There is a lot of breaking news. In front of a Las Vegas casino, at least 2 people have died, and 6 others have been wounded in a series of stabbings. This attack by the cowardly did an unprovoked attack. The suspect is already in custody now. The Uvalde school district fired an officer after CNN identified her as the trooper who was being investigated for her response to the massacre. There are four critically injured after one NYPD vehicle jumps the curb after colliding with another car. The Ukrainian counter-offensive has reclaimed about 120 settlements in 2 weeks. The UN has condemned Putin's retrieval of a nuclear plant. The Ukraine military forces are not only showing a fight, but they are defeating Russian military forces. Putin has implied that nuclear weapons being used in Ukraine isn't off the table. That is why President Biden issued a warning that Putin is not bluffing when he said those comments. Biden classified these threats from Putin as the most serious time involving nuclear weapons since the Cuban Missile Crisis (back when President John F. Kennedy was President).
Now, President Biden has pardoned marijuana offenses and called for a review of federal law. So, Biden has pardoned all federal offenses of simple marijuana possession in the first major steps to possible decriminalization. This is very historic news and a victory for those who disagree with the War on Drugs. This fulfills a campaign promise to erase prior federal possession convictions and starts the process of lessening possibly the federal classification of the drug. The federal government labels marijuana a Class A drug. Most people agree with medical marijuana for those who need it for medicinal purposes. The debate comes in involving children using it among other issues. Personally, I don't agree with kids or minors using marijuana recreationally, but I don't believe that nonviolent users of drug should be placed in jail or prison at all. People should definitely not be placed in jail or prison for extended periods of time for it. It is hypocritical for many people to want to jail nonviolent people with marijuana but are silent on many business owners making millions of dollars from the marijuana industry. The criminal justice system and the War on Drugs have disproportionately ruined the lives of many black and brown Americans. That is why the War on Drugs should end and be replaced with a fairer system for all.
It is certainly not shocking at the actions of Candace Owens and Kanye West. Their shirts (saying "White Lives Matter") show that they want token white acceptance with their inferiority complexes. They promoted those shirts, not with the purpose of advancing tolerance or racial justice. They did it to mock black people's legitimate right to fight for black liberation and to mock black identity in general. They believe in the myth that black acquiescence to white racist ideologies merit growth. They promote anti-black talking points and lie to assume that these points are being "independent" or "going against the gain." They mock liberals and progressives when progressives fought for civil rights, environmental regulations, being against imperialism, and civil liberties long before both human beings were born. West mocked slavery before (by once calling slavery a choice), and Owens praised European colonization recently after the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Candace Owens also called Native Americans pagans plus cannibals and white folks came about to civilize them. You can Google this too. Regardless of what those liars say, tons of black people are in league with self-determination, love exercise (without body shaming people), promote a code of conduct, and respect morality without dehumanizing black people. That is certainly real talk.
Many Florida Leaders rejected climate change laws but seek storm aid. That's hypocrisy. It is obvious that climate change is very real. We have stories of minority communities including poor communities feeling ignored in Florida in terms of how the Hurricane Recovery is being spread out. Many suffering people have said that no FEMA and no resources are coming to them without any cameras. Over 100 people have died as a product of the Hurricane. The storm was a Category 4 storm when it reached Florida. Massive damage has existed in the Cape Coral-Fort Myers area. Flooding still exists across the state. President Biden met with Desantis in Florida on Wednesday. Heroic rescue teams have saved lives all of the time. The estimated damage is between $28 billion and $47 billion according to CoreLogic. DeSantis has defended the delayed evacuation order on Saturday in Fort Myers. Many people speculate that DeSantis may run for President in 2024. The poorest lack housing insurance in dealing with floods. Rental prices have increased, and the state of Florida deserves much better.
Yesterday was the Birthday of the late great Fannie Lou Hamer. She was so great that Malcolm X and other heroes praised her. She was born in the Deep South in Mississippi, home of the major anchor of the black freedom struggle in general. Hamer worked as a sharecropper, and Hamer stood up for our freedom. She demonstrated protests in favor of the abolishment of Jim Crow apartheid. She organized cooperatives to help feed the poor and the hungry all over America. She confronted American injustice and hypocrisy (for the Democratic Party trying to seat white racist members at the expense of progressive black members) at the 1964 Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey in favor of fair representation. Fannie Lou Hamer never had hatred. She wanted all of us to live in freedom. Many of us can go where we want, eat where we want, and have access to capital as a product of the sacrifice, courage, and strength of Fannie Lou Hamer including other unsung heroes. These blessings that we enjoy in 2022 were made for our community in part by Fannie Lou Hamer who never gave up. Hamer spoke out against the Vietnam War in public to make sure that our concerns for justice weren't limited to the States. Everybody deserves the undeniable right to freedom, and we shall gain that true liberation in the end.
Rest in Power Sister Fannie Lou Hamer.
By Timothy