Wednesday, June 08, 2022


 Timothy VA

June 8, 2017  · 

Shared with Public

The Comey hearing was interesting. The Trump administration is the most bizarre administration in my lifetime. Here are things that I take away from his hearing:

(1) On many questions, he didn't answer, because he felt that he can't divulge publicly about the information (in deeming them classified).

(2) He threw Loretta Lynch and Jeff Sessions under the bus for in his terms, he accused them of doing problematic actions (especially Sessions. Sessions rescued himself from the investigation of the alleged Russian ties to hacking). Sessions violated his recusal two months later by recommending the firing of the top investigator probing the Trump campaign for possible collusion with Russia two months later. I don't agree with the agenda of Sessions as he is an extremist.  Loretta Lynch has denied Comey's accusations against her. 

(3) He felt that Trump lied about the reasons on why he was fired from the FBI. He felt that Trump defamed his reputation and the reputation of the FBI since Trump accused him and the FBI of corruption and malfeasance. 

(4) He left it up to the investigators to figure out if Trump did obstruction of justice or not. Jared Kushner will meet with the Senate Intelligence Committee soon.

(5) He created notes about his interactions with Donald Trump. He wrote memos too. He said that Trump wanted Comey to have loyalty to him, which is highly inappropriate. He is willing to allow tapes to be released (if they exist). The Trump campaign, in usual fashion, has accused Comey of leaking information to the public. Comey declines to say ‘in an open setting’ whether Trump colluded with Russia. Comey said that he was fired to change how the Russian probe was conducted. 

So, it will take a while for the real truth to be known.