level. It invites the rich and the poor to come into America if he or she desires. That should be the real value of our country. It is about welcoming the stranger, loving black people, rejecting poor-shaming, and believing in justice for all. Trump wants an immigration policy that punishes even legal immigration if a legal immigrant uses food stamps, Medicaid, etc. So, this policy is conclusive evidence that Trump's policies about immigration is never about concern for the American people. It is about fear, bigotry, and scapegoating immigrants for the deeds done by the one percent for generations. Trump has used racist language, racist policies, and spewed xenophobia. He has demonized black women who oppose his agenda, and he has mocked human beings in other ways. Trump cracking down on legal immigration is representative of cruelty and a sick mentality of hypocrisy.

A lot of news are coming out today. Thousands of Hong Kong protests have shut down a Hong Kong international airport. They desire more democratic freedom. The protesters are against the police violence in Hong Kong. The police used tear gas and rubber bullets including batons in the area. Hong Kong has the 8th largest airport on Earth. The protest movement has lasted for about 10 weeks. The Chinese country has denounced the protests. Some fear that the Beijing military could intervene. While the U;S. is being low key, Chinese leaders have accused Americans of using the protesters as low-key agents of causing a color revolution. Obviously, the Hong Kong protesters are independent of any influence from other nations. Now, the U.S. is still having a trade war with China. Before 1997, Hong Kong was a British colony with little democracy. Today, people of Hong Kong are once again fighting for a stronger democracy. So, we support Hong Kong protesters desiring more freedom, but Hong Kong ought to have autonomy without U.S. control and without brutal Chinese occupation too.

We haven't come all this way into 2019 to acquiesce to the conservative, neoliberal wing of the Democrat Party. Moderates have complained about even Social Security decades ago, and now we see how Social Security (a government program I might add) has helped tons of American lives. Every revolutionary law passed in American history wasn't centrist. It was progressive. We can go down the list. The foreign aid helping millions worldwide, the Civil Rights Act, Medicare, the Voting Rights Act, and like-minded laws are strongly progressive. The common myth is that we have to placate our values at the door to try to get voters who wouldn't vote against Trump anyway. A real solution is to motivate the progressive base and inspire those on the fence (from all 50 states and beyond) to vote against Trump. The refutation of centrism is the following: incrementalism only prolongs massive suffering that the homeless, the oppressed, the poor, etc. experience in their daily lives. It is a band-aid, and only revolutionary solutions will cause long-lasting change in the lives of human beings who experience oppression, bigotry, and poverty. Centrism believes in the lie that a human's freedom is determined by time gradually enacted when freedom ought to be an inborn right immediately given to the human race.

Acquiescing to the status quo is never an option. Another issue is that many Democratic candidates are calling Donald Trump a white supremacist. They're right, but some folks want to tone that down. We won't. We will stand up for our values and call things out as we see it. If someone claims to love capitalism and agrees with massive bailouts of corporations, then that person is a hypocrite, since real capitalism is about the market determining results without any form of government intervention. We don't need capitalism for the poor and socialism for the rich. We want a just, fair system whereby income inequality is addressed. We know what Dr. King said about the moderates. We know Malcolm X was never a moderate. Claudia Jones wasn't one either. The media in many cases tries to shame progressives in saying that certain things are impossible or too radical to exist (when we spend billions of dollars in some affairs without regard to other affairs). The problem is about some rich folks who have more concerns about their privilege instead of advancing universal health care, affordable education, an end to police brutality, an end to the corruption found in the judicial system, and other real policies for change. Bernie Sanders isn't even a super radical person. He is a FDR Democrat like Elizabeth Warren. In Europe, Warren and Sanders would be considered mainline liberals. This race reminds me of 1972, but the difference is that these 2019 candidates have more diversity. In the final analysis, the goal should be that Trump (who is a blatantly racist, xenophobic person) only has one term of office. The good news is that neoliberalism is about to be over. Trump will be gone from office someday. Every Democratic candidate is a whole lot better than Trump in my opinion. We realize that plans are important. Therefore, we have to be inspiring and bold in our vision.

By Timothy