Friday, December 09, 2022

End of the Week News.


Some breaking news is that Brittney Griner is going home to America from Russian detention. Her unjust prison sentence is now over. Many people are shocked that this day would come, but this is great news to see Griner free from her bondage in Russia. Her family and fans supported her every step of the way. When one person suffers an injustice, it's an attack on all of us. This deal involved a swap for convicted arms dealer Viktor Bout. What is not good news is that Paul Whelan remains in prison. Whelan should be free. Paul Whelan is an American man who was wrongfully detained according to the U.S. State Department. So, this battle for freedom is not over, but we take solace and celebrate the release of Brittney Griner. Griner landed in San Antonio so authorities can go to a program to adjust to normal life in America. 

Many Republicans are complaining about the Rev. Raphael Warnock's victory against Hershel Walker. The truth is that Republicans in general, not just Trump, are blamed for the Walker loss. Laura Ingraham of FOX News complaining is typical. For years, she has been a neo-conservative who supported the Iraq War and supported Trump. Now, she wants to complain about an extremist named Walker losing a Georgia election. At the end of the day, they should have known from the beginning what Trump (who is a sexist, racist, xenophobe, and far-right extremist) is about. You can't run on nothing, except for bigotry and distraction, and then expect to win an election. You have to run on something to help people's health, education, voting rights, economic rights, environmental rights, and human rights in general. Therefore, we have to realize that commonsense matters. To change people's lives, you have to advocate for living wages, stand up for real history to be taught in schools (that doesn't sugarcoat history), go about promoting an expansion of health care services, grow investments and infrastructure, and preserve basic human rights inherit for all people.

A far-right coup in Germany has been foiled by German authorities. The plot included Qanon cultists and other extremists. This plot has similarities to the January 6th plot too. This is one of the largest raids in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. It took place on Wednesday. This raid involved about 3,000 officers from the special police forces. They stormed 137 locations in 11 federal states, and they arrested 25 people during the morning. 27 more people are being investigated. The people arrested are said to be involved in a terrorist organization that was created at the end of November 2021. Many of those arrested were wealthy, influential people like Prince Reuss Heinrich XIII (who has been charged as the ringleader). Reuss was a Frankfurt real estate agent and a descendant of the Thuringian noble family who ruled the Vogtland region for 700 years. Many military people, a lawyer, a doctor, a pilot, a classical tenor, etc. were arrested. These terrorists wanted to have a coup. They wanted to go to the German Bundestag or federal parliament to try to overthrow the government of Germany. With the crisis of capitalism, many elites are going towards far-right authoritarianism as found in Italy, America, and other nations. That is why people are fighting back against imperialism including economic exploitation.

Recently, Janis Gaye passed away at 66 years old. She was the 2nd wife of Marvin Gaye, and the mother of the actress of Nona Gaye. Janis Gaye lived in Rhode Island at the time of her transition. Her life was filled with love and joy for her child and her grandchild. Always a spokeswoman for musical excellence, Janis Gaye was a singer, author, manager, and stylist. She was constantly at work to try to make the world more prodigiously better. Her grandson is Nolan Pentz. She was the daughter of the musician Slim Gaillard. Janis Gaye also managed the acting career of Nan Gaye, who had roles in The Matrix, Ali, Crash, Blood and Bone, and other films. Marvin Gaye dedicated many songs to Janis. Also, Janis Gaye helped to set up Marvin Gaye's wardrobe. She has a sister who is Shawnn Monteiro, and her brother is Mark Gaillard. I send condolences to her family and friends.

Rest in Power Sister Janis Gaye.

Recently, on, I found another maternal distant 4th cousin named Carrie Denise Spurlock Burton (b. 1972). I knew that she was a maternal relative because now can divide matches based on parents now. Parent 1 is my paternal relatives, and Parent 2 is my maternal relatives. Carrie Burton's parents are Roland Junius Spurlock (1944-2016) and Andrea J. Spurlock (b. 1948). Roland Junius Spurlock's parents (or Carrie's grandparents on her father's side) are Robert Spurlock Jr. (1911-1979) and Hannah Louise Yates (1924-1993). Robert Spurlock Jr.'s parents are Robert Spurlock (b. 1888) and Mary Lee Williams (1890-1938). Mary Lee Williams' parents are John Henry Williams (1857-1921. He was a descendant of African and Nottoway peoples) and Adaline Hill (1862-1930). My 3rd great grandaunt Adeline Hill's parents are Sarah Claud (1842-1892) and Tom Hill (1838-1915). Tom Hill was a freeman and Sarah Claud was born a slave (at the Rose Hill plantation) in Southampton County, Virginia. My 4th great-grandmother Sarah Claud's mother was Zilphy Claud or my 5th great-grandmother. That is why Carrie Burton (who has a lot of family in the state of Delaware and other places in America) has shared matches among me with members of the Claud, as both of us are blood relatives of the African American Claud family.

By Timothy