Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Early July 2024 News.


Vice President Kamala Harris has increasingly shown up to defend President Biden and to oppose the agenda of Trump. She talked about how the stakes are high and that Supreme Court spaces may been empty soon, so it is important to vote Trump out of office. Kamala Harris said that the Trump agenda desires to cut Social Security and seeks to end democracy as we know it in the United States of America. That is why Donald Trump has increased his attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris, because Trump is jealous of Harris's intellect and leadership skills. President Biden gave remarks at the NATO Summit in Washington, D.C. Biden gave a passionate speech to defend Ukraine and expose Putin's anti-democratic, illegal invasion of Ukraine. Biden desires a strong, unified NATO which is having its 75 years anniversary. Biden wants to send more military and economic investments to NATO. NATO has a controversial history. Some of what NATO has done is good, and other things that NATO has done was wrong like its intervention against Libya (that displaced people and provoked racists to harm black Libyan people). There is a double standard of Trump and Biden. Trump can talk about sharks and other things in rambling, incoherent statements, and he is treated with kid gloves, but Biden is giving more scrutiny for every speech that he has given. There is a group of moderate Democrats with a vendetta against Biden, because Biden has promoted progressive domestic policies that has helped millions of Americans. These defector hypocrites have not cited a replacement to Biden. They don't cite Kamala Harris as a replacement because they have a racist mentality of desiring a token white moderate to replace Biden in my opinion.

There is new genealogical information that I have discovered about my family tree coming about constantly in this time. Terry Williams Butler is my 3rd cousin who was born on May 9, 1968. He is a talented DJ who does concerts and other celebrations in Hampton Roads, Virginia. We are descendants of my 4th great grandparents Morefield Hurst (1827-1918) and Milly Woodson Bozeman (1830-1910). Terry Williams Butler's parents are William Henry Butler (1927-1991) and Mahala Luvenia Stith Noble Butler (1928-2023). My late 2nd cousin Mahal Luvenia Stith Noble Butler's parents were Charlie Walter Stith (1897-1973) and Corine Estell Sykes (1901-1996). Corine Estell Sykes's parents were Kenneth Sykes (1865-1949) and my 3rd great-grandaunt Josephine T. Hurst (1868-1929). Josephine T. Hurst's parents are Morefield Hurst (1827-1929) and Milly Woodson-Bozeman (1830-1910). Terry Williams Butler's two daughters and my 4th cousins are Tiarra Butler (b. 1988) and Kameryn Alexis Darrington Butler (b. 2000). Tiarra Butler is a professional dancer who has her own choreography class to help people dance in creative ways. Her classes are in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Kameryn Butler is a General Manager at Planet Fitness. She studied Administration of Justice and Psychology at the University of Virginia's College at Wise. Wise is in the mountains of Virginia near Tennessee at the Western Virginian region. She went to C.D. Hylton High School and loved to play lacrosse when she went into college. She graduated from college in 2023.

The Lancet medical journal has estimated that about 186,000 Palestinians have died. This is a result of Netanyahu's vengeful and imperialist policies in Gaza and the West Bank. These deaths have been caused not only by air bombardments. Many Palestinians have been starved to death, have diseases, and have health issues because of lack of basic medical care (as a product of the war). The United Nations has estimated that 35 percent of all buildings in Gaza had been destroyed by the end of February 2024. There can be at least 10,000 bodies buried under the rubble not that is not included in The Lancet study. The ratio of indirect deaths could be far greater. Israeli government leaders have denied food, medical supplies, fuel, and other basic necessities to the hungry Palestinian population. The Gazan infrastructure is destroyed. Even some Israeli political leaders have resigned because of these blatant war crimes against the Palestinian people. This has no justification at all.

Putin's military forces have used an attack on a Ukrainian children's hospital. It is called Okhatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv. This act was barbaric and evil. The same ones who lecture us on compassion are completely silent on this war crime by Russian military because they want to pick and choose who they support.  The Okhmatdyt Hospital has been saving and restoring the life of thousands of children. It has been damaged by a Russian strike. People have been found under the rubble. It's a cowardly act committed by Putin's forces, which proves conclusively that Putin is a war criminal. Now, the Trump endorsed candidate Mark Robinson said that some folks need killing. Mark Robinson is running for the Governor of North Carolina. This is the mental derangement of the MAGA cult. Now, we have new Project 2025 architect said that the second American Revolution will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be. This is fascism 101. We have a great opportunity to allow Trumpism to be defeated by November 2024.

The battle continues. The upcoming Republican National Convention will take place in Milwaukee taking place next week. The Republicans so far right, that the GOP official platform sent to the public mentioning obscenely oppressive policies. Sellouts like Wake Flocka and Amber Rose support Trump omitting that Trump wanted the death penalty for Central Park Five and wants the police to have immunity even if they participate in police brutality. Trump allies desire to prosecute top Democrats. Meanwhile, President Biden has given multiple interviews with news companies worldwide and plans to go to the meeting in NATO. President Biden gave a 19-minute Morning Joe interview being cogent, of sound mind, and answering complicated questions. Fascists are trying to ruin America, and these fence setters want Biden to drop out. These are some of the same people who didn't want Biden to continue the Presidency in 2023. These are the same people who thought that the GOP would win in 2020 and in 2022 being completely wrong in their assessments. Senator Michael Bennett is a coward to say that Trump will win the election and GOP members will lose the House and the Senate. That attitude never solves anything. Only fighting for your rights will cause victory. President Biden said that he is not going anywhere. Many media people are using lies and misinformation in trying to shift the issue from Trump's fascist agenda to Biden.

By Timothy

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