Friday, December 02, 2022

Early December 2022 News.


Kanye West just gets more bizarre. He was recently on The Alex Jones show. Kanye West not only praised Hitler in the interview. He made anti-Semitic jokes and promoted Donald Trump. Alex Jones didn't push back that much against Kanye West's extremism. Alex Jones is the person who did more to slander the name of sincere conspiracy researchers than anyone in history. Alex Jones promoted the lie that the Sandy Hook massacre was an inside job. There are real conspiracies in the world (like the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Operation Mockingbird, Operation Phoenix, Operation Paperclip, Operation Ajax, the far-right wing coup d'état attempt on January 6th). Yet, Alex Jones promotes far right extremism, falsehoods, and total mania in his rants. West said that there are good things about Hitler. That is a lie as Hitler was a murderer, a racist, an anti-Semite, and a liar. Kanye West saying that he likes Hitler shows what he is. Kanye denying that 6 million people who are Jewish died in the Holocaust confirms his evil anti-Semitism for the world to see. 

Kanye West is a traitor to black people (along with his self-hating anti-black comments for years now), as the Nazis didn't view us black people as equal or human. The evil and the despicable thing that Kanye does is that he justifies his sick views under the banner of Christianity. Christianity and its teachings abhor anti-Semitic rhetoric. Any sense of morality period doesn't promote hatred of Jewish people, reject racism, and promote democratic rights. Hitler and Nazis admitted that they used the American racist eugenics movement to plot their moves in genocide and authoritarian fascism against Jewish people and other human beings. Yes, many black people died in the Holocaust too. Yes, many of our black ancestors were involved in Normandy and other parts of WWII to defeat the Nazis and Hitler.

Herschel Walker was criticized by former President Barack Obama. Walker has been filled with scandal after scandals like his paying for abortions (when he claims to be against abortion), allegations of domestic violence against women, and total hypocrisy. Walker talks about vampires and werewolves in his campaign speeches. Yet, Warnock has been consistent to promote democracy, the development of our infrastructure, and economic justice. Early voting has surged in Georgia. Some people rightfully won't vote for Walker. Yet, some, who cares more for a party than truth, will vote for Walker. Herchel Walker appeals to white racists because he represents a totally docile black male who seeks white far-right approval instead of black revolutionary politics.

This year is the 110th anniversary of Gordon Parks's life. Gordon Parks was such a monumental human being, that there is no Spike Lee, there is no John Singleton, and there are no numerous black film directors as we see them today with Gordon Parks's work. Gordon Parks was a photographer, musician, writer, and film director. His gift was that he took pictures of the diversity of African American life. He also took a keen interest in depicting working class and poor black people, because these are the people who are so underrepresented, even in near 2023. In 1972, Gordon Parks was awarded the Spingarn Medal from the NAACP, he received the 2002 Jackie Robinson Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award, and in 2002, he was inducted into the International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum. Gordon Parks captured the poverty of America, the Civil Rights Movement, and other issues. As an advocate for civil rights, he came to the March on Washington in 1963. He lived to be 93 years old, and he passed away on March 7, 2006, in New York City. He loved all of his children. Also, Gordon Parks worked on creating groundbreaking films like The Learning Tree, Shaft, and Solomon Northup's Odyssey. His memoir is A Choice of Weapons. Back in the 1940's, he worked on a federal government project to capture the lives of Americans. 

He was born and raised in the Midwest, which is a region of America found with creative human beings who love to explore life. Life Magazine owes a lot to Gordon Parks as he captured a myriad of photographs while Parks worked in the company. Gordon Parks was the first major black director (who gained massive success) after Oscar Micheaux with his film The Learning Tree (1969). The settings of the movie Shaft (1971) were definitely done with attention to detail and the knowledge of photography. He directed the 1972 sequel Shaft's Big Score. Parks loved to write literature. A lot of people don't know that Gordon Parks helped to found Essence magazine. He was its editorial director during the first three years of its circulation. Essence, as we know, is a magazine dedicated to representing the fashion, beauty, culture, intellectual strength, and entertainment found among black women. Malcolm X was a friend of Gordon Parks, and Malcolm X asked him to be the godfather of his daughter, Qubilah Shabazz. To this day, art culture and film culture are related Gordon Parks's excellent legacy.

By Timothy