President Joe Biden said that his administration will soon be on track to have 100 million pandemic vaccine doses administered to Americans. This is just 58 days after the start of his Presidency. In many places, vaccine cases have gone down, and in other states they have increased. We have new variants, and the virus has grown again via the third wave in numerous locations of Europe. That is why many countries in Europe are having renewed lockdowns. The Post Office found out that there is no evidence that there is voting fraud in the state of Pennsylvania. The big lie (i.e. of Trump winning the 2020 election. 62% percent of Republicans in 2021 believe in the lie that Biden lost the 2020 Presidential election) has been promoted by many GOP members. In Georgia, Trump is being investigation for possible criminal involvement in trying to stop an election. In the final analysis, the truth is important to advance. The cults of Qanon, Trump supporters, and other people make no sense. The insurrection in 2021 at the U.S. Capitol shows us that evil exists, and we will promote goodness instead.
Biden called Putin a killer. Putin responded to him that he wishes Biden "good health." You can interpret that as you wish, but the relationship between America and Russia is very bad. Biden said that Putin will pay a price for his efforts to undermine the 2020 American elections. Putin wants to discuss or debate the issues between himself plus Biden live without pre-recorded questions (in an open and direct discussion). Biden's foreign policy is something completely different from Trump. I agree with Biden on signing up to the Paris Climate Accords, disagreeing with Putin, and going out to fight for a new Iranian nuclear deal. I don't agree with Biden on his support of the Iraq War and some of his borderline neo-conservative thinking on issues. Putin is what he is. Putin is not a hero nor a freedom fighter. He is a far right nationalist autocrat who has policies and laws that violate the fundamental liberties of the Russian people. Evangelism is heavily restrict in Russia now. So, Putin shouldn't be glorified as a saintly man. He is an adversity of democracy.
The recent murders of Asian people in the Atlanta area are evil and disturbing. The Mayor of Atlanta Keisha Lance Bottoms, police leaders, and people in the community are in unison to condemn the evil acts of murder. The murderer claims that he didn't do these acts because of race but because of another reason. We know that this murderer targeted Asians because of race making his act being a hate crime period. The murderer specifically targeted Asian people because he had a fetish of Asian women. It wasn't because he had some addiction, because he purposely targeted Asian people. Regardless, in America, we have seen a rise of hate crimes against Asian Americans. We are clear that we condemn hate crimes of any kind, we reject assaulting innocent people, we reject racial scapegoating of Asian people for the pandemic, and we believe in justice for all. Since March of 2020, nearly 4,000 hate crimes have existed against Asian Americans in all 50 states. We must defeat racism, xenophobia, and any form of bigotry in the world. Part of the solution is to condemn such evils, educate people, and use policies that eliminates the structures of racism and oppression. With following the Golden Rule, you never go wrong. You go right with treating any human with dignity and with respect.
Asian activists are quite right to condemn the fetishization and sexualization of Asian women during this time. We have known for this for years. As black people, even our bodies (both black men and black women) have been fetishized and sexualized by evil people even in our generation and centuries ago. Now, the Cherokee County Georgia Sheriff Capt. Jay Baker is accused of posting a photo of a racist, Anti-Asian shirt on Facebook in dealing with the virus. That is why one police officer was nonchalant in calling these crimes "just a bad day." These are not bad days, but overt terrorism. Therefore, we are clear that we treat all human beings with dignity and with respect. All human beings are created equal, and hate crimes of any sort have no problem anywhere in the Universe. Those, who commit hate crimes against Asian people, black people, or any human being of any background should be in prison period.
Senator Raphael Warnock has spoke out against the new voter suppression laws. Senate Democrats are showing their voting election bill to the Congress. Republicans in state legislatures are proposing over 250 bills to suppress the voting rights of the people. 12 House Republicans refuse to honor the Capitol police. This shows them as being hypocrites. Many of those 12 Republicans may have links to militia groups. Recently, 4 more Proud Boys were arrested for their roles in the U.S. Capitol terrorist insurrection. A Texas man was arrested near the Vice Presidential resident. This person had a large rifle and a large capacity clip. The U.S. Secret Service agents detained the man. He is Paul Murray of San Antonio being 31 years old. He had unregistered ammunition. This person said that he wanted to talk to the President. Murray said that he wanted to take care of "his problem" by buying an AR-15. Also, there has been tons of black media sources of information censored or banned in YouTube and other platforms unjustly. It's a shame. Yet, we want to give those independent black media voices a thank you for their service to the truth.
By Timothy