In life, mysteries are being revealed all of the time. One of the truths coming about is that there is supranational politics. There are high level political and economic groups with disproportionate power in the world who control the majority of the Earth's wealth. These organizations, with their actions and policies, heavily contribute to the massive economic inequality and other socio-economic problems that we witness today in 2021. Many of the same hypocritical xenophobes who complain about immigrants and migrants ignore how colonialism and imperialism harmed many people of the world (and that Europe and America have always had people of diverse ethnicities living in both places for a long time. Diversity is strength). For decades, heroic scholars and authors have written on this subject. Some folks have been slandered as "theories" or "extremists" for bringing up the fact that some want a new world order or global government on Earth, but we should never apologize for having the right to develop independent inquiry or investigations of any topic under the sun. That is part of our freedom as independently thinking human beings. Like any group, the establishment is divided up into many factions. There are liberal, conservative, and other establishment type of figures. History is unique, and we know many parts of history. Yet, the covert parts of history are still suppressed by many folks from Operation Mockingbird to the secret MK Ultra programs that modern day history books in large measure refuse to show to the general public. One example is how John Loftus said that much of the real history is suppressed, and he had high security clearances in the U.S. and NATO. In politics, we have governmental bodies and international institutions like the U.N, the E.U, NATO, and even G8 meetings. Also, there are economic powerbases like the World Bank, the IMF, the OECD, and the WTO that deal with political, military, and economic issues globally. Also, there are shady things done by groups like the BCCI bank, the CIA, the MI6, the Mossad, and other organizations. The establishment had infiltrated many people who are Democrats (with foundation, Eastern Establishment money in billions of dollars) and Republicans (with high corporate interests funding them). The power structure at the top have a superclass of people (in the liberal establishment, conservative establishment, the Vatican network, Zionist establishment, etc.), then international political groups, and then they control the masses of the people. So, we have the right to expose how a select group of mostly men have inordinate control over the majority of the Earth's resources.
The Pilgrim Society has been around since 1902. They are one of the most powerful political organizations in the world now. They have influences in corporations, businesses, and other aspects of this modern day society. John T. Whiteford said that the Pilgrim Society have ties to John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont, and other people of the House of Morgan. The Pilgrim Society is about uniting Americans and British elites in forming a large powerbase of influence in world society. Many of the robber barons back in the 19th and 20th centuries (some of them are part of the Pilgrim Society) had ancestors from the UK. The Pilgrim Society is part of the international banking system too. Professor Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope book on page 324 admitted that this is the aim of international bankers: "...[The aim of the international bankers was] nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences." The Eastern Establishment (made up heavily of people from the Northeast with positive links to the British aristocracy and private clubs) wanted European history to be used as inspiration of foreign policy, but the new school establishment types or neo-cons wanted America to be on a messianic missionary mission to spread democracy worldwide, even by force. The Pilgrim Society is an Anglo-American powerful group.
The Pilgrim Society wanted to have more ties among America and the UK. The St. George's Society of NYC and the American Society of London worked together in this endeavor too. The early Pilgrim Society members had meetings at hotels like the Victoria, the Waldorf, the Astoria, the Carlton Ritz, and the Savoy. Lindsay Russell, General Roberts, and Sir Harry Brittain had their first meeting in the UK at the Carlton Hotel on July 11, 1902. The Pilgrims in America and Britain have links to many families like the Warburg, the Harcourt, the Rothschild, etc. They have links to JPMorgan Chase and other international banking interests. The Pilgrims are the WASP elitists and other groups of people. From law firms to insurance companies including media companies (i.e. Pilgrim Society member Henry Luce founded Time Magazine in 1923), the Pilgrim Society has influence on these entities. New York and London banks have members from the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrim Society are some of the leaders of the global elite. David Rockefeller, Kissinger, and other people are known people of the Pilgrim group. The Pilgrims worked with many Catholic leaders in order to explain diplomatic relationships with the Vatican. Many of them have ties to the Knights of the Garter, the Knights of the Thistle, Freemasonry, and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. A large number of Pilgrims are CFR members, CFR exectuvies, part of the Federal Reserve, etc. Back in the 1950's, the Pilgrim Society member Sir Eric Drake wanted the coup in 1953 against Iranian Mohammed Mossadeq over Iran's nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC). It is no secret that many Pilgrim Society families like Morgan, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Osborn, Harriman, etc. promoted eugenics movements of the early 20th century. Many Western banking interests aided the Nazi Empire originally via IBM, etc. Many Pilgrims opposed FDR's New Deal policies of stopping stock speculation, using watch dog agencies for banks, and having large scale construction projects for the unemployed. Social security, helping the homeless, and promoting a national minimum wage existed before Truman.
Pilgrim Allen Dulles was once head of the CIA, and we know that Dulles was one of the biggest imperialists in American society. Dulles worked with General Walter Bedell Smith to promote the 1954 Guatemalan coup. In 1960, Dulles and Eisenhower promoted the unjust killing of nationalist leader Patrice Lumumba. Today, the Pilgrim Society is still in existence now. Pilgrim Conrad Black is a neo-con. Pilgrim General David Petraeus was an Army commander in Afghanistan and in Iraq. He was a CIA director under President Barack Obama.
