Friday, June 05, 2020

Will all of America open its eyes to Injustice?

There has been a massive criticism against the quarterback of Drew Brees (who plays for the New Orleans Saints) over his inaccurate comments. Later, Brees backtracked and apologized for his words. Brees originally said that Kaepernick kneeing when the national anthem was playing was disrespectful to the flag. Obviously, Colin Kaepernick was never being disrespectful. He wasn't disrespecting the flag or the troops. Many of the greatest heroes in fighting corruption in America have been military troops (including military veterans like the late Hosea Williams and the late Medgar Evers). Many troops support what Colin Kaepernick has been doing. He was inspired to do his action by a military member. You know who is truly disrespectful to American society. He is Trump. Trump has threatened governors that if those governors don't follow his ways, then he would restrict funding to them. Trump has used military troops on the streets of Washington, D.C. (Trump has disrespected the family of a military veteran too back in 2016. General Mattis has criticized Trump for not uniting American people and being a threat to the Constitution). Donald Trump has supported police forces to use tear gas, batons, flash grenades, etc. against innocent, peaceful protesters in D.C.. Trump has used the Bible as a political prop, while he has placed migrant children in cages, slandered majority black nations, and cursed out NFL protesters of injustice. When you got even Michael Jordan and the Rock (folks not known for their super political activism in public) speak out and say that enough is enough, we have a problem.

Trump has talked about shooting, but he has praised paramilitary far right extremists in a Michigan state capitol carrying semiautomatic weapons and threatening plus cursing out police. The original national anthem of America had a secret verse in it that praised slavery. The writer of the anthem, who was Francis Scott Key, was a slave owner and a racist. Then, folks wonder why people are protesting against systematic racism, against police brutality, and against economic injustice. Kaepernick did a great job in educating many folks on how police brutality and racial injustice are evils that must be eradicated from our world. He has funded classes on defending our rights, he has funded efforts to bail out protesters, and he has spoken out on important issues. I don't agree with Drew Brees' original comments at all. Many Saints teammates and Lebron James has disagreed with his comments too. In America, we don't play that. We will fight for our rights, protest, and speak our minds. That is our mentality. We desire justice for all as Black Lives always matter. Now, Drew Brees has apologized for his "disrespecting the flag" comments. Brees need to realize that the same struggle for freedom and justice is not about disrespecting a flag. It is about seeing black lives respected and making sure that real democratic principles are advanced in this society (which has been denied from so many for so long). Many people are united to advance real change. Brees knows what he is doing. He is a grown man. When pressure came to him, then he backtracked from his original comments. That is why black voices matter to educate the world on our story and our intention for unconditional liberation.

Right now, every officer, involved in the brutal murder of George Floyd, has been charged. There is the upgrading of the charge against Derek Chauvin (who put the knee on the neck of George Floyd for over 8 minutes) to second degree murder. The other 3 officers have been charged with aiding and abetting second degree murder. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison is confident that he will get a conviction for all of those involved. We shall see. The good news is that all 4 officers were charged. Yet, we have a long way to go in seeing real justice for the family of George Floyd. This will be a long journey, but this first step of charging these crooked cops is a necessary step. In America, we have had enough. Enough is enough. We don't want to see any of our Brothers and our Sisters killed period. Police brutality is wrong, and it has no place anywhere in the Universe. Massive protests are existing now in Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, Boston, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and other places of America. This fight for justice is not easy, but the younger generation has shown the world that justice is our only course. The memorial service in Minneapolis was very emotional. His relatives told stories about the early life of George Floyd, how he washed clothes, and ate bananas and mayonnaise sandwiches. Attorney Benjamin Crump wanted to promote equal protection under the law revolving around the case. Al Sharpton gave a powerful address in the memorial service to say that they should keep their knee off our necks. That metaphor rings true. We don't want oppression on our necks. People know the truth. People know that what George Floyd experienced was completely wrong. That is why we have seen massive protests in the streets of America. The service had prayer, many speakers, and many celebrity guests there to give support and honor to the memory of George Floyd. George Floyd was a kind soul who became a greater man as time went on. He loved his family, and God reminds us that his life should motivate everybody to become better people in ending the injustices that harm this world. We believe in righteousness. Therefore, the best way to honor the memory of George Floyd is to fight for change in our communities, be involved in social change, vote, build in our communities, fight police terrorism, hold evil people accountable, and treat everybody with dignity and with respect.

2020 certainly is a year that is one of the most important years in human history. While Mitch McConnell cowardly doesn't want to critique Trump's terrible response to peaceful protesters in Washington, D.C., we will speak out in criticizing a terrible administration. Days ago, on Tuesday, we have seen thousands of peaceful protesters demonstrate in over 200 cities of America. The vast majority of the events were peaceful. While we disagree with unjust violence, many people omit other forms of violence in our world. Poverty is violence, police brutality is violence, and the conditions of oppression are the representatives of horrendous violence too. These forms of violent conditions are deplorable. The protesters have experienced curfews, mass arrests, and police abuse, but they are still here to advocate for the creed of freedom plus justice. The unjust murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis represented another new era of our history. As black people, our eyes have been open.

Today, people from other backgrounds increasingly are finally waking up to witness the fact that piecemeal change will never cut it. Only structural, revolutionary change matters in the development a system of justice beneficial for all. Polls show that the majority of Americans support the protests in America, and they disagree with Trump's response to this whole situation. We have seen demonstrations in favor of black human rights in London, in Paris, in Berlin, in Copenhagen, in Amsterdam, in Dublin, in Auckland, in Sydney, in Tehran, in Halifax (in Canada), in Idlib (Syria), and in other places of the world. We are living history today. Some omit information about some of the police forces targeting not only demonstrators, but many have targeted journalists plus photographers. In Philadelphia alone, many evil people assaulted protesters and media people. We have seen innocent journalists being hit with pepper spray or unjustly arrested by some members of the police. We have exposed how white racists created a fake pro-Antifa account to advocate for violence. Still, we will defend the right to oppose racism plus oppose police brutality, the freedom of speech, the right to assembly, the freedom of the press, and the right to express our legitimate grievances. The black freedom movement remains stronger.

By Timothy

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