Friday, November 04, 2022

End of the Weeks Updates in Early November 2022.


The Intercept has reported on a story. There has been researched of years of internal DHS memos, emails, and documents obtained being links. The DHS has a new Disinformation Governance Board. This Board is about a panel to police "misinformation" (false information spread unintentionally), disinformation, malinformation, etc. They want to stop information that is against what they deemed "U.S. interests." This board was criticized and shut down within a few months. Later, the DHS wants to monitor social media now as the war on terror continues. It is no secret that the government wants to intervene in online discourse which harbors hostility towards free speech. This is not about hate speech, threats, or things of that nature. This is about exposing Operation Mockingbird, etc. 

Also, this election in 2022 has billions of dollars being spent. Either Republicans or Democrats will have huge victories. There is no wiggle room. This election season is about the defense of democracy. Many people years ago were naive that these things of suppressing rights couldn't happen here. Not only have they happened here, but it has been happening for centuries against people who look like me. So, we can't let our guard down. On Tuesday, human beings in America should vote in favor of democracy, justice, equality, and human liberation. Campaigns in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Nevada and other states are very close.

We live in the most important times of our nation politically since the American Civil War. That is why don't be shocked when massive people are voting against the GOP on Tuesday. On that day, it will be a massive turnout. The majority of people in America are on our side. Most Americans believe in fair taxes on the super-wealthy, investments in our infrastructure, funding Social Security, funding Medicare, gun control legislation, equal rights, and accountability for Trump and his allies for treason against the United States of America. That is definitely real. 70 percent of the electorate of Americans are either women, people of color, or young people (18-39) years old (or a combination of all 3 demographics). So, we have the numbers. It's just that we have to get out and vote.

There is no need to stay home during this 2022 election season. We have a serious crisis in American society. We have real problems like inflation, extremists using camouflage in trying to intimidate voters, and some candidates promoting the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. We live in a time when progressive anti-racism books are banned in many places, not just in Texas but in Florida and in other states. Every vote matters and counts. When we vote, we vote for federal, state, and local offices.

Big oil, food giants, and restaurant chains have windfall profits at record levels as U.S. real wages plunge. These record profits gotten by oil and gas companies are unprecedented too. Corporate profit gouging is not new as these actions have existed for centuries and thousands of years. Oil magnates ignore Biden's call for holding them accountable for their actions. Mike Sommers, President of the American Petroleum Institute said that he wants the Biden administration to address the supply and demand imbalance. This means that he wants Biden to open up more to the fossil fuel industry to increase oil profits. The problem is that Exxon Mobil and Chevron (the largest U.S. oil companies) have a record or near-record profits for the July-September quarter of 2022. Many of these monopoly companies are not using their profits to reduce prices or increase production. They have raided dividends and carried out massive stock buybacks to enrich their big investors. Exxon Mobil raised its stock dividend of fund shareholders in return for excess cash. You can't make this stuff up. Central bank handouts to Wall Street, and other issues contributed to the inflation problem in American society.

By Timothy