The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) came from the Round Table groups. The Round Table groups was the ideological ancestor of the RIIA. Cecil Rhodes was the racist UK industrialist and South African financier who wanted to make the British Empire to rule the world in making the "Anglo-Saxon race' control the whole world. That was his own words. Rhodes wanted British imperialism to dominate Africa from Cairo to Cape Town. He wanted to have a monopoly of diamond mines in South Africa. Rhodes sent money to elitists via his will. The Rhodes Scholarship Fund promoted globalism ever since the early 20th century. The Council on Foreign Relations was formed in 1921. The CFR is a council of many elitists and political leaders with the goal of globalization, dealing with international issues, and debate certain issues. The CFR is a think tank that heavily deals with foreign policy issues. They have advised Presidents for decades from Woodrow Wilson to Joseph Biden. Its membership, which numbers 5,103, has included senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures.
CFR meetings convene government officials, global business leaders and prominent members of the intelligence and foreign-policy community to discuss international issues. CFR has published the bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs since 1922, and runs the David Rockefeller Studies Program, which influences foreign policy by making recommendations to the presidential administration and diplomatic community, testifying before Congress, interacting with the media, and publishing on foreign policy issues. The CFR was created after the end of WWI. In the late 1930s, the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation began contributing large amounts of money to the Council. In 1938, they created various Committees on Foreign Relations, which later became governed by the American Committees on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C., throughout the country, funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation. Influential men were to be chosen in a number of cities, and would then be brought together for discussions in their own communities as well as participating in an annual conference in New York. These local committees served to influence local leaders and shape public opinion to build support for the Council's policies, while also acting as "useful listening posts" through which the Council and U.S. government could "sense the mood of the country." The Council on Foreign Relations have had a huge role in the creation of the United Nations. The CFR has promoted containment, arms control, climate, and other issues in the 21st century. To put it on a scale, the CFR is mostly neoliberal in their political outlook.
The Bilderberg Group is one of the most famous, powerful political group in the world today. It was created by Dr. Joseph Rettinger (1888-1960) who was an economist, political philosopher, and political leader. The Bilderberg Group have annual meetings in places worldwide. They promote free market Western capitalism, neoliberalism, and other like minded interests globally. This proves that the real global elites are not some socialists. The group's founding place was at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands. The Bilderberg Group was created in 1954, and it is a group that wanted more dialogue among Europe and North America. Probably the greatest scholar of the Bilderberg Group is author Daniel Eustlin. Participants include political leaders, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media, numbering between 120 and 150. Attendees are entitled to use information gained at meetings, but not attribute it to a named speaker. This is to encourage candid debate, while maintaining privacy. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands have chaired its meetings until 1976. The current Chairman is Henri de Castries. Rettinger wanted to stop anti-Americanism in Western Europe. Retinger approached Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who agreed to promote the idea, together with former Belgian prime minister Paul van Zeeland, and the then head of Unilever, Paul Rijkens. Bernhard in turn contacted Walter Bedell Smith, the then head of the CIA, who asked Eisenhower adviser Charles Douglas Jackson to deal with the suggestion. The guest list was to be drawn up by inviting two attendees from each nation, one of each to represent "conservative" and "liberal" points of view. Fifty delegates from 11 countries in Western Europe attended the first conference, along with 11 Americans. People from politics, economics, industry, finance, academia, and the media attend. About 120-150 people are there. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and North America. Leaders of IBM, Xerox, Royal Dutch Shell, Nokia and Daimler. Heads of state, including former King Juan Carlos I of Spain and former Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, have attended meetings. A source connected to the group told The Daily Telegraph in 2013 that other individuals, whose names are not publicly issued, sometimes turn up "just for the day" at the group's meetings. In 2001, Denis Healey, a Bilderberg group founder and a steering committee member for 30 years, said, "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."
According to the web page of the group, the meetings are conducted under the Chatham House Rule, allowing the participants to use any information they gained during the meeting, but not to disclose the names of the speakers or any other participants. According to former chairman Étienne Davignon in 2011, a major attraction of Bilderberg group meetings is that they provide an opportunity for participants to speak and debate candidly and to find out what major figures really think, without the risk of off-the-cuff comments becoming fodder for controversy in the media. It is no secret that the agenda of the European Union has been promoted by the Bilderberg Group. In Alden Hatch's biography of Bernhard, he said that the Bilderberg Group gave birth to the European Community which would later be the European Union. Ian Richardson sees Bilderberg as the transnational power elite, "an integral, and to some extent critical, part of the existing system of global governance", that is "not acting in the interests of the whole." An article in The Guardian in June 2017 criticized the world view expressed in an agenda published by the Bilderberg group.
