Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Early March 2021 News.


FBI Director Christopher Wray gave his testimony to Congress about many issues from the threat of domestic terrorism to FBI readiness. He said that white racist terrorist groups are the largest domestic threat in America right now. He said that the anarchist group of Anitifa had no role in the January 6, 2021 insurrection. He called the insurrection deplorable and a threat to our democracy. Democrats and Republicans asked him questions about FBI resources, the suspects caught, and future efforts to enhance national security. We live in a different world since 2001. Since 9/11, domestic terrorism has expanded in many areas of America. Trump agitated hatred, racism, sexism, etc. via his speeches,his Tweets, and his provocation of extremists too. The sad part is that tons of people knew that such an evil event would count for a long time. The FBI Director said that certain aspects of the riot was coordinated and planned.  Senator Hawley of Missouri certainly is a person who raised his fist to praise the terrorists before the mob invaded the U.S. Capitol. Therefore, we have to be clear to not only condemn terrorism. We have to create solutions in making sure that the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6 never happens again.


No one should be surprised at Bill Maher and Megyn Kelly allying with each other. Maher is known for his Islamophobia, caught saying the n word and for his faux talking points. When Maher disrespected Wayne Brady using racist stereotypes, then that shows how Maher is the fake liberal. Many black women have accused Maher of verbally abusing them. Megyn Kelly was part of FOX News, was fired from NBC for justifying the racist blackface image, and hates the ideology of promoting anti-racist activism. Maher had coddled the racist Ann Coulter too. Kelly lied and said that "cancel culture" caused her firing. No, she was fired for justifying anti-black racism. Kelly is silent on her previous network of FOX calling Michelle Obama "Obama's babymama," and she demonized a black teenage girl (who was assaulted in Texas by a cop) as "no saint." She said that black communities have a "thug mentality." So, we know racists like this. They make millions of dollars demonizing our people, then lecture us on "victimhood" when they have tons of privilege. Kelly lied and said that any person exposing white racism and black bodies dying is racist. Right now, black people are hospitalized from the virus 2.9x the rate of white Americans are 1.5x more likely to die from the disease. People like Maher and Kelly embrace a historical revisionism not the real truth about what's going on in America.


The GOP at the CPAC rally including Trump are still promoting the lie that the 2020 election was stolen and is illegitimate. We know of the crowd found at CPAC. They include racists, sexists, xenophobes, extreme free market advocates, and others who care more for one man than for the American people collectively. Some Trump supported made even a golden idol of Trump. Every effort by the far right extremists used to try to make Trump steal the 2020 election failed. The attacks on our democracy failed during the most important election of our lifetimes in 2020. Georgia is one state that ground zero in trying to promote more voter suppression. That is why Democrats are trying to end the aim of some to cut early voting. Arizona and Pennsylvania also have extremists trying to overhaul U.S. election laws. That is why legal scholars, lawyers, and activists should do their part to get the legal system involved to stop voter suppression proposals (like trying to harm vote by mail).


Two Days Ago, Vernon Jordan passed away at the age of 85 years old. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia. He was a civil rights activist. Later, he advised many Presidents like Bill Clinton. From working with lawyers to desegregate the University of Georgia to working with many civil rights groups, he promoted equality in his life. He earned a Juris Doctor at Howard University School of Law in 1960. He worked hard to cause African Americans Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton E. Holmes to go into the University of Georgia. He fought for voting rights from the 1960's to the time of his passing. He was the executive director of the United Negro College Fund and President of the National Urban league. He loved his children and grandchildren.

Rest in Power Brother Vernon Jordan.



By Timothy