Friday, October 21, 2022

The Time of Defending Our Democracy.


Our democracy is under threat and has been harmed. This election in 2022 is very important. Even now, voters in Florida have been harassed and unjustly arrested for just trying to vote. An increase of criminal threats against voter workers (former and current) has existed in America. These neo-fascists hate democracy so much that they want their toxic, obscene political views to spread. The far-right including many Trump supporters (who know that they can't convince a majority of Americans to support their views) want to use the plan of using redistricting, voter suppression unjust laws, violence like in the U.S. Capitol, and other tactics in trying to undermine democracy once and for all in American society. This far-right menace is the biggest threat to our nation since the American Civil War and I'm not exaggerating. One of my ancestors fought in the U.S. Civil War over 150 years ago, and we know what fascism looks like. Democracy has been harmed in nations run by authoritarian autocrats in Hungary, Brazil, etc. Election deniers don't deserve our support, and they desire no admiration.

Today, many far right people and conservatives lecture us on crime. They forget the nuisance of crime. The vast majority of people on Earth regardless of creed or color oppose violent crimes like rape, murder, assault, etc. People who do those crimes should have a trial and be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Yet, some folks view crime as so monolithic without any distinctions. In other words, you don't punish a murderer equivalent to how you would punish a shoplifter. Both actions are evil, but they are different.  Regardless of what Joe Scarborough (who defends Truman) and Al Sharpton (who allies with corporate capitalist power but wants to mock those who believe in social activism that supports defund the police) have said, many people who promote defund the police (which means reallocating resources to help suffering people) are not "latte liberals" living in ivory towers. Both of them believe in the non-sequitur that if you advocate for social justice overtly (and subscribe to defund the police) then you don't care about human safety in communities. 

Many of grassroots activists are in the streets fighting for justice for years and decades. Therefore, many Republicans lecture us on crime, but they offer no solutions on stopping crime. Crime exists by many factors like proximity, massive access to guns, socioeconomic factors, some people just want to do evil, and other reasons. To stop crime, a holistic approach is needed like gun control measures, investing in communities, strict laws against those who commit the most violent crime, rehabilitation programs in prison (to make sure those who leave prison can have the opportunity to live a better life), mentorships, and other intervention actions to lower crimes. Yet, you don't hear that a lot in the corporate media, because many of them want to push the false narrative that defund the police is the worst slogan in human history. If it wasn't for those who protested for George Floyd (including many people who say defund the police), the policemen who murdered George Floyd would have walked.

There is the story of the Iranian rock climber arriving back in Tehran, Iran after competing without a hijab. In Iran, women are forced to wear a hijab or face severe consequences potentially. Her name is Elnaz Rekabi, and she is 33 years old. She competed in the International Federation of Sport Climbing's Asian Championships in Seoul on Sunday. She wore her headband with her hair in a ponytail while competing spread on social media. People cheered her when she arrived in Tehran early on Wednesday morning. She spoke to the media at the capital's Imam Khomeini International Airport. Many of her supporters in Iran chanted the words of "Elnaz the hero." Right now, in Iran, there are nationwide protests calling for greater freedoms for women after a 22-year-old Iranian woman died in police custody. Her arrest was for allegedly wearing her hijab improperly. We shall see what Iran will become in the future.

Now, we know that Trump knew of voter fraud claims being false. That is why a federal judge on Wednesday ordered the release of emails from John Eastman. John Eastman was a former Trump attorney to House investigators said that communications were made in furtherance of a crime related to Trump's efforts to subvert the 2020 election. Judge David O. Carter wrote that the emails prove that then-President Trump knew that the voter fraud allegation was wrong. Judge Carter already released many of Eastman's emails from January 2021 to the House select committee investigating the U.S. attacks. Carter's findings will increase the power of the committee's investigation into the former President's tactics. The committee argued that a core tenet of Trump's plan to overturn the 2020 election results was to file frivolous lawsuits to delay the certification of the results in key swing states. That action from Trump obviously failed.

By Timothy