Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Friday, January 31, 2025
The Mid Air Collision Disaster.
There is a massive tragedy. It involved an American Airlines jet and an Army helicopter that had a mid-air collision. This happened on Wednesday night. Authorities are trying to recover wreckage and bodies. The American Airlines passenger jet carried 64 people. Search and rescue operations are underway in the Potomac River. An investigation is being launched by the U.S. Army and the Department of Justice. Areas around Washington, D.C. are restricted airspace. Right now, according to NBC Washington, more than 30 bodies have been recovered. The waters in the Potomac are freezing. The horrendous event took place near Arlington, Virginia. The question is why the Army helicopter was flown so near the Reagan National Airport near a commercial airplane. Many members of the figure skating community were abroad the jet according to the U.S. Figure Staking organization. Russia's state news agency said two world champion Russian figure skaters were on the plane. A full investigation's conclusion will take weeks and months.
We all send condolences to the families of the victims of the midair collision. Some of the greatest skaters on Earth have passed away from this tragedy. Once again, Trump has not only politicized the sad event, but he has lied greatly again in trying to divide the American people. This disaster is not about Republicans vs. Democrats. It is about innocent people being dead by 2 flying objects crashing together. Donald Trump said that racist comment that DEI politics caused the collision. This is a lie as no independent investigation has existed to determine the cause of the crash. Also, Trump blamed Biden for the crash which is a lie as former President Biden has nothing to do with the crash too.
Trump forced out the FAA chief at Musk's insistence, imposed a hiring freeze that reportedly included air traffic controllers, fired the TSA head, and gutted a key aviation safety committee, and the air traffic controllers are understaffed now. DEI has nothing to do with unqualified people getting jobs. DEI is about promoting diverse, qualified people to have jobs as America is the most diverse nation in human history. Ironically, Trump has hypocritically promoted less-than-qualified people in his cabinet, but he is obsessed with blaming tons of things on DEI in a racist fashion. Trump is a racist who has skepticism over any qualified person of color in a major position of power. The Bush/Harris administration drove down close calls, grew Air Traffic Control, and had zero commercial airline crash fatalities out of millions of flights. Any pilot job has strident qualifications and training.
Tulsi Gabbard wants to the DNI leader, Patel wants to be the FBI Director, and Robert Kennedy Jr. wants to be the head of the Department of Health and Human Services. All 3 Trump supporters had many bipartisan grilling by Senators. Gabbard refuses to answer the question of whether Snowden is a traitor or not. I have more respect for her if she said it one way or another. The truth is that Edward Snowden wasn't perfect, but he wasn't a traitor desiring to destroy America. Snowden sincerely wanted to expose the illegal government surveillance programs against the American people. NSA mass phone surveillance has been ruled illegal, and reforms existed now. A court ruled recently that the 702 surveillance violated the Fourth Amendment. Gabbard defended her meeting from the controversial 2017 meeting with Syrian dictator President Bashar al-Assad. Gabbard defended Trump when Trump wanted to overthrow the legal election of 2020. How can Gabbard claim to support the American people when her loyalty is to Trump who desires to be a dictator on Day One and promotes policies antithetical to freedom and justice? Gabbard has blamed NATO for Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine and rejected the conclusion that Assad used chemical weapons in Syria.
Senator Bennet grilled Robert Kennedy Kr. on his past rhetoric during the Health and Human Services hearing on Wednesday. Robert Kennedy said that he cited a study to believe that COVID-19 targeted black and white people but spared Ashkenazi Jewish people. That is bigoted nonsense. Robert Kennedy Jr. admitted that Lyme disease is a highly military-engineered bioweapon which isn't true. Robert Kennedy Jr. on tape said that no vaccine is safe and effective. His own cousin Caroline Kennedy called him a predator. Vaccines have a very high bar to be approved by governmental authorities. It takes years for the government to allow vaccines to exist in society. Robert Kennedy Jr. believes that no restrictions on regulating raw milk should exist. If Robert Kennedy Jr. is confirmed, kids could have an increased risk of having polio and measles.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Policies from a Tyrant.
U.S. Representative Rich McCormick, who is a Republican from Georgia telling CNN that children should get jobs instead of getting free school breakfast and lunch shows how wicked he and many Republicans are. Many people get free lunch not because of laziness, because many children need them to survive. Callous attitudes from people like Rich outline why I will never support the Trump agenda. The political independent author Sophia A. Nelson told the truth that America has a problem when journalists are taken off the air to appease Trump, career prosecutors at the DOJ are fired for no reason, and the Trump team members desire to cut off student aid, loans, and grants. There is the silencing of the NIH and CDC, the leaving of WHO (and the Climate Change Agreement), reversing decades of civil rights gains, and firing Inspector generals. We all agree that violent criminals should be prosecuted after due process, but we oppose ICE agents storming schools or neighborhoods, terrorizing communities, racially profiling individuals, and threatening to deport people who have children here. We know that Native Americans (who are American citizens) have been harassed by ICE agents recently. ICE agents illegally detained an American citizen (who is a military veteran) in Newark, New Jersey too. We have a tyrant and a fascist who is President, and his evil must be opposed.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Monday, January 27, 2025
Late January 2025 Information.
The common myth and lie is that the only church from 30 A.D. to 606 A.D. was the Roman Catholic Church. The truth is that there were many independent believers and churches that followed the Gospel from the UK to India and China.
Helvidius (sometimes Helvetius) was the author of a work written prior to 383 against the belief in the perpetual virginity of Mary. Helvidius maintained that the biblical mention of "sisters" and "brothers" of the Lord constitutes solid evidence that Mary had normal marital relations with Joseph and additional children after the miraculous conception and birth of Jesus. He supported his opinion by the writings of Tertullian and Victorinus. Helvidius also accused Jerome of translating the Vulgate from corrupt Greek manuscripts. All the works of Helvidius are lost; we know some things about his tract against the belief in the perpetual virginity of Mary only through Jerome's treatise written in response to it. Helvidius considered the state of being married as an honor and argued against the high glorification of celibacy, which Jerome attacked. Helvidius is one of the early opponents of the monastic movement
Jovinian (Latin: Iovinianus; died c. 405) was an opponent of Christian asceticism in the 4th century and was condemned as a heretic at synods convened in Rome under bishop Siricius and in Milan by Ambrose in 393 because of his views. Our information about him is derived principally from the work of Jerome in two books, Adversus Jovinianum. Jerome referred to him as the "Epicurus of Christianity." Jovinian was not a heretic, but a born again Christian. He felt that virgins, widows and married women, and remarried widows, are of equal merit in the Christian community. Many scholars have argued that for Jovinian, works did not justify a man, thus holding to a Protestant view of justification, which is by faith alone. It has been argued that Jovinian believed in a distinction between the visible and invisible churches, based on his statement that the Church is founded on faith, and that all in the Church are taught by God and that no "unripe" members exist within the Church and no one can enter the church "by fraud." From a letter of the synod at Milan to Bishop Siricius (Ambrose, Epistle xlii) and from Augustine's book Contra Julian ii, it is clear that Jovinian also denied the perpetual virginity of Mary.
Vigilantius lived in ca. 400 A.D. He was a Christian presbyter who wrote a book that opposed the heresies being promoted. His work was so groundbreaking that the establishment leader Jerome (who died in 420) wrote many polemical treatises against Vigilantius which focused on ad hominem attacks instead of a real refutation. Vigilantius was born in ca. 370 A.D. at Calagurris (or Saint Martory today) in Aquitania, France. His father kept and inn on the great Roman road from Gallia Aquitania to Spain. When he was a youth, he worked with Christian Sulpicus Severus (ca. 363-425 A.D.) who had estates in that neighborhood. By 395, Sulpicius baptized him, sent him with letters to Paulinus of Nola, where he met with a friendly reception. When he returned to Severus in Gaul, he was ordained and soon afterwards inherited means through the death of his father, he traveled to Israel. This is where at first Jerome showed him respect at Bethlehem. Vigilantius later accused Jerome of Oreigenism (named after the scholar Origen of Alexandria, who lived form 184 to 253 A.D.).
