Friday, June 12, 2020

A New Era is Here and the Fights for Change.

With people bringing down the statue of the racist Jefferson Davis (in Richmond, Virginia) and calls for the elimination of Confederate statues, we live in a new era of our time. When even Nascar has issued a policy of banning Confederate flags in their arenas, we certainly cherish that news. The Confederate flag's history and the Confederacy's history are well known. The Confederacy based their proposal on the bondage of black human lives. There is no other way to put it. The Confederate flag is not only racist and evil. It is hurtful for black people, because the history behind the flag is linked to oppression. Trump rejects changing the names of military bases named after Confederate generals. For Trump to plan on visiting Tulsa to express a campaign speech on Juneteenth is a slap in the face of black people. Tulsa is the place where Black Wall Street (which had a flourishing community) was destroyed by white racist terrorists in 1921.

Trump knows what he is doing. Trump is overt is in his racism. He said that neo-Confederates and Nazis were fine people. He called majority black nations slurs. He refuses to respect a peaceful protest of injustice during the expression of the national anthem. He said that a Mexican American judge can't judge an immigration case fairly because of his Mexican heritage. He called a black Congresswoman Maxine Waters as having low IQ, which is a lie. He called Omarosa a "dog." So, no one on this Earth can tell me that Trump is righteous. Trump is an evil white racist. Trump also promotes imperial bombings in Somalia. Racism is always wrong. It's wrong when black Democrats experience it, and it is wrong when black Republicans experience it like Tim Scott (who was constantly racially profiled even when he worked as a Senator alone). More and more people are trying to eliminate racism. A global system of capitalist exploitation by oligarchs contributes to the evils that we see in society today.

Lebron James is heading a program to help people to vote and educate citizens on the tactics of those who want to suppress voting rights in America. If voting is useless, why are evil people using policies in trying to suppress the vote? The Supreme Court banning Section 5 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act was not only wrong, but it showed a concerted effort by some in hampering our rights. The truth is that voting is important, because voting can deal with judges, voting helps to invest in our communities, and voting can allow the right politicians to protect the rights of black people, other people of color, women, and other minorities. Lebron James' group is called More Than a Vote. Voting is not the only solution that we should do. We should use action in combating police brutality, racism, economic injustice, etc. Yet, voting is very important.

Lebron James is working with other famous athletes like Trae Young, Syklar Diggins-Smith of the WNBA, and former player Jalen Rose. As an African American, our ancestors fought long and hard for voting rights. That is why I will always vote in making sure that our interests and our rights are thoroughly represented. Lebron James has his school in Akron, Ohio. Lebron James' legacy will not only be one of the greatest basketball players in history. He will also be remembered as one of the great social activists of the 21st century. MLB Players showing a Black Lives Matter banner shows us that times have changed. Lebron James said that he is inspired by Muhammad Ali, Bill Russell, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and Oscar Robertson. All of the people that he has cited are legendary social activists in their own rights. Lebron James has shown the right way in inspiring the youth and proving that political activism is one solution in our overall goal: justice.

George Floyd's brother gave a powerful speech in favor of change. This comes about when legislation that deals with police reform. The question is whether the Senate came go along to pass such legislation. Some people among both parties have promised bipartisan cooperation. We have seen this before. The Democratic bill has many strong parts to it. To ban lynching and to ban racial profiling are powerful items. The bill obviously isn't perfect. That is why we shall see what will happen. The bill does have a national registry of crooked cops and other policies. All branches of government must be involved in the solution making process. For a long time, many police officers have worked as agents of the oligarchy and the power structure instead of advancing freedom and justice for all. Long ago, many cops were slave patrols. Some, back then, harmed labor rights protesters. Some used water hoses and dogs to harm innocent black men, black women, and even black children. Therefore, black people and oppressed people in general have a complicated relationship with the police. That is why it is clear during this generation that we can't embrace a moderate proposition. We must have justice at once. The outside judge criticized Barr and the DOJ who wanting to drop the case on Flynn. The judge said that Barr is using politics in trying to get his way. Many military leaders including one National Guard member said that the Trump administration was wrong to forcibly harm peaceful protesters in Washington, D.C. in order for a photo op to exist.

By Timothy

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