Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A New Time in the Goal of Justice.

Today, the homecoming ceremony to remember the life of George Floyd is completed. George Floyd was a man, who just before his passing, was mentoring the youth. He helped his family and his community. Also, he was part of a ministry. George Floyd has grown to be a better human being in many ways by the time of 2020. The ceremony in Houston celebrated his life, and it was a call for change to come. Over 400 years of oppression against people of black African descent is not only evil and unjustified. It is certainly a fact that should make it clear that there can be no wiggle room. Moderation won't cut it. We desire revolutionary change, freedom, and justice. Racism, economic injustice, xenophobia, and police brutality should be gone from this world period. As many cities witness new reforms and a new federal bill calling for reform exists, we are in the beginning stages of a long battle for the freedom of our people. There is no way on Earth that you can have freedom for the human race unless black people are free. Now, we have some good news of Confederate statues being taken down.

During the funeral, George Floyd's niece spoke powerfully about the realities found in America, and the need for real change. She said when was America great. Record demonstrations worldwide show us that the younger people in this generation include some of the most progressive human beings in human history. There is no other way to put it. In my lifetime, I have never seen so many people around the world coming together and protesting for the human dignity of black lives. Al Sharpton is right that every time an African American signs our names on documents, it is reminder of how slave owners mistreated our ancestors. More people realize that slave patrols was an easy form of policing. Real freedom is also about clean water, housing rights, land, universal health care, great schools, jobs, and adequate income for all people. The church service is commonplace among many black American funerals with readings from both testaments, words from relatives, music, celebration, mourning, and renewal. We will never stand for the status quo. Like always,

Black Lives Matter.

The Documentary Be Water has been shown on ESPN. It is based on the life of Bruce Lee. With the events going on today, we see how his story has relevance in our time. Long ago, there was the Chinese Exclusion Act which banned Chinese people from coming into America. Bruce Lee hated the anti-Asian bigotry and racism that he has suffered. He studied martial arts not only as a means of self-defense. He wanted to use the martial arts to help people of every color and to show an empowered non-stereotypical image of Asian people. Lee invented Jeet Kune Do or the way of the intercepting fist. This martial art utilized hand and leg movements to not only use offense, but it was created to defensively protect oneself from an opponent.

A lot of people don't know that Kareem Abdul Jabbar (who is a martial artist) was his friend. Jim Kelly, Joe Lewis, Bob Wall, Dan Inosanto, and other expert martial arts have mentioned that Bruce Lee was a great martial artist. Bruce Lee passed away from head pains. In truth, Bruce Lee passed away from working himself to death along with using pain medicine (causing cerebral edema). The body can only do so much. Bruce Lee would workout every day non-stop to the extreme. I do mean everyday. Therefore, the human body will shut down if you work out too much. That is why any human needs sleep adequately in order to improve the immune system, etc. Bruce Lee was trained by Ip Man , and he wanted to teach people of every color martial arts. Bruce Lee used philosophy to connect his thinking to what was real. He wanted to be like water metaphorically in order to perfect his skills. Bruce Lee helped to show more positive representation of Asian people in TV plus film. I watched all his movies including the Game of Death. Bruce Lee was the godfather of MMA and was an excellent martial artist plus philosopher.

The myth of many reactionaries is that the phrase "defund the police" should be completely shunned. The truth is the defunding the police means different things to different people. To some, it means to divest some resources from the police into developing communities, eliminating militarized policing, and improving education plus funding other social programs. Other people want to eliminate corruption. Some people want to end the police system as we know it. You have the right to agree or disagree with that proposal. Both Biden and Trump oppose defunding the police. Yet, it is true that something must be done. Activists have worked in this issue for years and decades. Most people agree that banning no knock warrants, eliminating racial profiling, no cops doing neck restraints, and eliminating militarized weapons for local police should exist.

By Timothy

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