On his return to the West Vigilantius bore a letter from Jerome to Paulinus, and at various places where he stopped on the way he appears to have expressed himself about Jerome in a manner that - when reported - gave great offence to that father, and provoked him to write a reply (Ep. 61). Vigilantius now settled for some time in Gaul, and is said by one authority (Gennadius) to have afterwards held a charge in the diocese of Barcelona. About 403, some years after his return from the East, Vigilantius wrote his work against some church practices, in which he argued against the veneration of relics, as also against the vigils in the basilicas of the martyrs, then so common, the sending of alms to Jerusalem, the rejection of earthly goods and the attribution of special virtue to the unmarried state, especially in the case of the clergy. He was especially indignant in the veneration of saints and their relics. All knowledge of his work comes from Jerome's treatise Contra Vigilantium. The doctrines of Vigilantius, at least to the extent that they are understood on the basis of Jerome's letter, feature strongly in the 'Twelve Conclusions' of the English Lollards. Vigilantius opposed monastic asceticism and superstitions connected with it. Jerome attacked Vigilantius, even calling him a monster; for "believing that the graves of martyrs and saints should not be venerated, opposing virginity and being against fasting for the saints." Vigilantius also denied the veneration of saints and relics, which he considered superstition and idolatry. Vigilantius said his adversaries "worshipped bones and ash of dead men" and called them idolaters. Vigilantius also attacked intercession for the dead as useless.
The large irony was when the growth of Christianity spread in the Roman Empire, the Roman Empire declined rapidly because of many reasons. By 212 A.D., there was the reign of Emperor Caracalla. He allowed Roman citizenship granted to all freeborn inhabitants of the empire. The Severan dynasty saw massive chaos. The Emperors during that time saw murder, executive, and the Crisis of the Third Century (when there were invasions, civil strife, economic disorder, and plague). This time saw the transition form the Classical to Late Antiquity of World History. Aurelin (who ruled from 270-275 A.D.) stabilized the empire militarily and the Emperor Diocletian reoganized and restored much of the empire by 285 A.D. Emperor Diocletian used a massive persecution campaign against Christians. He was a vicious anti-Christian bigot. Diocletian divided the empire into four region, each ruled by a separate tetarach. He was confident that he solved the disorder harming Rome, so he abdicated along with his co-emperor. Yet, the Tetrarchy collapsed shortly after that even. Order was restored by Emperor Constantine the Great. He was the first Roman Emperor to have converted to Christianity. He made Constantinople as the new capital of the Eastern Empire. During the decades of the Constantinian and Valentinian dynasties, the empire was divided along an east–west axis, with dual power centres in Constantinople and Rome. Julian, who under the influence of his adviser Mardonius attempted to restore Classical Roman and Hellenistic religion, only briefly interrupted the succession of Christian emperors. Theodosius I, the last emperor to rule over both East and West, died in 395 after making Christianity the state religion. The Western Roman Empire began to disintegrate in the early 5th century. The Romans fought off all invaders, most famously Attila, but the empire had assimilated so many Germanic peoples of dubious loyalty to Rome that the empire started to dismember itself. Most chronologies place the end of the Western Roman Empire in 476, when Romulus Augustulus was forced to abdicate to the Germanic warlord Odoacer. Odoacer ended the Western Empire by declaring Zeno sole emperor and placing himself as Zeno's nominal subordinate. In reality, Italy was ruled by Odoacer alone. The Eastern Roman Empire, called the Byzantine Empire by later historians, continued until the reign of Constantine XI Palaiologos, the last Roman emperor. He died in battle in 1453 against Mehmed II and his Ottoman forces during the siege of Constantinople. Mehmed II adopted the title of caesar in an attempt to claim a connection to the former Empire. His claim was soon recognized by the Patriarchate of Constantinople, but not by European monarchs.
For the eons of human history, health has always been promoted by human beings. With the new events going on, studying health is always important. Everyone of us living now either has a health issue or knows someone with a health issue. The importance of preparation and wisdom about diverse health subjects is underrated. The myth is that there is just one single formula for all people to follow in the exact direction to cause all people to improve their health. The truth is that every human being is different. There is no 100 percent identical DNA in any human being, so what food and health plan may work for one person may not for another. For example, if a person has peanut allergies, it is not right to promote peanuts for that person to consume. If a person is lactose intolerant, that person shouldn't drink milk unless that milk is lactose free milk. For years, I have mentioned that BMI is a hoax in determining human health. Now, recently research and studies prove that to be so like the report from the journal The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology. That is why real health indicators relate to body fat percentage, blood pressure, waist to hip ratio, waist size measurement in general (which is a reliable measure of weight related health risks), hormone levels, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, testosterone levels, and other indicators. We should always support the really great health experts helping humanity. They are doing a lot to improve lives, give great advice, and furthering a positive, health culture. Also, we live in a new generation in 2025. There are still those who believe in extreme materialism, lookism, and other prejudices that have no place in the Universe. Anyone, who is truly about health culture, believe in treating all people with dignity and with respect regardless of color, size, sex, nationality, and background. We follow the Golden Rule.
One of the great health experts of our generation is Bo Talley-Williams. She is the mother of five children and the grandmother of 2 children. She has been working in fitness training for years. She is a businesswoman, film producer, author, actress, and a philanthropist. She is married to the professional basketball coach Fred Williams. Bo wants people to be their best selves and has many videos that document her life and work in fitness culture. She loves to show tips on healthy eating and working out found in social media platforms from Facebook, Instagram, X, etc. She is the national advertisement leader and face for Strength of Natures product Gentle Treatment Relaxer for gray hair and for Pantene UK's Power of Grey Campaign. She is a mentor to young girls to fulfill their own destinies. In 2016, she has received the RICE AWARD (Rising in Community Excellence) for Top Entertainment Company in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2014, she created the first All women Celebrity Basketball Game in Atlanta, Georgia themed Balling for Lupus. Lupus is a serious disease that has harmed the immune systems of millions of people. Her fitness company is BO FITT, LLC whose goal is to inspire and motivate women and men from ages 30 on up to try and have health and fitness awareness to benefit their lives. She is a living legend of fitness and health culture of our generation indeed.
Sheryl Grant is a very prominent leader of our time too. She won Ms. Olympia at the age of 55 years old which is an incredible accomplishment. She has motivated and changed lives for the better for years. She created the award winning FIT for Life platform that has helped individuals in their business, career, and life. FIT is also her acronym meaning Faith, intuition, and tenacity. Those are true life lessons. She is part of the technology movement who promotes companies to work with the Generations of Generation X and Baby Boomers. She has worked in Silicon Valley for 30 years. Sheryl Grant served as the President of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women Inc., Oakland/Bay Area Chapter where she wrote the curriculum for the Positive Steps Girls Program (girls form 12-17) which helps to mentor girls in leadership, STEM, college, etc. She has invested in programs to combat HIV/AIDS, literacy, and other important issues. She is the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors for the Oakland African American Chamber of Commerce. She raised more than 1 million dollars in supporting black businesses over the pandemic in addition to the Board of Directors for Giving Back Fund. She has a Masters Degree in Leadership Development from St. Mary's College. She loves to perform core exercises. Now, she is 63 years old who was born on December 20, 1961.
Sister Donna Richardson Joyner. For decades, she has been involved in fitness and other arenas. She was born in Silver Spring, Maryland in 1962. Silver Spring is just to the north of Washington, D.C. She graduated from Hollins College with a degree in Health Education and Dance. Also, she is a spiritual woman who has given motivational speeches all over the world. She's a beautiful black woman who is expressing her gifts in a loving, inspirational way. Her spirit is filled with energy, positivity, and joy. I wish the best for her.
One of the most important issues of the health world is Ozempic. Ozempic is a medicine similar to Rybelsus and Wegovy that were originally used for anti-diabetic medication used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and an anti-obesity medication for long-term weight management. These medicines can be injected or taken orally. The issue is that people who don't have diabetes or don't have severe obesity are increasingly taking Ozempic and like-minded medicine in a higher level. Ozempic is made up of a peptide similar to the hormone glucagon like peptide 1 (GLP), modified with a side chain. By December 2017, the injectable version of the brand name Ozempic was approved by use by people with diabetes in America and in January 2018 in Canada. Some health plans in America don't cover weight loss drugs like Ozempic. In America by 2024, about half of private employer-sponsored plans cover these drugs. Federal Medicare Part D does not and only a few federally funded, state administered Medicaid plans do. Semaglutide is expected to be patent free in America no earlier than December 2031. Semaglutide was the top selling medication in America in 2023, with expenditures of $38.6 billion. Novo Nordish promotes the Ozempic product. Ozempic has many benefits and risk factors. Semaglutide drugs can help treat binge eating disorders, help with cardiovascular health, reduce asthma attacks, and a 2024 study published in Alzheimer's and Dementia suggests that semaglutide may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
This is the year of massive anniversaries. This year is the 20th year anniversary of the Katrina disaster in New Orleans and many areas of the Deep South. The tragic event took place when I was in my early 20s. I remember that terrible situation just like yesterday. Hurricane Katrina represented many things from the increase of climate change to the class oppression and racism found in American society. After 20 years, we still have a long way to go. Problems of infrastructure and response are the fault of local, state, and federal governments. We know how the Bush administration flown over the city of New Orleans while people were suffering. The suffering among black people and poor people were so intense that Kanye West (before he was a MAGA extremist) said his comments about George W. Bush. The leeves failed because of years of infrastructure neglect in the name of fiscal conservativism. Many people forget that at least 1,580 people died from Hurricane Katrina, 70 percent of these human beings were senior citizens. Many racists and even some neoliberal politicians said that most black people in the Superdome acted in a criminal fashion. There was the Danziger Bridge incident when plainclothes cops attacked a crowd without warning, killing two people and wounding four people. The police kicked a disabled man to death. Racist white vigilante groups stopped and forced black people to not cross the bridge to go to the Algiers Point neighborhood. For years, people warned about the water disaster that would come to New Orleans. Neoliberal and far right economic and political policies contributed to the disaster of Katrina. The Hurricane caused health issues in New Orleans and many places of the Deep South too. Katrina was one of the most costliest Hurricane disasters in American history. Deregulation, gentrification, and issues of housing rights deal with the legacy of Katrina also. The legacy of Katrina is that while more people talk about natural disaster preparedness than years ago, we still have to oppose the system of oligarchy more obsessed with property than the human rights of the people.
