Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Confronting Issues.


There is no question that there are pro-Trump networks in parts (not all) of the FBI. The January 6th committee proved pro-Trump people in the Secret Service and in the FBI. That is why many people in those groups expressed empathy for the terrorists who caused the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. There is film footage of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Steny Hoyer demanding earnestly to get the police and U.S. National Guard to be deployed to stop the violence at the U.S. Capitol. Trump did nothing for years while the U.S. Capitol was defiled in obscene ways, racists waved Confederate plus Neo-Nazi flags, and people screamed to try to hang Mike Pence. The Supreme Court recently rejected Donald Trump's motion to try to get classified documents back. Russia is losing the war in Ukraine, so they are sending 100 missiles. The GOP's agenda is clear. It's a plan to destroy the social safety net using the debt ceiling as an excuse, bigotry, and other fascist policies.

Recent GOP anti-immigration ads are not only racist and xenophobic. These ads are promoted by Stephen Miller, who promoted the false replacement theory. Immigration is a complex issue. The crisis never originated from migrants and immigrants (both documented and undocumented) who seek survival. It started long ago by wealthy corporate power who want to divide people based on immigration status in order to gain profits worldwide. Also, this problem has been facilitated by Western support of authoritarian regimes decades ago causing many people to flee to America for human survival. J.D. Vance knows that these recent anti-immigrant ads are bigoted, but he is a pro-Trump extremist in Ohio. This far-right agenda is a backlash against the George Floyd protests, the taking down of Confederate statues, etc. They want to ban books that tell the truth about American history and ban books that seek to tell people about the diverse members of the human family. This backlash is not new, as it has existed for centuries in America alone. Nothing is new under the sun. Either we believe in egalitarianism and democracy or fascism. Either we believe in human equality or not. Me personality, I believe in egalitarianism, democracy, and human equality plus justice (as the Golden Rule remains true).

Donald Trump made another anti-Semitic statement by criticizing American Jewish people for showing insufficient praise of his policies toward Israel. He said that they need to "get their act together" before "it is too late." This nonsense by Trump is about the Trump promoting the anti-Semitic lie that Jewish people by default must unconditionally support any policy of Israel. The truth is that there are righteous Israelis and righteous Palestinians who don't want permanent war, brutal occupation, or bigotry. They want peace and equality for all Israelis and all Palestinians in the region. These are the people that we should support, not a racist and sexist far-right extremist Donald Trump. American Jewish people don't have dual loyalties. They are patriotic people just like black Americans are very heroic people. It is hypocritical for Trump to lecture Jewish people on their heritage when he supported the election lie (and he provoked racists, anti-Semites, and other extremists to rally plus cause obscene terroristic violence at the Capitol in a failed coup d'état against America). Trump is against democracy, and he has some nerve to lecture any group of people on issues of politics. As Karine Jean-Pierre has said, Trump's comments are blatantly antisemitic and insulting to Jewish people and others.

Kanye West been crossed the line for years. Kanye West lied and said that George Floyd blamed Floyd's death on Fentanyl not the police officer's knee on his neck. West is a liar. The truth is that the officers placed the knee on Floyd's neck to kill George Floyd. West said these words on the Drink Champs show with NORE, and NORE didn't check Kanye West on his illogical comments. The truth about Kanye West is that he is a hypocrite. He claims to be cutting edge and "independent," but many of his views are the same tired anti-black rhetoric shown by white racists for decades and centuries in America. For example, Kanye West supported the evil person Donald Trump, called slavery a choice, and constantly bashes black people who disagree with him (with disrespectful rhetoric, but he won't confront white racism collectively to advocate black liberation). 

Recently, Nury Martinez resigned for making anti-black racist comments about a black child. Nury Martinez resigned for doing that evil action. She was the Los Angeles City Council for the 6th district from 2013 to 2022. The audio involved a conversation with Gil Cedillo, Kevin de Leon, and Ron Herrera. Martinez criticized District Attorney George Gascon. Martinez called fellow council member Mike Bonin’s black adopted child. There is absolutely no justification for Nury Martinez’s evil, racist commentaries (about a black child and the redistricting situation in the area of Los Angeles). Two things are true. There are anti-Black sentiments among some people in the Latino community, and tons of Latino people are not racists. Nury Martinez is completely wrong, and there is a high percentage of Afro-Latinos who are black people too. Some people need to know that. For Los Angeles to heal for real, then we must oppose evil and build up a system of justice. There are protests now, and people are rightfully calling for more LA City Council members to resign after the conversation that was leaked. Therefore, we must confront racism and all injustices to see real justice for all made into a reality.

By Timothy