Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Showing What's True in the World.


We have times that we have to evaluate. Right now, many economists say that we are in a Bear Market with higher inflation, high oil prices (President Biden wants oil companies to explain a lack of gasoline. He wants to encourage them to produce more oil to lower record oil prices in America when the average oil price in America is about $5 per gallon), and high rent for apartments nationwide. We also witness an unstable stock market with many supplies being lax in our stores. An excessive concentration of power into a few hands represents overt attacks on the democracy that we have fought for in the midst of a long time. Attacks in our democracy have existed long before Trump was in the Presidency back in January of 2017. The Electoral College was an undemocratic system that only decides elections by numbers among states instead of the popular vote. The persons who lost the popular vote can still win the Presidential election as proven by George W. Bush in 2000 and Donald Trump in 2016. The Senate is dominated by far-right extremists too, and those members of the Senate have held hostage legislation that could save lives progressively literally. We have states having more power than the federal government in enacting undemocratic laws. The far right-wing members of the Senate have blocked For the People Act, the John Lewis Act, the Paycheck Fairness Act, and other bills including D.C. statehood legislation. The Senate failed to convict Trump after he illegally tried to cancel the 2020 Presidential election and attempt a coup d'état against the American government. The vast majority of American support legitimate gun safety laws, but we have a weakened proposal. Therefore, we have to know the times in order to establish real solutions in causing justice for all for real.

The public January 6 committee hearing will continue on Thursday. The hearing wants to focus on Trump's efforts to pressure Pence to violate the law. Pence refused to do it, and at the Capitol, terrorists were 100 ft away from him. That is why the Secret Service grabbed Pence and his family into safety immediately when the insurrectionists got into the U.S. Capitol. Many of the terrorists in Washington, D.C. wanted to hang Mike Pence. We know that there is conclusive evidence of Donald Trump conspired with far-right extremists to attempt to overturn the 2020 election via dishonest, anti-democratic, and in my view criminal methods. There should be no whitewashing about what took place. Many members of the Republican Party are responsible for this coup d'état against the American government.

The University of Tel Avis issued a study that mentioned that COVID is a cause of recent unexplained acute liver failure among children. The liver is one of the most important organs of the human body that handles tons of functions. This has been mentioned by June 7, 2022, WHO and the World Hepatitis Alliance, at their World Hepatitis Summitt in 2022. Liver inflammation in the form of acute hepatitis among young children is a serious health matter. About six percent of the children infected are in need of a liver transplant. There are jaundice, the yellowing of the skin, and the sclera of the eyes in the situation being symptoms of liver failure. There is liver damage among adults who have COVID too. COVID is vicious as it can damage the human immune system, and it has ruined so many lives. Millions of people worldwide have died from COVID-19 too. It is always important for all of us to get the facts on this virus. Dr. Lisa Iannattone mentioned explicitly on Twitter that COVID is causing pediatric liver failure in the form of dangerous outbreaks. It is important for us to know our health, seek wisdom, and help out our neighbors.

We should always make a distinction between sincere conspiracy-related research and disinformation and conspiracy lies. The conspiracy lies have been promoted by folks like Alex Jones, who once said that the Sandy Hook shooting massacre was a product of an inside job. Alex Jones is well known to be a Trump supporter when Donald Trump is a xenophobe, a sexist, a racist, and a person who believes in the lie that the 2020 election was stolen.  Alex Jones, in my opinion, did more to harm the credibility of even legitimate conspiracy scholars with his lies, extremism, and rhetoric. Another lie is promoted by Qanon too. Those, who promote those deceptions, do a disservice to the many great scholars who have exposed legitimate conspiracies for the ages of time. Real conspiracies are ever real. I can give you plenty of examples of them. For example, far right-wing people participated in Watergate to find dirt on their Democratic opponents. Nixon has been caught using obstruction of justice and being tied in many ways to the Watergate conspiracy. Confederate sympathizers and traitors worked in a conspiracy to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. The January 6th terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol was a product of Trump, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other Trump supporters. 

We know that the CIA has used MK Ultra experiments on human beings for years. There has been Operation Northwoods which was a plan by some in the government to orchestrate attacks on U.S. soil in order to provoke a U.S. invasion of the nation of Cuba. President John F. Kennedy outright banned that plan as wrong, extremist, and cruel. In fact, President Kennedy criticized many CIA actions. We also know about Operation Mockingbird where some in the CIA tried to infiltrate mainstream corporate media engines in American society. Now, on YouTube, there has been massive censorship for years. Many sincere scholars have gotten their channels done for no legitimate reason whatsoever. That is wrong. Therefore, we have the First Amendment for a reason. We have the right to think for ourselves, to express independent inquiry, to diligently research conspiracies, and to express our ideas.

By Timothy