By Timothy
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Friday, January 24, 2025
The End of the Week News.
A federal judge said on Thursday that President Donald Trump's executive order ending birthright citizenship was blatantly unconstitutional and issued a temporary restraining order to block it. The judge is right as anyone born on American soil is an American citizen. Trump seeking this ban is cruel as even kids born in America could be deported if their parents are both undocumented immigrants (which will result in the splitting of numerous families in a repressible fashion). Trump wanting to deport legal immigrants shows his xenophobia once again. Judge John Coughenour, a Ronald Reagan appointee who sits in Seattle, granted the request by Washington Attorney General Nick Brown and 3 other Democratic-led states for the emergency order stopping the executive order for the next 14 days. There are more briefings on the legal challenge. Hopefully, that executive order will be repealed in the future. Kinzinger called out Johnson's defense of the evil Trump pardons of the January 6th insurrectionists (who are terrorists). Speaker Johnson's defending the pardons is sick as redemption requires repentance and accountability when the criminals who destroyed property and officers should have total punishment for their deeds.
Recently, ICE or the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents raised a local establishment in Newark, New Jersey. They detained undocumented residents and citizens without a warrant. One of the detainees is a U.S. military veteran who had the legitimacy of his military documentation questioned. This is fascism and evil. This is what Trump supporters voted for. They voted for a male who wants to disregard due process rights and allow authorities to just raid people egregiously. This action in Newark is clearly against the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that guarantees the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. We knew that such injustice would transpire. Newark Mayor Ras J. Baraka desires to have a press conference to condemn this action done by ICE agents.
The Senate voted to advance Hegseth's nomination. Trump is a hypocrite to claim to want a merit-based society, but he propped up Hegseth who has no adequate qualifications to be one of the leaders of the military (or the Secretary of Defense). The ADL leader initially trying to sugarcoat Elon Musk's Nazi salute is wrong. Musk used the Nazi salute 2 times. Later, the ADL criticized Elon Musk for making Holocaust jokes. The Holocaust shouldn't be joked about, and Elon Musk is wrong to make hand salutes look like Nazi salutes twice. We should not take a break when tyranny and fascism is growing in America. Musk supporting the fascist AfD party in Germany is very telling pertaining to Musk's character and wicked intentions for American society.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
More News.
GOP Sen Loses His Mind Over Female Bishop Who Challenged Trump
Ketanji Brown Jackson Wore A Symbol Of Silent Rebellion At Inauguration
Keisha Lance Bottoms calls Trump’s notice of her firing “a day late and a dollar short”
Jon Stewart applauds Michelle Obama for skipping Trump inauguration
From Refugee to Navy Physician: U.S. Navy LCDR Nehkonti Adams | Watch
13 Gorgeous Braided Hairstyles for Black Women That Will Make You Stand Out
German POWs Work in U.S. Camp | Watch
The new Era of the 2nd Term of the Presidency of Donald Trump.
Now, we have a new President. I and almost half of the country didn't vote for this new resident in the White House He is Donald Trump, who is a convicted felonious criminal, a pathological liar, and a fascist demagogue. Greed, vanity, ignorance, and political polarization encompass the MAGA cult. The establishment funds Trump, because much of the establishment agrees with Trump's views and Gilded Age philosophies. The oligarchy of the super wealthy with massive wealth and power has increased unprecedentedly for over four decades. The 2025 controversial inauguration ceremony is over. The ceremony was held in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda (because of the extremely cold frigid temperatures outside) filled with billionaires like Bezos, Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, etc. who sold out for profit and political prestige. Many Democrats had no other choice but to be in the ceremonies because they are elected officials. We can respect basic human dignity without respecting retrograde, reactionary policies. Former President Joe Biden and former Vice President Kamala Harris were there. The MAGA supporters in the Capitol One stadium (in Washington, D.C.) booed Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. That reality exposes their hypocrisy (these MAGA hypocrites claim to believe in family values and decency, but they disrespected people at an inauguration event).
As the 47th President of the United States of America, Donald Trump is very clear in his inauguration speech about his agenda. Trump attacked the Biden administration because of his many progressive policies. Trump wanted "A Golden Age," executed many executive orders, and dealt with immigration matters (now immigration raids are taking place in Boston and other places). Trump lied that no one in California defended the wildfires in Los Angeles and the events of Hurricane Helene. Our democracy has been compromised. Trump wants to roll back energy initiatives (which have saved human lives) and wants to whitewash American history in his education agenda. You notice how these cowards staying on the sidelines on this issue are silent. At least people like us have spoken out against Trump's insane views while others who feel embarrassment are not talking. America produces more oil than any country in world history, but Trump is obsessed with drilling massively. This administration is influenced by billionaire corporate interests which is why Wall Street interests dominated the Trump administration ceremonies and the luncheon. Trump criticized Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for defending the essence of our nation in opposition to the terrorists who were involved in the January 6th insurrection. Trump wants to intimidate the media, promote non-qualified reactionaries in his cabinet, and seek his opponents to have apathy instead of courage to confront Trumpism. Vice President J.D. Vance called this ceremony beautiful. Many protesters of the Trump inauguration have existed along with the evil Proud Boys nearby in Washington, D.C.
Trump hypocritically claims to want peace, but follows imperialism by desiring to annex Greenland, the Panama Canal, and Canada. He is silent on the oppression of the Palestinian people. Trump's acolytes are equally disgraceful. Elon Musk (who praised a fascist German Party called Afd, and supported anti-Semitic comments on X. Elon Musk's maternal grandparents were members of the Nazi Party in Canada and later moved to South Africa because they supported the Apartheid regime) gave a salute which looks similar to a Nazi salute on the first Day of Trump's new Presidency. This is lunacy and totally anti-freedom, but we can't lose hope. We must defend our rights and our democracy that our ancestors died for. Trump is obsessed with mass deportations (and banning birthright citizenship which is illegal as birthright citizenship is part of the 14th Amendment) when migrant crossings have radically declined. Trump is expected to promote executive orders which are bigoted and anti-democratic. We must always have hope for the next generation, so they can live in a future better than this current reality. We must always keep up the fight to reject bigotry and embrace justice for all.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King's Jr. in 2025.
Heroes are real in the world. They are not perfect, but they are bold and visionary. The late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a visionary who saw injustice and wanted to eliminate it. Courage was part of his personality as he risked his life for us to be a better world than the past. People like Dr. King, Malcolm X, Ella Baker, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, etc. worked very hard, so they could build a foundation for all of us to walk upon. These are the people that contributed to me in 2025 to live where I want and to eat where I want. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. married a woman, Coretta Scott King, who was just as progressive as he was. In fact, Coretta Scott King publicly opposed the Vietnam War publicly even before Dr. King went into public to express opposition to the war. He was an intellectual political philosopher who questioned capitalism and glorified democratic socialism in his life. He was born in the South at Atlanta, Georgia. In fact, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to me was the greatest orator of the 20th century and one of the greatest speakers in human history. His parents were the preacher Michael King Sr. and Alberta King. He was raised with many siblings. Dr. King's father and grandfather were preachers of the Baptist faith. Dr. King would later be pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church just like his father. Dr. King loved to read literature, visited his grandparents, and played games with people. As a child, Dr. King experienced racism and decided to show love to all people. His father stood up against segregation and discrimination too. In fact, his father led hundreds of African American in a civil rights march in 1936 to the city hall in Atlanta, to protest voting rights discrimination. His father, Michael King Sr., also wanted white people to call him Sir not "boy" which racists commonly used against black men back in the day. Michael King Sr. was a man who wanted his dignity to be respected without compromise.
