There is a record 86 million people forcibly displaced worldwide. This percentage has grown over the years. This number is about the size of the population of Germany and more than one percent of the total world's population (which is about 7.9 billion people). This situation has been caused by wars, conflicts, imperialism, natural disasters, and the actions by many of the world's large corporations including governments. Millions of people are being displaced from Africa, Europe, and Asia. While multinational corporations try to get the mineral resources of the DRC in Africa, many people suffer displacement (in over 4.5 million Congolese people). The situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, loss of employment, global travel restrictions, and other negative events have exacerbated the problem. The Ukrainian war continues. Russia is trying to consolidate power in Eastern and Southern Ukraine. Putin wants to continue the conflict, so people are less likely to care. Yet, Putin is a far-right tyrant who has been involved in violations of international law and violating the civil liberties of his own people in Russia. Therefore, we are clear on what the truth is. Ukrainian forces are fighting back in the South. America is sending long range missiles to Ukraine. Putin's blockade in the Black Sea will cause further food crisis worldwide. That is why Putin is not some sacrosanct leader. He's a liar, a denier of truth, and an evil person.
Gop Rep. Gohmert made the lie that Democrats are responsible for the mass gun shooting epidemic in American society. The reality is that gun violence has been around for a long time as product of a glorification of death via guns, the acts of guns themselves, a breakdown of refusal of gun safety laws, and evil people using weapons to cause mayhem against innocent people. Gun violence doesn't discriminate. It has harmed the lives of Democrats, Republicans, and people of every color and background. Gohmert said that Republicans don't deserve to be criticized. He is a liar. For decades, the GOP leadership has refused to pass federal legislation to confront gun violence. You don't confront gun crimes by tokenism, incrementalism, and the status quo. You need strong federal legislation that deals with guns. Dealing with guns for real has nothing to do with total gun bans or eliminating the Second Amendment. It has to do with enriching communities and saving human lives for real. Like many of people like Gohmert does, he blames cities run by Democrats. This is an old lie refuted by many reasons. First, many gun crimes are trafficking from lax gun states to urban areas. Second, gun crimes have nothing to do with political affiliation. Crime is crime. Third, many Democratic leaders in many cities aren't super progressive as many of them are moderates (following gentrification, harsh criminal justice policies, and austerity). This lie Gohmert said that gun safety laws create more murder, when the assault weapons ban from 1994 to 2004 lowered the crime rate with guns in America (proven by the statistics).
Senator Mitch McConnell doesn't get it. He recently said that he just wants to focus on mental health and school safety to deal with the gun violence crisis. McConnell said that we have a Second Amendment. He is refuted by mentioning the fact that we have a First Amendment, and the First Amendment is regulated. In other words, you can't slander anyone, and you can't threaten anyone. Even the Supreme Court mentioned that the 2nd Amendment can have regulations on it, and there are already restrictions on it. Also, the vast majority of people with mental health issues are not serial killers or murderers. The common denominator in this gun violence emergency in American society is the gun. Incrementalism won't work when lives are in the violence literally. Token talk won't work. Right now, Senate negotiations are going on to address this issue, because a filibuster can eliminate any legitimate legislation to address the gun violence crisis in this country. Compromise with the status quo won't work. We need universal background checks, targeting the underground gun trafficking market, bans on youth owning military style weapons, red flag laws, and other policies to save human lives. This gun crisis is a war against our people in America. Mass gun crisis have existed everywhere, regardless of zipcode.
Days ago was the Birthday of Brother Morgan Freeman, and he is now 85 years old. He is a famous actor, director, and narrator. Famous for being in a wide spectrum of film genres, he has been one of the greatest orators involving acting in history. He was born in Memphis, Tennessee. Later, he was raised in Mississippi. In that state, he acted in school plays. By going into Los Angeles, he worked in stage productions to better his acting career. Tons of people know him for his 1970's role in The Electric Company (or a children's television series show). Freeman earned an Obie Award for being in Shakespearean plays Coriolanus and Julius Caesar. Morgan Freemason has a film production company called Revelation Entertainment with his business partner Lori McCreary. Ground Zero is a lubes club that he owns in Clarksdale, Mississippi.
He was in the films of Glory in 1989, Lean on Me in 1989, and Unforgiven in 1992. Morgan Freeman has been part of more films like Amistad, Invictus, The Shawshank Redemption, and The Dark Knight Trilogy. Freeman directed the drama Bopha! in 1993. People know him as being part of the Air Force and studying theater in college. Morgan Freeman has promoted environmental activism, opposed the Confederate flag, and said that the Tea Party movement is filled with racism (which is true). His distinctive voice has been expressed by him in films and documentaries. Freeman mentioned that he cultivated his voice while he was in college after taking speech classes. On October 28, 2006, Freeman was honored at the first Mississippi's Best Awards in Jackson, Mississippi with the Lifetime Achievement award for his work in theater and film. Morgan Freeman loves his 4 children. I wish Brother Morgan Freeman more success.
By Timothy