Friday, July 05, 2024

A Crossroads in American History.

In our time, America is almost 250 years old. America is still a young nation with many advances technologically (filled with iPhones, Google cell phones, super processed computers, social media, and advanced computerized headphones) plus socially and challenges. We are in a crossroads of our history. With massive climate change, political polarization, and a very close election, we are in uncertain waters, but I have faith in the future. Our democracy as we know it could be gone in 2025. That reality is that real. Back centuries ago, America was inhabited by diverse Native Americans from the Nottoway to the Cheyenne. They spread from Canada to South America. European colonists came in those lands. These Native Americans created advanced civilizations with towns, cities, calendar systems, Temples, roads, and governmental infrastructure spanning thousands of years like Mayans, Incans, the Mound cultures, etc. Centuries ago, Europeans colonists traveled into the Americas for diverse purposes. Numerous colonists from Europe wanted trade, religious freedom, and set up their own communities. Many colonists did genocide against millions of Native Americans and enslaved black Africans. As time went onward, there was the development of more towns and cities. In America, the British Empire ruled a lot of America. Many colonists didn't want to pay in their minds' oppressive taxes, and some wanted independence. Inspired by Enlightenment scholars, religious people, and other human beings, numerous early Americans fought the British Empire in the Revolutionary War. This war resulted in the end of British monarchy (headed by King George) on American soil. 

The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776 (being created by Thomas Jefferson and other people of the Continental Congress), to proclaim American independence in the middle of the war. To the British, the Declaration of Independence was treason, and to American colonists, it was act of legitimate resistance against British monarchical tyranny.  The Declaration of Independence consisted of passionate, inspirational words. The Revolutionary war was brutal. Norfolk, Virginia was burned to grown by the Redcoats, New York City was occupied by the Redcoats, and American forces were nearly defeated. General George Washington's military forces were on the run in New Jersey. Yet, by a miracle with support from the French, the Dutch, the Spanish, the Germans, and other people, the Patriots won the war by the early 1780's (Americans crossing the Delaware to defeat Redcoat forces changed the course of the war indeed). The Treaty of Paris in 1783 ended the war officially. The paradox is while the Declaration of Independence told the truth about human equality, but many leaders of the American government didn't live up to that creed with slavery being legal (Thomas Jefferson and George Washington owned slaves) and other minorities being oppressed. It took activism among heroic human beings in America to end legalized slavery in America after the American Civil War with help from Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, William Still, etc. The modern federalist system, as we know it today, existed after the American Civil War with the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. Also, Frederick Douglas heavily criticized the July 4th celebrations as blatantly hypocritical in a stirring speech, because of the slavery and racial oppression that happened in America. 

Racial oppression, economic oppression, xenophobia, sexism, etc. still exist in our time in 2024. We have made victories from ending the Confederate forces after the American Civil War, defeating fascists by the end of World War II, and defeating neo-Confederates to see the passages of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Yet, the fascist, authoritarian movements have not quit. In France, fascists want more political power, Orban is an authoritarian in Hungary, in China people don't have full Internet services, and in America, Trumpism is a cult that continues to persist (when Trump said that he wants to be a Dictator on Day One if he is President. Trump is a convicted felon and legally liable for raping a woman, but hypocrites still want to vote for him). Wanting to improve America, desiring to fight evil in America, and seeking to end imperialism have nothing to do with hating America. To love America, you have to stand up against injustice in America. That's plainly real talk. The neo-Confederates (from the Heritage Foundation with their Project 2025 extremist plan, DeSantis, etc.) want to not only get rid of affirmative action, many human rights, and protections. They want to revert America to the 18th century prior to the American Civil War where the federal government is weakened to the point of not protecting any American greatly. The Supreme Court is incorrect to promote immunity for the President for "official policies," banning homelessness in public places, and eliminating the Chevron rule. So, the cruelty of MAGA cultists is the reality that folks have to accept. Only Biden or Trump will win the 2024 Presidency. I will vote for democracy in November 2024. We have to be prepared for what the future holds. On this day, we should acknowledge our heroes, be inspired by our history, and stand up plus speak up for our human rights, so justice can exist for all.

The Heritage Foundation President saying that they want a Second Amendment, and it will be bloodless if the left allows it. This is total fascist rhetoric. These people are modern day far right extremists who believe in neo-Confederate ideological views. Most of the corporate media is obsessed with Biden's age, but they use kid glove to the MAGA movement literally threatening Americans and desiring Project 2025 that will destroy American democracy as well know it. This fascism will be defeated in America, and we have to work hard to defend our democracy. Project 2025 wants to dismantle NOAA or the National Oceanographic and Atmosphere Administration. It wants to eliminate the EPA enforcement office that will make pollution more dangerous among innocent people.

Now, some Democratic people have publicly wanted Biden to resign from his Presidential campaign. Biden and Kamala Harris recently spoke to staff and other Democratic leaders to be defiant in refusing to allow Biden to step down. These calls come after the historic first Presidential debate. President Biden will continue to go to give speeches and express his views. This is beyond the midpoint of the 2024 Presidential election season. The skeptics of Biden haven't found an alternative to Biden, and these calls to replace Biden heavily represent hysteria. This is not the time to waver. One thing about Republicans is that they stick together regardless of their deplorable views. Trump is about bigotry, extremism, sexism, and xenophobia. Trump talks about sharks, desiring to lock up his political opponents, and other nonsense, but the corporate media is heavily silent on Trump's errors. Republicans have promoted the idea that Biden wasn't fit for office for years, and now many mostly moderate Democrats want Biden to step down. Trump has been found in court of liable of raping a woman and provoke a mob to have an insurrection against the U.S. Capitol. Biden has massive benefits in American society. We are clear that this threat to our democracy is real, and Trump must be voted out of office.

By Timothy

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