Dr. King was inspired by that. Dr. King could sing and play the piano plus played pool. He learned an extensive, large vocabulary from reading dictionaries. Dr. King worked in high school and spelled greatly. He won an oratorical contest on April 13, 1944. He was cursed at by a racist white bus driver and that was he was the angriest he had ever been in his life. He went to Morehouse College, he played football, traveled to Hartford, Connecticut (which was integrated), and he later entered the ministry in 1947. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in sociology in 1948 by the time he was 19 years old from Morehouse. Dr. King went up North to Upland, Pennsylvania at Crozer Theological Seminary to get his theological degree. He promoted the social gospel from many scholars like Walter Rauschenbusch's social gospel views. He graduated from the school with a Bachelor of Divinity in 1951. He earned a doctorate in systematic theology at Boston University. Ironically, I agree with Dr. Martin Luther King's political and economic views more than his theological views. Dr. King didn't believe in the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Virgin Birth, and a Literal Hell. I do believe in the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Virgin Birth, and a Literal Hell. Dr. King believes that suffering is redemptive, but I believe that suffering is part of a believer's life (yet suffering is not redemptive as only the blood of the Lamb can redeem the souls of humanity). Dr. King married Coretta Scott King (a singer and civil rights leader) on June 18, 1953. They love their four children who are Yolanda, Martin Luther King III, Dexter Scott King, and Bernice King.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had many challenges and victories involving the Civil Rights Movement. He worked with Rosa Parks, and others to promote the Montgomery Bus Boycott movement. The end result of the movement was the integration of the buses in America. The Dexter Avenue Baptist Church was a homebase in Montgomery, Alabama to promote the boycott. That fact is important as the Deep South played a key role in the victories of the overall black freedom struggle. Claudetta Clovin, Edgar Nixon, and other famous and unsung men and women worked together to make the boycott successful. The boycott lasted for 385 days. Dr. King's home was bombed, but he still kept the faith. Dr. King even carried a gun in his house for self-defense purposes (which he had a right to do), but Rustin convinced him to give up his gun. There is nothing wrong with self-defense or pacifism, but me personally I believe in self-defense and nonviolence. The Browder v. Gayle ruling banned racial segregation on Montgomery public buses. After this victory, Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. was a national figure and one of the most powerful leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. In 1957, Dr. King, Ralph Abernathy, Fred Shuttlesworth, Joseph Lowery, and other civil rights leaders created The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to use the black churches to use nonviolent protests in promoting civil rights and human rights. He had allies like Stanley Levison and Ella Baker. He addressed the national audience in the SCLC's 1957 Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom. By the early 1960s, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover hypocritically claimed to promote liberty, but used COINTELPRO and other illegal methods to monitor Dr. King, the Black Panthers, and other progressive movements for social change. You can't claim to be for freedom while using illegal tactics against citizens. Dr. King worked hard to try to inspire President John F. Kennedy to issue a Second Emancipation Proclamation to end segregation. JFK didn't execute the order, but Kennedy did promote the federal civil rights legislation in 1963 that Dr. King praised with enthusiasm. President Kennedy had a stronger civil rights record than all previous Presidents combined. Kennedy wanted to use the law and the courts (like Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Marshall disagreed with Dr. King on his views on the Vietnam War) to promote equality without massive demonstrations. I agree with Dr. King that you not only need the law and the courts, but you also need massive demonstrations and grassroots organizing to create true equality in American society. JFK was concerned with Hoover's allegations that communists in the SCLC could derail the civil rights initiatives. Dr. King was not a Communist and he condemned Communism by his words, Levison was a former Communist, and there were no communist members of the SCLC. O'Dell was a Communist. Although, O'Dell was a grown man with the right to believe in what he wanted. I am a not a Communist, but people should have the right to believe in whatever ideology that they want as long as they are not hurting others immorally. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. praised democratic socialism. Dr. King was stabbed by a mentally ill woman Izola Curry on September 20, 1958, when he was signing copies of his book Stride Toward Freedom. He made Atlanta sit-ins, was in prison, and survived the 1960 elections. In fact, Dr. King's father supported John F. Kennedy for the Presidency after JFK and RFK used their influence to get Dr. King out of prison. The 1961 Albany movement in Georgia wasn't successful, because segregationists used slick tactics in stopping the SCLC's efforts (via Police Chief Laurie Pritchett). He worked with others in the 1963 Birmingham Campaign. That was a turning point, because after that campaign, the Civil Rights Movement would never be the same again. In Birmingham, Alabama, Wyatt Tee Walker and other people created civil disobedience and other actions to try to end Jim Crow oppression in Birmingham. Later, children were used the protests. Many black children were jailed and assaulted with dogs and water hoses being one of the evilest actions done by the authorities in world history. Bull Connor promoted this evil. Dr. King wrote his famous Letter from Birmingham Jail to respond to moderates who wanted him to stop demonstrations. Dr. King accurately wrote that the urgent racist system must be abolished, and unjust laws are no true laws at all. He invoked people opposing Hitler and the American Revolutionary War history to justify his nonviolent resistance actions. For example, Dr. King wrote that Hitler did legal things, but these things were wrong, so not all laws are just. We have the subsequent right to oppose unjust laws.
He was involved in the 1963 March on Washington being a keynote speaker. The March of Washington was created by thousands of people from every color like Roy Wilkins, Whitney Young, A. Philip Randolph, John Lewis, James L. Farmer, Bayard Rustin, and other people who wanted to voice their demands to the American government on the Washington Monument grounds. The I Have a Dream speech from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a culmination of the plans of A. Philip Randolph who wanted such a March back during the time of WWII. Dr. King gave a 17-minute great speech with inspiration from Mahalia Jackson. More than 250,000 Americans of every color were in the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and the National Mall. The speech (and the agenda of the 1963 March on Washington in general) wanted no police brutality, labor rights, self-government of Washington, D.C. civil rights legislation, no racial discrimination, and other progressive policies. Dr. King worked to comfort the families of the bombings of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Four innocent black girls were murdered by cowards (who were in a KKK-affiliated racist group). It was a terrible tragedy. Dr. King used demonstrations in St. Augustine, Florida in 1964. The SCLC worked with Robert Hayling who promoted nonviolence and armed self-defense. Dr. King promoted racial equality in 1964, worked in New York City, supported the labor strike at the Scripto factory in Atlanta, and supported the Selma Voting Rights movement (from 1964 to 1965).
The protests in Selma, Alabama were large, and Bloody Sunday was when innocent men, women, and children were beaten by corrupt police officers (many of them on horseback) in March 1965. Selma caused LBJ to sign the 1965 Voting Rights Act, one of the most important laws in human history. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 helped to increase voting rights power among African Americans, but recently the Supreme Court has cut many important parts of the law in a wicked fashion. Afterward, the Watts rebellion in 1965 took place over economic exploitation, discrimination, housing rights being abused, poverty, racism, and police brutality in Los Angeles. People were desperate for survival, and Dr. King was booed when he came to Los Angeles immediately after the rebellion in 1965. That was rare to be booed by black people, but Dr. King later learned that Northern and Western ghettoes in many cases already had voting rights and civil rights laws long before 1965. They needed empathy and real progressive policies to address economic oppression, educational deprivation, health care issues, racial discrimination issues, housing rights violations, and infrastructure problems that must be done by a radical redistribution of political and economic power. In other words, it is fine to ban Jim Crow apartheid, but that is not enough. You need also to address an oppressive economic and political system that deprives black Americans of the opportunity to live our best lives. There should be a radical change in the power structure so wealth is fairly distributed to the people via living wages, a guaranteed annual income, investments in housing, adequate jobs, and true economic and political power for the oppressed.
