Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Getting Views Out into the Public.


As a person who has studied Middle Eastern issues for over 2 decades, we know what is going on. A far right wing administration in Israel, run by Benjamin Netanyahu, is justifying his aggressive, heinous bombing under the guise of "self-defense." The reality is that provocative events from Palestinians being evicted to the provocation at the Al Alsqa Mosque contributed to this crisis. A long time ago, the Ottoman Empire ruled the region by the early 20th century. Later, WWI ended the Ottoman Empire was gone. The British Empire controlled the region and could not end the tensions. Then, Israel was a nation. Many lands in the region were uprooted from Palestinian people. Also, massive racism, discrimination, and other forms of occupation and oppression exist in the West Bank and Gaza. Gaza is basically a prison. Sanitary issues, environmental problems, and heavy civil rights violations consume Gaza and the West Bank. Also, Netanyahu has been accused of corruption for years. He allied with far right wing interests and Gulf States have turned a blind eye to Palestinian plight. The Gulf States and Israel are funded by America in the billions of dollars regardless if the administration is Republican or Democratic. Not to mention that we see massive protests in favor of the end of the violence and chaos. Biden is acting too cool and too moderate. Biden must be brave to call what it is out in public. The status quo won't work.


Many leaders of the DSA have posted tweets celebrating the 1940 assassination of Leon Trotsky. That is wrong as assassination against innocent people is wrong and evil. This proves how the crimes of Stalinism will be forever condemned and exposed. The Stalinist GPU agent Roman Mercader was a coward and a murderer of Trotsky. Stalin promoted a massive authoritarian, totalitarian mass murder campaign. Stalin persecuted independent progressive activists in the Soviet Union via the Great Purge and other events. Stalin promoted the Moscow Trials and the Great Terror which is in violation of many democratic freedoms. During the Great Terror form 1936 to 1940, Stalin and his regime murdered over 1 million revolutionaries, poets, intellectuals, and artists. Leon Trotsky wasn't perfect, but he never ever condone the Great Terror or genocide against political dissidents in the millions. Therefore, we have to set the record straight.


Carol Leonnig's new book on the Secret Service called Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service showed that some Secret Service agents expressed sympathy for the evil January 6, 2021 insurrection against the U.S. Capitol. Carol Leonnig also wrote that Presidents like Trump misused their Secret Service for political exploitation. The book also mentioned that Nixon used the Secret Service to eavesdrop on his political opponents. Trump sent the Secret Service to areas where the pandemic was spreading massively. At least over 300 Secret Service agents have contacted the pandemic. Joel Greenberg has plead guilty to six federal charges. Joel is a former Florida tax collector. He was a close friend to Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz. Joe Greenberg admitted that he knowingly solicited and paid for a minor for sex which is a felony. He agreed to work with the federal government to tell everything to the government about what he has done and knows. He plead to avoid facing 33 other federal charges. Greenberg has agreed to give tons of assistance to prosecutors. Gaetz has denied any wrongdoing, but with this new development Gaetz could be charged. Greenberg has said that he and Gaetz exchanged cash or fits in exchange for things. This also deals with the evil of sex trafficking, corruption, and the hypocrisy of the GOP claiming to be a "family values" party but having these massive scandals constantly. 

41.7 percent of all American adults are fully vaccinated. The debate is about the CDC for mask wearing. The CDC wants people fully vaccinated to not wear a mask except in select locations. Many doctors and nurses oppose the measure as putting their lives and the lives of patients at risk of illness and death. Another issue is that people can lie about their vaccination status. Some major retailers drop mask requirements. Different companies will have different standard on how to promote their own mask policies. Not to mention that many children have the virus including other variants. We have a changing dynamic where older Americans are having it less and young Americans are having it more. Not to mention that the virus is very harsh in other countries like India. Biden promises to send more vaccinations to India.


It's all about intention in dealing with this issue. Does Kevin Samuels advocate for the liberation of black people globally? Does he advance the battle against the system of white racism? We know the answer to those questions. The fact that he divides people into high value and low value shows that he doesn't believe in respecting the dignity of human beings. All people born on this Earth aren't low value or high value (which harkens back to eugenic philosophy). All people are created equal in the image of God. Kevin Samuels has advocated adultery and cheating among "high value" men. That alone shows me that I don't trust him. Also, he has a sick tendency to scream at women who disagrees with him in the most wild, inappropriate ways in order to promote gender war nonsense. He believes that a high value man must make $10,000 a month or greater, work with other such men, and act in a certain way. Only 10 percent of all American men earn six figures. So, he promotes an unrealistic expectation in relationships. Kevin Samuels also sexually objectify women by judging women based on what he calls"sexual marketplace value" based on height and physical appearance. This is straight up sexism as beauty is not monolithic. Beauty is diverse. His words aren't "tough love" but misogynoir. That fact this fraud wants certain men to have mistresses proves that he is amoral and unethical. He lies and believes that black people embrace "victimhood" when white racist regardless promote the lie about how white folks collectively are more oppressed than black people collectively in America. This traitor Kevin Samuels said, "It's not about racism. It's about winners and losers" on the Lapeer Let's Talk Show. The truth is that we have to deal with racism, economic oppression, and other injustices to liberate humanity. You can't ignore racism. Also, Kevin Samuels has not concrete credentials to be a relationship expert. He was a trained chemical engineer with no background in marriage therapy, psychology, or gender related studies. He ignores the history of racism and sexism in the world in order to put context about issues that black men and black women face in our society. Kevin promotes the stereotype that black women aren't worthy of respect if they don't fall into his limited, sexist interpretation of what he deems a "high value woman." There is an article where this "guru" Kevin called a black woman a running back like Emmitt Smith, so he has no respect for black women or black people. The irony is that white racists and sexists have similar views to Kevin. Kevin exploits the pain of black people in order to promote a disturbing  Eurocentric excessive materialism and anti-black mentalities. So, now you know the truth about Kevin Samuels. 


By Timothy