Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Pro Life Information.

From http://www.lifenews.com/nat2270.html

Use Abortion to Kill Poor Americans, Roe Attorney Husband told Bill Clinton

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by Steven ErteltLifeNews.com EditorMay 15, 2006

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Newly released papers regarding President Bill Clinton's promotion of the dangerous abortion drug RU 486 during his administration have produced a startling revelation. The husband of the woman who was the lead attorney in the Roe v. Wade case wrote the former president to urge him to use abortion to kill poor Americans.
Last week, LifeNews.com reported on the release of presidential papers from the Clinton administration years showing the former president's first action as president in 1993 was to put in motion the process of approving the abortion drug, which has killed seven women.
The papers also reveal that, before he became president, Clinton received a letter from Ron Weddington, husband of Sarah Weddington -- the lead attorney in the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case.

Released by the conservative legal group Judicial Watch, the papers contained a January 6, 1992 letter to Clinton from Mr. Weddington, who urged the then-Arkansas governor to promote RU 486.
"Something's got to be done very quickly," Ron Weddington wrote Clinton, according to a Cybercast News Service report. "Twenty-six million food stamp recipients is (sic) more than the economy can stand."

Calling him the "president-to-be" Weddington said Clinton should "start immediately to eliminate the barely educated, unhealthy and poor segment of the country."
"Our survival depends upon our developing a population where everyone contributes," he wrote. "We don't need more cannon fodder. We don't need more parishioners. We don't need more cheap labor. We don't need more babies."

Commenting on the letter, Judicial Watch said it was surprised the letter was not thrown away or put in a file for unsolicited comments. Instead, it was included in files used to get RU 486 approved by the FDA.
"On the contrary, the Weddington letter is, chronologically and philosophically, the foundation document for the Clinton RU-486 files," the group said.
Judicial Watch obtained the documents last February from the National Archives at the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock.




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