Dr. King worked in the Chicago Freedom movement involving open housing in 1966. Chicago was a test. It would involve the SCLC and the CCCO (or Council of Community Organizations), founded by Albert Raby. Albert Raby would be a great friend of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The Chicago Freedom Movement saw more racism for Dr. King than in many places in the South. In Chicago, hundreds of white racists would go out to curse and fight black protesters who desire open housing. Dr. King worked in Belmont Cragin, Jefferson Park, Evergreen Park, Gage Park, Marquette Park, and other areas. Dr. King was hit in head with a rock by a racist. Richard J. Daley wanted token measures to handle the situation, but Dr. King wanted more militancy. There was an agreement in Chicago, and Jesse Jackson stayed in Chicago for the rest of his life to promote Operation Breadbasket (to boycott chain stories that discriminated against black Americans). A 1967 CIA document declassified in 2017 downplayed King's role in the "black militant situation" in Chicago, with a source stating that King "sought at least constructive, positive projects. Yes, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, and military intelligence illegally monitored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. constantly. Dr. King dealt with the issue of Black Power too. Black Power, as a concept, existed long before 1960 as it was written by scholars like Richard Wright. Kwame Ture, Dr. King's friend and supporter, would explicitly support Black Power as a fundamental ideology in 1966 in Mississippi. To Kwame Ture, Black Power was about self-determination among black people to form a powerbase to grow black people's economic and political power (which was beyond the paradigms of segregation and token integration). Since Black Power was misinterpreted by many, many moderate NAACP leaders and some white liberals falsely called Black Power racist. Dr. King gave a nuisance perspective of Black Power. Dr. King said that black people do need self-determination and grow economic and political power, but he rejected separatism. Kwame Ture and Dr. King would support each other's opposition to the Vietnam War.
Dr. King always opposed the Vietnam War as early as 1964 and in 1965. He became pressured to keep quietly his views in public by the Johnson administration. Yet, Coretta Scott King continued to oppose the Vietnam War. When Dr. King saw images of Vietnamese people harmed by napalm, then it caused Dr. King to publicly oppose the Vietnam War in early 1967. He was hated by LBJ, many civil rights leaders, some in the press, far right people, etc. for his anti-war stance, but Dr. King said that the Vietnam War was unjust, and it should end. The war stripped away funds that could be used to rebuild American cities harmed by injustice. Dr. King wanted a negotiated settlement and withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam including reparations to end the war.
Dr. King worked with Muhammad Ali who also opposed the Vietnam War. During an April 4, 1967, appearance at the New York City Riverside Church, King delivered a speech titled "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence." He spoke strongly against the U.S.'s role in the war, arguing that the U.S. was in Vietnam "to occupy it as an American colony" and calling the U.S. government "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." He connected the war with economic injustice, arguing that the country needed serious moral change. He wanted to oppose the triple evils of racism, economic exploitation, and militarism. Dr. King's words caused the corporate media to turn on him in editorials, many companies refused to fund his campaigns, and fellow civil rights leaders angrily opposed him like Urban League leader Whitney Young (who would later oppose the Vietnam War when Nixon was President), and Hoover planted spies in the SCLC to try to stop Dr. King's campaign for justice too. The Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh inspired Dr. King to oppose the war, and Dr. King nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. traveled the world in 1967 like going into Geneva, Switzerland, in London, in California, in Virginia, in Wisconsin, in New York City multiple times, and in other locations. Dr. King went to Louisville, Kentucky to advocate for housing rights for black Americans. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a complex view of the 1967 Six Day War. The Six Day War when Israel led a preemptive attack against Egypt in claiming that Egypt was about to attack Israel. Dr. King believed that Israel has the right to exist, but Israel should not be unyielding. Dr. King wanted a Marshall Plan to rebuild Arabic areas in Palestine and in the Middle East. Dr. King also wanted Israel to give up the land it took as a product of the Six Day War too. On June 18, 1967, he said that, "I think that for the ultimate peace and security of the situation it will probably be necessary for Israel to give up this conquered territory because to hold on to it will only exacerbate the tensions and deepen the bitterness of the Arabs."
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other human beings (like Marian Edelman) organized the Poor People's Campaign in 1968 to address poverty in America, so economic justice would exist. Dr. King wanted a multiracial groups of black people, Asian people, Native Americans, Hispanic people, white people, etc. to use civil disobedience in a nonviolent fashion at the U.S. Capitol until Congress created an economic Bill of Rights. The campaign was preceded by King's final book, Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? which laid out his view of how to address social issues and poverty. King quoted from Henry George's book Progress and Poverty, particularly in support of a guaranteed basic income. Dr. King wanted economic aid to help the poor in America. Some people opposed this campaign, even among civil rights leaders, but Dr. King was in sync with that agenda. His final actions involved the Memphis sanitation workers' strike. Dr. King though if this strike in Memphis would be successful, then his Poor People's Campaign would work.
Dr. King supported the black sanitation workers who had low pay, lax benefits, and some were killed by machines. Dr. King led a march that ended by the police and agent provocateurs destroyed innocent property. Dr. King promised to make another nonviolent march. Later, he gave his final I've Been to the Mountaintop address at Mason Temple on April 3, 1968, that prophetically predicted his fate in a strange way. In that speech he wanted black owned institutions, economic justice, equality, the right to protest for right, and marching for nonviolence. Dr. King wanted the Memphis strikers to have fair wages for their work. In the final words of the speech, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said that he may be there with them, but black people would get to the Promised Land. After his historic speech, he came back to the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis to rest. His advisors of Andrew Young, Dorothy Cotton, Orange, Ralph Abernathy, and other people were with him in Memphis. On the next day, he wanted to fight the injunction and wanted a new peaceful march in Memphis. He played with his friends and planned on eating dinner, but a bullet ended his life on 6 pm. It was a sad day filled with hurt and pain. Yet, God, in his infinite Wisdom and Love, would want us to follow what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. got right in order to make a better world. Dr. King was right to advocate for nonviolence, he was right to show care for the poor, he was right to say that Black is Beautiful, he was right that civil rights and voting rights must be protected, and he was right that economic justice is a necessity to advocate in any generation. Many people believed that he was murdered by a conspiracy, but it is more important to promote his legacy of truth and love of humanity in seeing the Real Promised Land for real. The United States Government is complicit in illegally monitoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. constantly in his life without question.
Dr. King's movement for justice inspired the world from the anti-apartheid movement of South Africa to the 2020 anti-racism and anti-police brutality protests globally. Now, we live in a new generation in early 2025 (filled with the new Generation Beta babies), and a new President who makes no bones about his intention of being a dictator on Day one. Trump's neo-fascism would be opposed heavily by Dr. King. With the Gaza ceasefire, the war in Ukraine, the Sudanese war, the Congolese war, the chaos in Haiti, and other problems, we can't be numb in solution making. We have to promote solutions to even complex issues. We want all Israeli hostages to come home, and Palestinians to have a future where occupation is gone plus true freedom is given to them. Dr. King's legacy also involves service. Performing charity, cleaning out the garbage, working with the elderly, mentoring children, fighting illnesses, building homes, helping the poor, protesting for human rights, saving lives, and teaching the truth all encompass legitimate humane actions that we advocate. President Biden was President from 2021 to 2025, President Biden helped people with student loan debt, made judicial appointments filled with diversity, promoted historic increase in food stamps, helped to reduce unemployment, saw a reduction of crime nationwide, grew infrastructure, expanded Medicare coverage, and pardoned many people (like Marcus Garvey, Liz Cheney, all members of the January 6th Committee, Dr. Fauci, and other people). President Biden's imperfections have been exposed by people from across the political spectrum, but Biden did much good for this country. Dr. King's living children and grandchild have worked daily to fight for the Dream that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has so justly promoted.
Rest in Power Brother Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
By Timothy
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Friday, January 17, 2025
Late January 2025 News.
President Biden gave his Farewell Address to the American people. The address was both inspirational and somber. It was both hopeless and filled with warnings about the present and future. President Biden warned of an oligarchy taking shape in America with centralized power and influence that threatens our democracy and freedoms. There is a group of influential billionaires who are allied with Trump who desire to gain more power, and power in allegiance to corporate interests. President Biden defended his policies and legacy as President. President Biden established many accomplishments in American society. For example, The Biden/Harris administration improved the U.S. economy (during the peak of the pandemic-induced recession) to have a record 16.1 million jobs created and a record 21 million new business applications. We have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years from the Biden/Harris team. President Biden is the most pro-labor President in American history to fight for overtime pay, pensions, and protested with striking workers. With the Biden Presidency, we saw a massive decrease in crime, and increase housing development, more infrastructure development, cutting child poverty in half, taking on climate change. The Biden/Harris administration conserved 647 million acres of lands, more than any President in history. He has appointed the first black woman Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and over 200 of the most diverse judicial appointees ever put forward by a President. President Biden signed the Safe Communities Act to make a bipartisan effort to combat gun violence. Biden has been in the federal government as a political leader for over 50 years now. The Presidency of Biden had errors too which has been explained by even numerous progressive scholars. President Biden said that massive lies and misinformation are dominating the social consciousness by social media giving up fact-checking and the mainstream press ending. He condemned the abuse of power.
