Some historical news have recently come about. Deb Haaland is now confirmed as the 54th United States Secretary of the Interior. She is the first Native American woman to be part of a Presidential cabinet in American history. It is a long time coming, but she earned her new job as U.S. Secretary of the Interior. As a lifetime lover of environmental protection, she is an outstanding, progressive human being. The Senate vote to confirm her was 51 to 40. Back in 2018, she was one of the 2 first women Native Americans in Congress. Indigenous leaders and progressive campaigned for her to make sure that our natural resources, public lands, and Native American sovereignty are respected. This event is a huge deal that we should thankful for. The first people in America are the Native Americans. They traveled from Siberia into the Americas. For centuries, they have experienced unjustified torture, rape, abuse, theft of lands, violations of treaties, and other evils. Today, suffering exists in many forms, but our commitment for justice for all remains. We have one Earth, and Haaland will do an excellent job in building up the environment that we all share.
Now, the state of Texas further want voter suppression efforts. The GOP in Texas who want these bills passed are hypocrites. They claim that they want to stop voter fraud, but there is no massive voter fraud, and such a voter suppression policy will harm democracy. In Georgia, many corporations are pressured to oppose voter suppression bills in that state. Coca Cola and Home Depot have decided to oppose the Georgia anti-voting legislation. These bills in both states are so bad that they are nothing more than modern day Jim Crow legislation. Many Republicans can't stand defeat, so we have to maintain the right to vote as a fundamental human right. It is not a secret that ever since the 1965 Voting Rights Act was signed into law, extremists want to suppress that law (in harming black people's right to vote even today in 2021). There is no being moderate on this issue. We know that racists and far right extremists like the Boogaloo Boys, the Proud Boys, various militias groups, etc. have incited violence and committed violence against innocent people. Individuals like Senator Ron Johnson have omitted this reality. There is no moral equivalency between BLM and Trump supporting terrorists who invaded the U.S. Capitol. The choice is clear that you are either for democracy or not. We are for democracy.
One disturbing news is that Republican Senator Ron Johnson is minimizing the terrorists at the U.S. Capitol. Ron Johnson said that he wasn't in fear of the rioters in the Capitol, but he would be afraid if the people there were BLM and Antifa. He promotes the lie that BLM are equivalent to terrorists. The number one terrorist domestic terror threat is not BLM. These threats are white racist nationalists who seek to end multicultural American democracy. These racists have explicitly stated this on their documents and on the Internet. That is why we are clear that systematic racism and economic oppression must be eliminated all over the world. The terrorists at the U.S. Capitol don't love this country. They hate America and all that it stands for. If someone loves America, they wouldn't seek to destroy property in the Capitol. Ron Johnson is certainly wrong on every level. Johnson is the same person who claimed Speaker Nancy Pelosi of being involved in the riot. He refused to called the terrorist attack an armed insurrection. He lied and said that leftist groups were involved. He even said that deaths from the virus are "necessary sacrifices" to keep the economy up. He is a wicked, callous person. He even called terrorists (involved in the attack at the U.S. Capitol) as those who love this country. His words are straight up racist and appeals to those who want to revert back to a time in America where people, who look like me, couldn't vote.
Today, the migrant crisis continues. This involves around immigration, and it has a complicated history. Long ago, European imperialists dominated Latin America and North America too (from the conquistadors to British banking interests). After independence movements came about, many Latin American nations had different factions like sincere progressives and reactionaries. For decades, many American interests wanted to establish economic exploitation instead of human rights or addressing humanitarian concerns. For example, the U.S. military occupied Haiti during the early 20th century, Trump supports the far right radical President in Brazil, and for decades large embargoes existed against Cuba (that harmed human civilian lives). Corporations from the West readily exploited Latin American workers and the poor. So, after climate change increases, social disorders, and other economic complications, many migrants are risking their lives to go into America for survival. Asylum laws exist, but a more comprehensive solution is needed to solve this complex situation.
A new government report confirmed that Russia tried to strife and harm the 2020 election in order to try to cause a Trump victory and harm the Biden campaign. So, we know that many Russian intelligence types used hacking and election meddling which is completely wrong. The 2020 election was a defeat of Russian intelligence interests who wanted to ruin the election. Democracy is fragile, but the American people are very resilient. The young girls basketball team at Norman High School won the state title after an announcer made a racist remark. Many Norman players rightfully kneeled to protest injustice. The racist announcer is named Matt Rowan. Rowan gave his token, anemic "apology" blaming diabetes for his outburst. That is a lot of mess, and everyone knows this. What is important is to encourage these young athletes on whatever they desire to do. One of the most important issues in America is how GOP leaders are promoting voter suppression bills so bad that they are similar to the anti-voting Jim Crow laws in America decades ago. That is why we must defend our right to vote with earnest and zeal. Stacey Abrams and other people are asking corporations to not fund these anti-voting policies.
By Timothy