Now, Spring will come about soon. Even within a short span of time, the world has changed so much. We have white racist extremists threatening America domestically. You have Joe Manchin promoting his DLC compromising agenda. Tons of Americans have recieved both vaccines already, and new vaccines are developing all of the time. Many far right extremists are more concerned about Dr. Seuss books (Even I knew years ago that Dr. Seuss made racist caricature images in his early literature) than freedom of the oppressed. It is the height of absurdity to assume that Dr. Seuss, Donald Trump, and other people are immune from critique. While this is going onward, many folks ignore the real issues of racial oppression, radiation poisoning, imperialism, gentrification, and black consciousness issues. We reject silliness, and we believe in justice for all. One of the most important propaganda movements in the world among our people is that FBA and ADOS movements. Both movements claim to be different from each other, but they do have similarities. Both movements readily bash black people of the African Diaspora who aren't African Americans, many of their followers are overtly xenophobic, both movements lie and slander Pan-African unity, and both movements make a near idol out of America instead of loving black people regardless of nationality. That is why I will forever be in opposition to the FBA and ADOS movements period. Yes, I have debated FBA and ADOS followers on the Internet before too. Every single argument that they use are easily refuted, and one of the founders of ADOS had ties to an anti-immigration leader (he's dead now) who was a white supremacist John Tanton. That is why many Hoteps (who are so angry that Trump rightfully lost that election, they they are calling black people dumb and angry in Internet sites. Some of these traitorous anti-black Hoteps are people that I broke bread with years ago. Now, they betrayed their people when tons of black people now do built and work hard in their lives) believe in Trump who glorified violence, disrespected women, made racist remarks, and agitated the treasonous, terrorist mob to invade the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. One great report refuting the agenda of the ADOS movement is entitled, "Understanding ADOS: The Movement to Hijack Black Identity and Weaken Black Unity," which was written by the Sister Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor. The founder of the FBA movement is Tariq Nasheed.
Tariq is the male who once glorified macking women in books without apologizing (like the deceiver Charleston White who admitted that he once pimped women without apologizing. Only a sick person pimps women), Nasheed said that black single women aren't entitled to reparations, Tariq said that white women suffered more than black people, Tariq called black women slurs if they date a certain person (but his wife is a product of an interracial relationship. His mother in law is a white woman and rumored former police officer), he lusted after Brooke Hogan once, he came to Brazil years ago to lust after white Brazilian women, and he lied about the real progressive hero Kirsten West Savali. Nasheed even lied about the ethnicity of Kirsten's late husband. So, Tariq (who is a notorious misogynist) has deplorable character. By their fruits, you shall know them. I won't back down from my legitimate core convictions either. One tired argument from ADOS deceivers is that they say we talk about stats and lineage. Anyone can talk about economic inequality, stats, lineage, the wealth gap in racial terms, etc. without disparaging and slandering Africans and Afro-Caribbeans. The real enemy is not Africans or Afro-Caribbeans. The real enemy is the capitalist 1% who makes it their business to play people against each other for their own political, financial benefit. You will notice how these ADOS and FBA liars don't talk about Wall Street, capitalist exploitation, resisting imperialism, and standing up for black liberation globally, because they don't care about certain black people (which is totally evil). That is why we need healing among the human family, including all people of the blessed black African Diaspora. You can't love black people without loving black people of every nationality. You can't be a true revolutionary unless you desire all black people to be free globally. You can't be pro-black unless you have solidarity with black people worldwide regardless of nationality. I do believe in black pan-African unity.
The D.C. National Guard commander said that unusual Pentagon restrictions slowed the response to the U.S. Capitol response. Also the DHS and the FBI said that there are online chatter of extremists trying to storm the U.S. Capitol again on March 4, 2021. Intelligence and security officials testified on Capitol hill today. The commanding general of the Washington, D.C. National Guard said that he didn't need authority from Pentagon leader to respond to the protests at D.C. last summer during the anti-police brutality protests. Later, he said that a strange January 5, 2021 memo said that he required approval from the Secretary of the Army and the Defense before preparing troops to response to the violence. Walker said that it took Army leaders more than 3 hours to authorize the use of troops to help end the terrorist insurrection against the U.S. Capitol. Walker said that he had the troops and the gear to intervene. His timeline of events were similar to the one outlined by Chairman of the Joints Chiefs, General Mark Milley said in his interview with the Washington Post. Homeland Security Robert Salesses that that full D.C. National Guard was activated within an hour. Despite their disagreements, many officials blame the Pentagon for not responding fast enough to help human beings. The Pentagon officials said that they repeatedly offered more national guardsmen before January 6 with them being turned down. So, an investigation have to continue to find the total truth.
Times are changing in the world. Soon, it will be the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Time is going so fast as I remember 9/11 just like yesterday. It was on Tuesday Morning when it occurred. This year is the 160th anniversary of the start of the American Civil War, the 60th year anniversary of the North Carolina sit-ins, and the 40th years anniversary of the start of the Reagan Presidency. My generation saw the fruit of Reaganism harm the lives of so many people. It isn't just one party involved in the compromising politics of our time. Historically, both major parties spanning centuries have been complicit in corruption. It is just that for years, one party has been so overt in their promotion of voter suppression, austerity, overt imperialism, and the allegiance to Trump instead of honoring truth. The combination of events like the devastating coronavitrus, the increase of mail in voting, the widespread increase of registered voters, and the mobilization of social activism nationwide contributed to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris having a victory in the 2020 election. I'm glad that Trump lost the 2020 election, because enough was enough. Likewise, we can't be naive during this time. Even in 2021, there continues to be a rise of racist terrorists, right wing extremism, and those who love misinformation instead of wisdom. We still have safe drinking water problems in Texas and Jackson, Mississippi. For weeks, Jackson has lacked safe, healthy drinking water.
This came after the winter storm that spread across the deep South. These events didn't exist in a vacuum. After WWII, there was a massive expansion of technology, Western markets, and an end of colonialism in many places. America and the Soviet Union competed for hegemony. By the 1960's, West Germany and Japan grew their markets. The Vietnam War (during the 1960's and the 1970's) grew causing inflation and an economic burden in America. That reality combined with deindustralization (which came in the 1950's, 1960's, and beyond in America) caused the economy to shift from industry to more service jobs. That caused jobs to decline, and the multinational corporations using Chicago School Economics to dominate the market. Reagan's trickled down economics didn't work causing an expansion of income inequality. Bill Clinton saw economic growth in the 1990's. Yet, there was the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999 and the Welfare Reform Act. That deregulated the functions of banks and contributed heavily to the economic crisis of 2008. Today, we have seen many changes as young people are among the most progressive people in human history. There are laws on the books that help many people in the human family. Yet, we still have a very long way to go in dealing with racial oppression, economic injustice, the environment, foreign policy matters (as war hawks are still abundant in the political establishment), climate change, etc. That is why the oppressed and working class have every right to unite and mobilize to stand up against injustices.
By Timothy