There are a lot of things that many people don't know about pertaining to Pete Hegseth. The Senate Armed Services Committee held it first and only hearing on Hegseth who wants to be the Secretary of Defense. Pete Hegseth was a FOX commentator, and he defended war criminals. The Republicans control most of the Senate in 53-47, so it is most likely the GOP will vote for him. Hegseth advocates the commission of war crimes. He was an infantryman in a unit notorious for murdering prisoners and was a guard at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp. He openly defended the torture of waterboarding. Hegseth criticized the Geneva Convention. We are in the era of the nadir of American democracy. Nadir is a word meaning the very low point. Many U.S. government officials are complicit in torture, the mass killing of civilians (in the Mai Lai massacre decades ago), and the U.S. funding of the Gaza genocide. Hegseth openly wants the use of the military against political opponents. Hegseth openly advocates fascism with his fascist tattoos on his body (including the Latin phrase Deus Vult or God wills it. This slogan came from medieval Crusades and is used by white racists, fascists, and Islamophobes), his rejection of the Geneva Convention, and support for Trump's failed coup against America. He is a notorious hater of progressives and progressive views as proven in his own book.
There is the new Gaza ceasefire deal that has been historic. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, along with Secretary Antony Blinken announced the deal. The people who helped the deal were the Biden administration and the Qatar prime minister. The cooperation for the deal was almost unprecedented. Brett McGurk, the longtime Middle East negotiator for President Biden, had been in the Qatari capitals for weeks in trying to make a final agreement. He was joined by President-elect Donald Trump's Middle East envoy, Steve Witfoff, in the final push. Both Biden and Trump took credit. Yet, the deal ultimately took place during the Biden Presidency. There has been a separate ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Netanyahu probably waited until Trump was elected to be more open to a deal as Netanyahu is a known Trump supporter. The implementation of the deal could begin as early as Sunday according to an official. The reality is that the ceasefire deal is good news as we want Israeli hostages home, Gaza reconstructed, and peaceful existence among Palestinians and the Israelis in the Middle East.
By Timothy
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Mid January 2025 News.
Jack Smith's January 6th investigation report has been released to the public. Jack Smith said that there was plenty of evidence to convict Donald Trump. Former Special Counsel Jack Smith in his final report on Trump's effort to overturn the 2020 Presidential election culminating in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Traitors and savages invaded the U.S. Capitol in trying to ruin democracy and America. Only a traitor would defend the violence and mayhem on January 6th. Unfortunately, many people in America don't care about the insurrection and the harm done to innocent people on that infamous day. Smith wrote that Trump committed crimes against the American people. Smith insists that dropping charges doesn't exonerate Trump. Smith justified his charges against Trump with various offenses via many legal justifications. Smith mentioned that Trump and unindicted co-conspirators in the case went beyond speaking their minds but wanted to use massive efforts to undermine election results.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Monday, January 13, 2025
Early January 2025 Updates.
After September 2022, the Presidency of Biden saw new changes. There has been an increase of undocumented border crossings at the Mexico/United States border from 2021 to 2023. Biden tried to make comprehensive immigration reform which is better than the 2 extremes (of either mass deportation or doing nothing), but many Republicans rejected even a bipartisan bill. The migrants' travel into America reached an all-time monthly high in December 2023 and declined by 2024. Biden implemented restrictions on asylum claims from migrants who cross the border between ports of entry and wanted Mexico to crack down on migrants. America increased its deportations on the last year of Biden's Presidency, but xenophobes and MAGA members don't care about that. They only care about dehumanizing undocumented immigrants and legal immigrants to promote the myth that a real American is of a certain background. America has a broken immigration system (which people from the left, center, and right do agree), but that system must be replaced with a practical, fair, and progressive immigration solution that follows humanitarianism and real security. The United States also increased its deportations in the last year of Biden's presidency. Deportations from October 2023 to September 2024 reached the highest level since 2014. Biden used humanitarian parole to an unprecedented degree to mitigate undocumented border crossings, allowing migrants to fly into the U.S. or schedule their entries through official entry points in the U.S.-Mexico border. Over a million migrants had been admitted to the U.S. under humanitarian parole as of January 2024.
On October 6, 2022, President Biden pardoned all Americans convicted of "small" amounts of cannabis possession under federal law. On December 22, 2023, he pardoned Americans for cannabis use or possession on federal lands regardless of whether they had been charged or prosecuted. On December 12, 2024, in the largest single-day clemency act in history, Biden granted clemency to about 1,500 nonviolent felons in home confinement who had previously been released from prison. The act generated controversy, as it included felons such as Michael Conahan, a judge involved in the kids for cash kickback scandal, and Rita Crundwell, a comptroller responsible for the single largest municipal fraud in U.S. history. The Biden administration said the offenders who received clemency "deserve a second chance" and were selected based on meeting certain criteria in a uniform decision. On December 23, 2024, Biden commuted the sentences of 37 out of 40 federal death row inmates.
The 2022 elections were interesting. On September 2, 2022, in a nationally broadcast Philadelphia speech, Biden called for a "battle for the soul of the nation." Off camera, he called Trump supporters "semi-fascists", which Republican commentators denounced. A predicted Republican wave election did not materialize and the race for U.S. Congress control was much closer than expected, with Republicans securing a slim majority of 222 seats in the House of Representatives, and the Democratic caucus keeping control of the U.S. Senate, with 51 seats, a gain of one seat from the last Congress. It was the first midterm election since 1986 in which the party of the incumbent president achieved a net gain in governorships, and the first since 1934 in which the president's party lost no state legislative chambers. Democrats credited Biden for their unexpectedly favorable performance, and he celebrated the results as a strong day for democracy. On foreign policy, Biden promoted AUKUS, a security pact with Australia, the UK, and America to deal with the Indo-Pacific region. Biden in February of 2022 ordered the counter terrorism raid in northern Syria that caused the death of Abu Ibrahim al-Hashmi al-Qurashi, the second leader of ISIS). By July 2022, Biden supported the drone strike that killed Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the second leader of Al-Qaeda who planned the September 11 attacks.
On February 4, 2023, Biden ordered the United States Air Force to shoot down a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon off the coast of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The State Department said the balloon carried antennas and other equipment capable of geolocating communications signals, and similar balloons from China have flown over more than 40 nations. The Chinese government denied that the balloon was a surveillance device, instead claiming it was a civilian (mainly meteorological) airship that had blown off course. Secretary of State Antony Blinken postponed his planned visit to China as the incident further damaged U.S.-China relations. In May 2024, the Biden administration doubled tariffs on solar cells imported from China and more than tripled tariffs on lithium-ion electric vehicle batteries imported from China. It also raised tariffs on imports of Chinese steel, aluminum, and medical materials.
One of the most important issues that President Biden had to deal with in 2023 was the Israeli/Hamas war. It started when Hamas used a surprise attack on Israel. Hamas murdered men, women, and children. Hamas kidnapped innocent people and raped women. Anyone supporting Hamas' actions is truly evil. Likewise, Israel's response in many cases go beyond self-defense and relate to war crimes like bombing churches, destroying innocent infrastructure, brutal restrictions of resources, and other war crimes documented by numerous studies (not just by the United Nations but independent research sources). Vice President Kamala Harris acted more strident to defend Palestinian rights, but President Biden has been upset with Benjamin Netanyahu for his excessive usage of force. President Biden in public has said his unequivocal support for Israel and condemned the attack by Hamas. Biden sent aircraft carriers in the region and gave billions of dollars in military aid to Israel. He pressured Israel to do something about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. On March 4, 2024, Biden allowed the U.S. military to airdrop food aid into Gaza. Many pro-Palestinian activists have criticized Biden for being too lenient on Israel which contributed to the Democrats losing the Presidency in 2024. A March 2024 Gallop poll show a majority of Americans opposing the Israeli conduct in the war, along with young Americans especially. Younger Americans are less in support of Israel than the older generation of Americans. By April 2024, there were widespread protests on university campuses denouncing Biden for his support of Israeli conduct of the war. May 31, 2024 was when Biden desired an Israeli ceasefire proposal. The Biden administration only sent Palestinians 1.2 billion dollars in humanitarian aid and 17.9 billion dollars to Israeli in military aid. Biden wasn't charged involving retention of classified documents by February 8, 2024. In February 2024, Alexander Smirnov, a former intelligence informant who was prominent in the bribery allegations against Biden, was charged with making false statements to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Smirnov admitted he had publicized a false story given to him by Russian intelligence officials with the goal of damaging Biden's reelection campaign
After the withdrawal, the U.S. continued to send aid to Afghanistan, remaining the country's biggest aid donor as of August 2024 and spending at least $20.7 billion post-withdrawal. U.S. funding has helped support the Taliban government and stabilize Afghanistan's economy. In August 2024, Biden negotiated and oversaw the 2024 Ankara prisoner exchange, the largest prisoner exchange since the end of the Cold War. It involved the release of 26 people, including American journalist Evan Gershkovich and former United States Marine Paul Whelan. In November 2024, the Biden administration announced that it had helped broker a ceasefire agreement in the Israel–Hezbollah conflict.
