The January 6th televised hearings on June 9, 2022, will go down in history as emotional, necessary, and showing poignant points on the real conspiracy of the attempted far right coup d'état against America itself. I will never forget about the terrorism on that day. The January 6th committee's Chair is Democratic Congressman Bennie Thompson of Mississippi and the Republican Democratic Congresswoman Liz Cheney. The evil insurrection wasn't just an attack on American democracy (which is true). It was made up of far-right extremists (headed by the neo-fascist Donald Trump) who wanted to use violence, lies, and manipulation to attempt to overthrow the legal 2020 election results. Donald Trump and his allies created a plan to try to steal the election. Violent terrorism existed, folks destroyed barriers, some cursed people out, many used racist slurs, wicked people waved Confederate including Neo-Nazi flags, and these extremists admitted their intentions on cameras. Tons of testimonies and evidence validate the conclusion that the insurrection was a coordinated plan to try to ruin our society. This is beyond violence. This is insurrection and treason. All those involved in this treason against the United States of America should have a trial with due process and go into prison for decades. Ivanka Trump and Bill Barr even admitted that the claims of Trump and others are ridiculous. Graphic new video and evidence should make any freedom lover to defend democracy.
This fight against fascism didn't end at the end of World War II. Many of our ancestors were WWII veterans who defeated Nazism. Today, we have to defeat the neo-fascist movement spreading across the globe. It doesn't just exist in America. It's found in parts of Hungary, France, the UK, Brazil (where are far right President of Brazil is doing nothing revolutionary to protect the human rights of Afro-Brazilian people), etc. Testimony even came from former Trump administration leaders. Trump aides said that when they told Trump that the terrorists wanted to hang Mike Pence, Trump said that Pence deserved to be hanged. That right there outlines Trump's cruelty and disrespect. The new video showed a rioter citing a Trump tweet about rejecting the 2020 election. Numerous Trump supporting terrorists at the January 6th insurrection destroyed property at the U.S. Capitol and made Congresspeople hide to save their own lives. There was a noose outside. Trump did nothing to avert the violence, and Trump enjoyed this tragedy (as proven by tons of sources). The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers were involved in the conspiracy in the attempt coup d'état against the American government. Many GOP lawmakers wanted a pardon from Trump after the 1/6 terrorist attack proving that they know what they were doing was wrong. FOX News refused to show the hearing, because FOX News is complicit in promoting far right propaganda and lies for over 20 years now. I certainly don't watch FOX News. Many U.S. Capitol police officers gave testimonies on the violence and the further chilling events on that day.
There is a report of Trump's CIA director Gina Haspel watched as a detainee was tortured at a U.S. black site in Thailand in 2002. The detainee is named Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. This report came from The New York Times on Friday. The testimony about the torture came from the psychologist James E. Mitchell. He formed so-called "enhanced interrogation" techniques that was executed by the CIA during the Bush administration. James E. Mitchell said that Haspel watched and her and another interrogator tortured Nashiri on many occasions. It is not a secret that the CIA has used torture programs in secret sites worldwide. Mithcell said that Jesson waterboarded Nashiri. We know that waterboarding is not only evil, but it's overt torture by any definition. Nashiri is now in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in legal limbo. This is one out of many examples of illegal U.S. detentions and the criminality of Western imperialism plus violations of international law. Haspel was involved in the 2005 destruction of video tapes of the torture of Nashir and others like Abu Zubaydah (the first seized by the CIA and tortured following 9/11). Haspel has defended the enhanced interrogation program, and she claims that the CIA will not restart such a detention and interrogation program. It is right to condemn terrorism, but we have to maintain human civil liberties plus human dignity at the same time.
What do I think about the Monique and DL Hughley situation? I think that both people can solve their issues in private and staying on code. Monique is right that she has the right to promote her dignity as a black human being. She is wrong to bring Hughley's family into the disagreement. Both people have debated each other on a contract dealing with comedy performances. DL Hughley is wrong for bringing Monique's husband into it (and calling Monique's husband a "son") when it's between him and Monique. I find that Monique is more to the point. Hughley plays on an innocent act when he was the one who defended the racist, sexist remarks from Don Imus about the Rutgers' basketball team. I haven't forgotten that. On one time, he criticized Kanye West about the situation with Pete Davidson, and now Hughley is criticizing Davidson for making tattoos of Kanye's children on his neck. Davidson also made Kanye's daughter to sit on his lap. Both of those acts to me are creepy and inappropriate. Kanye has every right to condemn that behavior, and now he is in a lower profile. At the end of the day, both of these human beings (Monique and DL Hughley) have to talk in private to resolve their issues. They don't have to be friends, but they can end tensions plus move forward with their own lives.
On Capitol Hill, may families from the Uvalde massacre gave testimony to members of Congress to try to plead for solutions (involving this gun violence epidemic). One Uvalde survivor gave her words to Congress too. We live in a crucial turning point in our history as America. The lie is that guns don't kill people. Tell that to the victims of gun violence and their families. We know that guns kill people, and the invention of a gun is to maim, harm, and to kill. That's reality. We have a choice between the deification of guns or honoring the dignity of human life. It is the democratic path to pass legislation that creates reasonable gun safety laws. The truth is that most Americans are on our side. The vast majority of Americans believe in federal background checks, red flag laws, a ban on AK-47 for civilians to own, and other solutions that will save lives. Another lie is that pro-black people are silent on black people being killed by intraracial violence. The truth is that black people in general for years and decades have always condemned inter-ethnic violence in the black community with protests, mentorships, conflict resolution programs, songs, and other forms of activism. We just don't scapegoat every black person for those acts of unjust violence and murder. Racists do that, but we don't. We place things into context.
By Timothy