Wednesday, November 23, 2022

News from Across the World.

The breaking news is that there is another tragic mass shooting in Chesapeake, Virginia. Chesapeake is near North Carolina at Southeastern Virginia. First responders saved many lives. Battlefield Blvd. is one of the busiest streets in Chesapeake. This is personal for me, because this is my backyard. This is in the 757 or Hampton, Roads, Virginia region. Innocent people were just working in a local Walmart, and a cowardly murderer murdered 6 people. The injured are fighting for their lives at Norfolk Sentara Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia. Gun violence doesn't discriminate. It harms people in every background, cities, rural areas, and all places in between. The murderer committed suicide. This mass shooting comes years after another mass shooting took place in the 757 at Virginia Beach, Virginia. The murderer was a person who once worked as an employee at Walmart. He killed people in a break room and harmed other employees. We express empathy and sympathy to the victims' families and friends of this tragedy. This is the 3rd mass shooting in America in the past week alone (at Colorado Springs, at Charlottesville, and at Chesapeake). Two of the three of these tragedies took place in my home state of Virginia. We know what the solutions are to address mass gun violence in America (like gun regulations, federal background checks, waiting periods, addressing mental health issues, gun education, community intervention, investments in communities, etc.), but we have some unyielding, reluctant Congressional people who care more for guns than human lives. A gun is not God, and it is not infallible. It's a man-made tool.

In China and Brazil, COVID-19 cases are surging. There were 27,095 total new cases on Sunday. Beijing has reported many deaths too. These deaths are the first deaths from the virus since May 26, 2022. Some places have rejected solutions to stop the spread. These solutions include contact tracing, quarantine and isolation protocol, mass testing, and lockdowns in various cities. China's capital city of Beijing is home to 21.5 million people. It has had the worst COVID-19 outbreak since the start of the pandemic. On Sunday, Beijing detected a record 962 cases. The CCP has pressure because it's dealing with production while working-class Chinese people are exploited economically. In Brazil, there is a new, more infectious, and vaccine-resistant Omicron subvariant BQ.1. Brazil is having its fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Brazil has 35 million cases and 689,000 deaths from COVID-19 which is the 2nd highest number in the world. America is number one.

President Biden via the State Department granted immunity to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. This will shield him from prosecution for the murder of the Saudi dissident and legal permanent U.S. resident Jamal Khashoggi. This decision was disclosed last week. This action is probably one of the worst foreign policy mistakes of the Biden administration. Now, I don't support the Republican Party and its reactionary agendas. Yet, right is right, and wrong is wrong. The Crown Prince presides over an anti-democracy, authoritarian state, and he doesn't deserve some immunity. Claiming to support democracy doesn't equate to immunity to a tyrant. President Biden greeting Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman with a fist bump doesn't help matters either. The State Department responded to an official query from a federal judge hearing the civil suit brought by Khashoggi's fiancée, Hatice Cengiz, and a human rights group that Khashoggi has founded. They want to hold the Crown Prince accountable. That is why Americans and others throughout the world should stand up for human liberation globally without picking and choosing.

After Kari Lake lost her gubernatorial campaign, many Arizona election officials are into hiding, because they were threatened. Kari Lake is a Trump worshiper who believes in the myth that the 2020 election was stolen. These election officials are both Republicans and Democrats who fear for their lives. MAGA Republicans are part of a cult. This reality of extremists threatening election workers is wrong and outrageous. Donald Trump and Kari Lake lied to people about massive voting fraud. Kari Lake is a liar who hides behind faith and religion as justification for her extremism. The truth is that Yeshua never promoted the myth that Trumpism is sacrosanct. Many Arizona election officials are in a disclosed location due to security concerns. Kari Lake refused to concede her defeat which is not shocking. Lake went from being an Obama supporter to Trump cultist. It's a shame, but it's reality.

The tragic death of Shanquella Robinson will never be forgotten by us. In our black community, we are united to make sure that justice and accountability are made. All those involved in her death and covered up for her death should be arrested, tried by a jury, sentenced to prison, and go to prison. Shanquella Robinson was a 25-year-old Charlotte businesswoman who was a great credit to our community. She was filled with joy and light. Robinson's family rightfully demands immediate answers. She was murdered in a trip in Mexico. Days ago, she was laid to rest. Her funeral took place at Macedonia Baptist Church (on Saturday). Kyrie Irving gave $65,000 dollars to the Robinson family GoFundMe. Charlotte, North Carolina showed great love to her in their support of her life. The FBI in Charlotte is opening an investigation into Robinson's passing. We know the reason why the story of Shanquella Robinson is not shown a lot in the media. The reason is that she was a black woman, and many black women are unfairly omitted in their stories. We won't omit their stories here. We call for justice, and we call for black liberation. Rest in Power Sister Shanquella Robinson. Say Her Name. 

By Timothy