The end of the Biden Presidency started when President Biden announced running for reelection on April 25, 2023. By this time, many people questioned that he was too old to run for President. Even today, ageism is an evil prejudice glorified in many parts of American society. Biden is the oldest sitting President in American history. Many in the Democratic party establishment who ironically support Biden betrayed him by saying that he was too old to run, or he lacked the competency to run in the 2024 Presidential election. Many Republicans and some Democrats said that Biden had cognitive decline. Biden's staff changed his schedule to accommodate his needs. Biden said that he was fit for the Presidency. He had COVID-19 in 2022 and in 2024. Trump ran for President again. Some Democrats ran against Biden for the Presidency but failed. The first Presidential debate was held on June 27, 2024, between Biden and Trump. Trump had his usual habitual lying, scapegoating, and shifting topics. President Biden acted sick, slurred his words, and lost his train of thought in many cases. Many newspaper columnists criticized the performance of Biden. Many Americans believed Trump won. I don't agree. I believed that Biden won based on the arguments, but Biden's performance was very lackluster to be honest. Then, many Democrats wanted Biden to leave the race. Biden was firm to keep going until July 21, 2024, when President Biden withdrew from the Presidential race for the good of the country. Biden wanted Kamala Harris to take her place. Vice President Kamala Harris won enough votes to be the Democratic Presidential candidate, being the first black woman and South Asian woman to be the Democratic Presidential nominee in American history.
On August 6, 2024, Harris was confirmed as the Democratic presidential nominee after securing 99% of the delegates in a virtual roll call vote. This was the first time an eligible incumbent had declined to run for reelection since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968. In the general election, Trump defeated Harris, flipping six states Biden had won in 2020. The Senate went Republican for the first time since 2018. In a nationally televised speech after the election, Biden congratulated Trump and promised a "peaceful and orderly" transition of power. During an interview with USA Today in January 2025, Biden claimed he could have defeated Trump and won the general election, had he not been persuaded to withdraw. President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris visited the Carolinas by October 2, 2024, to give support to the victims of Hurricane Helene.
On December 1, 2024, Biden issued a "full and unconditional" pardon to Hunter Biden that covered all federal offenses Hunter committed or may have committed between January 1, 2014, and December 1, 2024. The pardon's sweeping extent was "unprecedented", with legal experts naming Richard Nixon as the only other person given similar terms for a pardon, for his tenure as president from 1969 to 1974. According to Reason magazine, Hunter Biden's pardon was even more far-reaching than Nixon's or other "controversial" pardon. To be fair, Hunter is Biden's son. So, it is understandable that a father would pardon his son in a legal fashion.
By December 2, 2024, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden showed the White House decor for the fourth and final time. President Biden came to Angola on that same day where thousands of people cheered him. He lit the National Christmas Tree by December 5, 2024. President Biden talked about the end of the Assad regime on December 8 2024. Syria is taken over by the rebel group HTS, led by Abu Mohammed Al-Golani and other groups. President Biden designated the Carlisle Indian Industrial School as a national monument at his last White House Tribal Nations Summit. Vice President swears in Adam Schiff and Andy Kim to the United States Senate in December 9, 2024. In a show of disgrace, Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema joined Republicans to reject the nomination of Lauren McFerran, the chairwoman of the National Labor Relations Boards in a Senate renomination vote of 50-49. President Biden had reduced the sentences of about 1,500 people who were released from prison and placed in home confinement during the coronavirus pandemic on December 12, 2024. He pardoned 39 Americans in the same day. President Biden and Vice President Kamala gave remarks at the Democratic National Committee's holiday reception in Washington, D.C.
On December 17, 2024, all 538 electors from the Electoral College met in Congress to finalize the 2024 Presidential Election result. Trump had 312 votes and Kamala Harris had 226 votes. President Biden signed the law to fund the government (to delay issues until March 14, 2025) on Saturday, December 21, 2024 to avert a shutdown of services in America. President Joe Biden commuted the sentences of 37 of 40 federal death row inmates. President Biden signed a bill making the bald eagle the official national bird of the United States. President Biden condemned the terrorist attack in New Orleans on January 1, 2025, on Wednesday. President Bide gave Liz Cheney and 19 other people the Presidential Citizens Medal on January 2, 2025. During the ceremony in the East Room of the White House, President Biden awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 19 of the most famous names in politics, sports, entertainment, science, and civil rights and LGBTQIA+ community advocates. The exception is Argentine player Lionel Messi, who is absent from the ceremony on January 4, 2025. On January 6, 2025, in a joint session of the United States Congress, the results for the electoral college are counted. In her role as President of the Senate, Vice President Kamala Harris reads the results and declares President-elect Donald Trump as the winner of the 2024 presidential election after certification of the electoral vote.
President Biden signs an executive order recognizing the fires in the Los Angeles region as a major disaster on January 8 and attended President Jimmy Carter's funeral in Washington, D.C. on January 9th, 2025.
The 2nd term of the Trump Presidency started with his Presidential campaign starting on November 15, 2022. From the start of his 2nd Presidential campaign, he wanted revenge and retribution against his political opponents. He promoted the lie still that the 2020 election was stolen. In March 2023, the campaign began diverting 10 percent of the donations to his leadership PAC. His campaign had paid $100 million towards his legal bills by March 2024. In December 2023, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled Trump disqualified for the Colorado Republican primary for his role in inciting the January 6, 2021 attack on Congress. It was revered by March 2024 by the Supreme Court. Trump made fascist and violent statements like wanting the FBI and the Justice Department to be used against his political opponents. He wanted the military to go after Democratic politicians and those who didn't support his candidacy. He used massive harsh and bigoted plus dehumanizing words against immigrants. Age and health concerns were talked about when Trump was speaking in rambling words. Trump survived 2 assassination attempts in Butler Township, Pennsylvania and in Florida. He won the election in November 2024 against Vice President Kamala Harris (who did a powerful campaign in a few months). Trump had 312 electoral votes to Harris' 226 electoral votes. Trump won the popular vote with 49.8 percent to Harris's 48.33 percent. Trump is developing his cabinet team filled with sexists and far right extremists. J.D. Vance will be the new Vice President, Trump wants former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi of Florida to be the Attorney General, and he wants Scott Bessent from South Carolina to be the Secretary of the Treasury, and he wants the TV host and sexist Pete Hegseth to be the Secretary of Defense. Susie Wiles is chosen by Trump to be part of the White House Chief of Staff. Trump follower New York U.S. House of Representative Elise Stefanik has been chosen to be the Ambassador to the United Nations. As we see more into 2025, we witness Trumpism at its peak in American society. Only God knows the total future. After January 20, 2029, Donald Trump will not be President anymore. Amen.
Many of my cousins from California also are Sedrick A. Brown Jr. (b. 1976), Michael D. Brown (1973-2021), and Robert Anthony Brown (b. 1978). These are siblings whose parents are Sedrick Anthony Brown Sr. (b. 1950) and Maria M. Sarmineto Brown (b. 1950). The parents of Sedrick Anthony Brown Sr. were James Brown and Viola D. (b. 1930). Viola D.'s parents were Linwood D. (1907-1971) and Bashie Ann Whitmore (1907-1963). The parents of Linwood D. were Carl D. (1886-1968) and Lizzie Trice (1885-1950). The parents of Carl D. were Adam D. (b. 1862) and Georganna Tillery D. (1866-1954).