The Trilateral Commission's origin and goals are self explanatory. The Trilateral Commission is a non governmental discussion group. It was created by David Rockefeller in July 1973 in order to promote more cooperation between Japan, Western Europe, and North America. They have headquarters in Tokyo for the Asia Pacific branch, Paris for the European branch, and Washington, D.C. for the American branch. It has over 390 members and the chair people are Akihiko Tanaka, Jean-Claude Trichet, and Meghan O'Sullivan. The group wanted to end discords among regions of the world. One famous founder of the group was Zbigniew Brezezinksi, a Rockefeller advisor. Brezeinski also worked in the Carter administration and invested in the mujahideen to fight the Soviets during the late 1970's. He was Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981. He worked at Columbia University too. Famous members are Caroline Daniel, Walter Mondale, Joseph Nye, Robert R. Bowie, William Scranton, and other human beings. Social critic and academic Noam Chomsky has criticized the commission as undemocratic, pointing to its publication The Crisis of Democracy, which describes the strong popular interest in politics during the 1970s as an "excess of democracy." The Trilateral Commission had a huge influence on the foreign policy of the Carter administration. Ironically, President Jimmy Carter would be much progressive after his Presidency was over. In his 1980 book With No Apologies, Republican Senator Barry Goldwater suggested that the discussion group was "a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical... [in] the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved." David Rockefeller was a Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and leading member of the CFR. He was one major founder of the Trilateral Commission. Brzezenski wrote many books detailing his agenda. One early one was "Between Tow Ages: America's Role in the Techetronic Era." It was published in 1970. In it, he called for a new international monetary system. He wrote that, "Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision...The nation state is gradually yielding its sovereignty...More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken." He called for a world government in pg. 308 in that book. His other book, The Grand Chessboard called for America to have more of an involvement in Central Asia and Eurasia to gain resources. How much more blatant can you get. Many multinational corporation leaders are members of the Trilateral Commission too.
The Club of Rome was created at the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy, the Club of Rome consists of one hundred full members selected from current and former heads of state and government, UN administrators, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe. It stimulated considerable public attention in 1972 with the first report to the Club of Rome, The Limits to Growth. Since July 1, 2008 the organization has been based in Winterthur, Switzerland. The Club of Rome was formed in April 1968 by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Alexamder King, a Scottish scientist. It was formed when a small international group of people from the fields of academia, civil society, diplomacy, and industry met at Villa Farnesina in Rome, hence the name. The group deals with environmental and population issues. The club also has honorary members. Notable honorary members include Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, Orio Giarini, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Mikhail Gorbachev, King Juan Carlos I of Spain, Horst Köhler, and Manmohan Singh. Their report of Limits to Growth. It states that human beings are depleting the resources of the globe. Their 1991 publication of The First Global Revolution called the real enemy of the world itself humanity because of climate change and water shortages plus other issues. The truth is that humanity itself collectively is not the real enemy. The real enemy is a system of oppression causing these things to exist in the first place. The Club of Rome omits that world population growth will level and decline by 2050. The Club of Rome has promoted literature to advance the goal of a new international order.
There are many secret political groups that few people know about. One is the Multinational Chairman's Group. The Multinational Chairman's Committee have members meet in private with the prime minister of England. They have meetings with other members of government that they want to speak to in private. Famous members of the Multinational Chairman's Group include Lord John Brown, Niall Fitzgerald, Sir John Bond, Sir Christopher Hogg, and Martin Broughton. The group of Le Cercle is one of the most secretive groups in the world. It is also known as Cercle Pinay by its original French founder. Jean Violet helped to organize it. Famous Le Cercle members were Otto Von Habsburg, Antoine Pinay, Jean Monnet, Konrad Adenauer, and Giulio Andreotti. They had links to the European Union, the EUropean Coal and Steel Community of France, Germany, and Italy. Jean Monnet worked with leaders of the Chinese Green Gang Triad like Tse-Ven Soong or Chiang Kai-shek.
After these long years, we sill advocate for justice. Since the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on 9/11, we have lived on a new era of our time. Later, we saw a seemingly, never ending continually War on Terror on multiple continents. We have seen this war on terror contribute to economic and social problems along with massive police state like spy programs worldwide, even in America. The Patriot Act has policies in it that blatantly violate human constitutional and human rights. We know facts. It is a fact that the CIA and the MI6 have been involved in coups, supporting military dictatorships overseas, and other nefarious actions. It is a fact that there is a supranational network of hundreds of elitists and thousands of political organizations along with NGOs with huge influence in Western political life. The only solution is really independent, progressive solutions. Strong labor unions is part of human existence that should exist. We should have a living wage, fair working hours, the abolishment of child labor, pensions, and watchdog groups to monitor banks and corporations. There must be a strong social safety net like Social Security. Education should be accessible by any human being. There should be taxation on the super wealthy which is fair. Also, economic justice won't exist without racial justice. We are clear that any human being of any color should be treated with dignity and with respect. One real commandment is to treat our neighbors as ourselves. That means immigrants and migrants too. Black liberation is a legitimate goal that I subscribe to as a black human being.
By Timothy