It is important to acknowledge the deadly Southern California fires that has harmed the people of Los Angeles and other places in Southern California. Many first responders like firefighters and National Guard troops have worked day in day out to fight the fires. There has been some containment in many areas, but there is still a long way to go. It is unimaginable to decipher the pain and suffering of families who have their loved one dead and all of their properties destroyed by the fires. That is why we shouldn't poor shame anyone, because our worth is more important than material possessions or money. Firefighters from Mexico, Utah, Texas, Arizona, and other locations in the world have come to California to fight the fires. More than 105,000 people are still under evacuation orders. Many people in Altadena are suffering the Eaton Fire. There are at least 16 deaths. There has been questions over the preparedness of the fire, and there is plenty of blame to go around. Yet, the Mayor of Los Angeles can't be blamed for everything as the fire has spread into locations beyond the city of Los Angeles, and the fires are a natural disaster in the years in the making. There were 100 mph winds that spread the fires rapidly. Mayor Karen Bass said that she will have a full investigation. The wildfires are an unprecedented event. California Governor Gavin Newsom has called for an independent investigation into the problems with the water supply for firefighting fighting the flames. The smoke and ash causing hazardous air is causing environmental problems and health issues too. There are leaked documents that Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass promoted 17.6 million in cuts to the fire department which was a mistake. Yet, one LA Council member Marqueece Harris Dawson said that the fire department has received an increased investment spanning years. The fire department budget grew by 7 percent than the previous fiscal year. So, Mayor Karen Bass can't be blamed for all of the fire events as she is not mayor of many places where the fire has burned up too. Over 12,000 structures have been destroyed in the L.A. fires which is tragic. President Biden wanted federal help. There is a double standard. Many folks who believe in fiscal conservative views in many cases look the other way when Wall Street have trillions of dollars sent to bank bailouts but poor, working class, and middle-class families are given the third degree when they desire just compensation after natural disasters. There should be emergency shelter, full income protection for workers, the creation of an emergency national response to stop the fires, fully compensate losses by all people who experienced the disaster and have independent investigations to find the causes and develop solutions to mitigate the damage of future wildfires. Governor Newsom issued an executive order to direct action to clear debris and prepare for mudslides.
Involving popular culture, I have been researching this topic in a higher level for almost 20 years now. I have been researching the mysteries of life since 1997. After almost 30 years of this journey, we have been proven right time after time again. We are right to say that bizarre, obscene, and secret rituals have been done by many in the celebrity culture (similar to what was shown in Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut film). We are right to mention that many celebrities and elitists are part of the Bohemian Grove where they celebrate in the midst of an owl statue (representing the Goddess Minerva meaning wisdom). We are definitely right to mention that a select amount of corporations in an oligarchy have an inordinate amount of power in the mainstream entertainment industry and in other global power structures. One author admitted that the CIA has worked with filmmakers before. Operation Mockingbird is about the intelligence community using agents to infiltrate the mainstream corporate media apparatus. In the past few years, many people have exposed the corruption in the industry involving many celebrities. That is legitimate, because we should not condone evil, and we reject degeneracy of any kind. The issue that many of these new school exposers refuse to expose the higher ups like the Pilgrim Society, the Bilderberg Group, the O.T.O., the Knights of Malta, and other liked minded organizations that control the banking interests and the multinational corporations. It is important to expose all of the truth not just the puppets. Also, the younger generation (or the babies. Anyone 25 years old or younger is a baby to me) should be allowed to make their books, podcasts, YouTube pages, etc. in exposing the industry in their own unique style and system. We have to give the younger men and younger women the opportunity to show the truth and to inspire real change in our society out of sincere love. The babies sat on a foundation that us older Millennials created. Previous generations created a foundation that we walk on too. Therefore, we pass on wisdom and insights from the past to the present, and to the future. Also, it is important to expose three major deceptions in our time now. One major deception is that people can do what they want. This was promoted by Aleister Crowley and the Hell Fire Club founders, but there is morality in the Universe. We should always do good and treat our neighbors right. Another deception is that every Founding Father were Bible Believing Christians when Thomas Jefferson was a Deist who wrote a book eliminating the miracles of Jesus Christ, Thomas Paine was an atheist, and many of them were Masons. The other deception is Trump is a role model whose actions and characters that folks should emulate. Trump wants Liz Cheney to be in prison, curses out peaceful protestors, and said that his political opponents are low IQ. Therefore, we must be clear to use our discernment to stand up for moral truths and justice for all at the same time.
Art is part of our culture. One legendary artist was Margaret Taylor-Burroughs. She was a visual artist, writer, poet, educator, and an arts organizer. She lived on this Earth for almost one century, and she contributed heavily to the expansion of art culture in America and throughout the world. I remember being in high school painting images, drawing pictures, sculpturing structures, and creating sketches on a regular basis. I love that activity because it enriched my mind and my soul simultaneously. She co-founded the Ebony Museum of Chicago, now the DuSable Museum of African American History. The same DuSable is named after Jean Baptiste Point du Sable, who was the first black person of African descent being a resident of Chicago. Margaret Taylor-Burroughs loved to work in Chicago to promote the cultural growth of black people. Chicago is one large epicenter of black cultural excellence. Ebony was created in Chicago, Richard Wright including Gwendolyn Brooks were from Chicago (being part of the Chicago Black Renaissance), Curtis Mayfield is from Chicago, and Ida B. Wells made an anti-lynching (and anti-racism) homebase in Chicago too. Burroughs worked so hard in her life. She also was credited in the founding of Chicago's Lake Meadows Art Fair in the early 1950s. Therefore, we have the honor unsung artists who changed history for the positive like the late, great Margaret Taylor-Burroughs.
This year is a year of massive anniversaries. This is the 160th year anniversary of the end of the American Civil War. The American Civil War was the bloodiest war in American soil in the history of the United States of America resulting in almost 1 million people being dead from the war. To this day, this war is personal for us Americans. One of my ancestors was a Union solider during the U.S. Civil War too. Museums, reenactments, and other forms of commemorations relate to this monumental configuration. The war existed by complex factors. Yet, the main cause of the war was about the issue of slavery in America. After the Revolutionary War, America was debating among its people on what to do about slavery. Some back then wanted slavery immediately abolished, some wanted gradually abolished, and wanted slavery to exist forever. The North and the South competed politically, socially, and economically for decades after 1776. After the Nat Turner insurrection, other slave revolts, the growth of the abolitionist movement, etc. the expansion of slavery continued. Opponents of slavery abhorred the expansion of slavery. This debate lead to violence like pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces fighting in Kansas during the 1800s. A lawyer named Abraham Lincoln opposed slavery and won the 1860 Presidential election. The South strike first by unjustly attacking Fort Sumter causing the American Civil War. The war was between the Union and the Confederacy. The Confederacy was headquarter in Richmond, Virginia. I'm from Virginia, so we Virginians know about the American Civil War very vividly. In the Western and Eastern theaters of the war, the Confederacy had many early victories. Later, the Union came back to cause a victory after the major Union victory at the Battle of Vicksburg (which cut the Confederacy in half). Union Generals like General Ulysses S. Grant led the Union to fight on for victory. Black American troops heavily contributed to the Union victory too. By April 9, 1865, Lee surrendered to Grant, and Abraham Lincoln lived to see that day. Yet, President Abraham Lincoln was unjustly assassinated by the coward John Wilkes Booth in early April 1865. The American Civil War used modern technology from railroads to ironclad warships. Reconstruction came after the war. The American Civil War caused a massive expansion of the federal government (via the 13th to 15th Amendments of the Constitution and other laws). To this day, the legacy of the American Civil War continues as we witness the rise of a new authoritarian President (i.e. Donald Trump) who wants his agenda of reactionary views to reign. Yet, the truth will always prevail in the end. We desire, in inspiration from God's Holy Spirit, to help freedom ring from one part of globe to the other part of the globe filled with righteousness, with holiness, and with a comprehensive devotion to justice for all.
From 312 A.D. to 606 A.D, Christianity became larger and more institutionalized. Doctrines were debated and the Council of Nicea has been formalized and embraced by most professing Christians in 2025. Christianity during this era of Pergamos saw the merging of church and state with the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine. This contradicts the words from the Lord Jesus Christ who said clearly that my Kingdom is not of this world and Render under God related to God and render unto Ceasar things pertaining to Ceasar. That means that believers should honor the laws of the land but not compromise their religious views at the same time. Also, Jesus Christ set up a clear boundary of separating church and state as the state has no right to use force to make religious edicts involuntarily against people as people should be given the voluntary choice to believe in the Gospel or not. Historically, the union of church and the state caused many problems. This era saw the heretic Arius and his blasphemous Arianism doctrine being refuted as Christianity teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ is God incarnate. This doctrine represented the Nicean Council. By this time, the Western Roman Empire ended in Rome by 476 B.C. and the Eastern part of the Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire. The Goths and other Germanic tribes invaded Europe. As more bishops sought Rome to handle disputes, the bishop of Rome evolved into the Papal system claiming supremacy over all Christians which is wrong as the only head of the Church is Jesus Christ. Monastic communities grew. Christianity spread from the United Kingdom to India, and to Africa. Literature and art grew. Western and Eastern Christians were increasingly divided on power and authority. The end of this period saw Emperor Justinian promoting his views on religious and forming Corpus Juris Civilis. Justinian I was wrong to pserscute people. Pope Gregory I was one of the early Pope who believed in the myth that the Bishop of Rome was the head bishop of all of Christainity when the Bible is clear that a bishop can be married. 606 A.D. saw the end of one era of Christianity nearing the start of the rise of Islam and the growth of the Middle Ages of Europe.
By Timothy