*This is my response to gemini. This person is skeptical about things, but I'm a smart man.
gemini25: I was not applying my knowledge to the unification of the world. I was applying it to the shear physics of the problem. By what you are saying, those towers could have survived high powered missiles. A normal fire burns at a less temperature then fuel. Taking a thermodynamics class while progressing through my mechanical engineering class tells me that they burn at a higher temperature, enough to clearly come close or even bypass the melting point of steel.
Response: As for physics, Brigham Young University physicist Professor Steven Jones would disagrees. Many researchers would disagree with you about the Towers. The objects that hit the Towers weren't high powered missiles. There were jet aircraft that weren't near 100% capability at all. Once again, WINGTV's book called 9/11 on Trial list physics (plus equations) about how it is possible that 2 aircraft couldn't have made the whole Tower fall by itself. Not to mention that you don't discuss about Building Number Seven at all. Building Seven had no plane hit it, yet it fell in a symmterical fashion in less than 7 seconds. Photographic evidence shows the central columns collapsing first then the other parts within itself, which is one sign of a controlled demolition. Building Number Seven's collapse was vertical to the ground. I agree with you that a normal fire burns at a less temperature than fuel. Also, the South Tower was hit first at an angle and fell first, while the North Tower had a direct hit and it fell second.
Not to mention that dark smoke was showing in the South Tower, which is a sign of an oxgyen starved fire. Most of feul were gone in the South Tower evidenced by the huge fireball that existed. You seem to forget the huge 47 columns in both Towers. I find it faulty to believe that 2 loads of jet fuel was enough to destroy 200,000 tons of steel in both Towers. Not to mention there have been plenty of signs of a controlled demolition like the pulverized concrete into dust, the demolition squibs shown, eyewitnesses reporting explosions before and after the Towers fell, and the steel skeletons broken into short pieces. It is impossible for fire alone to destroy the Towers in that fashion. Especially, it is impossible for fire alone to destroy Building Seven when no aircraft hit it. No skyscraper fell by fire alone in history before 9/11. A skyscraper burned in Spain with red hot fires going on, yet it never collapsed with its frame showing, so it is possible for fire to spread across a skyscraper without the building collasping. Frank A. Demartini, on-site construction manager for the World Trade Center said that the building was built for a 707 crash hit. Even a study have shown that even when temperatue exists above 800ยบ C unto steel, it will not turn into piles of rubble necessarily.
gemini25: I agree that the unification of everyone under a world goverment could be bad, or it could be good. Why can't the world be under the rule of a US sytle goverment were the people elect there officials and everyone is represented. Were do you draw the line under which a certain number of people can be ruled under one goverment.
Response: The unification of people in a world government is bad, because it ruins nationhood and national sovereignity. That is real and even the CFR is planning to merge the borders and economies of Canada, Mexico, and America in 2010. It's bad for a host of reasons. People can't be under U.S. style government, because nations have a right to exist in whatever form of government they wish. We can't be conquerors and this was one of the reasons why the Roman empire fell. Rome wanted to expand more, while mercancies didn't adequately protect the people. We can advise people to embrace some of values, but we can't force other nations to adopt our systems. I draw the line as nations existing.
gemini25: To me, I do not worry about world orders, those who are trying have to few people and not enough influence. Think about this, who controls the NRA, the lower to middle class. They own the guns. Do you think the military would obey a tyranny, they are trained to die for the USA, not a world order. So guess what, NWO = world civil war. It is laced through out history, not country can ever be a tyrannical when the people are instilled with freedom and there are charismatic people fueling the fire. Look in england, they kicked out the King until they reinstilled parliment. France is laced with civil war, russia had a civil war. The US had a civil war. The only reason why Iraq and Cuba had successful dictatorship is because of how genius they were in doing it. They kept the public stupid, shooting down anything that could have them topple over.
Response: I worry about evil. As humans, we should worry and be concerned about all evil everything. We shouldn't let worry lead into discouragement, fear of men, or paranoia. I don't embrace that or fear mongering, but there is nothing wrong with speaking out against the crimes in government. World Orders are wrong and regardless of your justifications, you know. There is no amount of information can you present that you can convince me otherwise. I don't care if you present millions of pages of info, I will still embrace my core beliefs. Plus this has nothing to do with the NRA. The NRA doesn't want global government at all. Regardless of your claims, I don't believe in unilateral preemptive assaults. I believe in action, speaking out, and helping people. I hope you don't accept the view that we must do nothing. Doing nothing is as much as being a coward as evil, violent activity.
As for new world order (which was mentioned by Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, etc.), it's gradual. I realize that most military folks aren't going to kill Americans citizens. On the other hand, there has been an increase in the militarization of the police and foreign troops are in this nation conducting exercises (which is totally illegal). Sorry, I don't accept all of your views. No government in human history has been perfect. Every time, when governments had supreme power over people genocide occurs. It happened with Mao Zedong in China, Castro's Cuba, and other locations. The new world order has nothing to with a civil war. Civil wars are within nations not a world government agenda per se. Deception have always been used to decieve a supposed "intelligent" people before. In the USA, people are "intelligent" yet illegal wars occur, domestic spying, illegal immigration problems, election issues, etc. yet no one in the administration has been fired or impeached. People are merging the police and military and thinking about global government and most people are doing nothing. That is another example of deception at play within places where there is no hardcore dictatorship. Nice tactic, but it doesn't work.
gemini25: I am not saying there are not secret societies, it is I know history repeats it self. In that I believe that humans will not stand for tyranny. So all I can say is do not worry...
Response: I'm happy that you admit to secret societies. You have the Skulls and Bones doing a ritual coffin ritual. The Bohemian Grove have a Cremation of Care ceremony where they praise Molech and do a mock human sacrifice. History does repeats itself. I think many humans won't stand for tyranny, but some would accept it. Look at torture for example. Torture is evil, yet many Americans still support what was done in Abu Ghraib and Camp X-Ray. Shows like Fox's 24 show torture as almost OK and people fall for it. Many folks in education have been dumbed done, so evil is tolerated in society. I will worry about all evil, but my worry won't lead to stagnant and not living my life. I will live my life, but I will stand up against evil.
gemini25: the thing you must worry about his how federalist our country is getting. It is way to central goverment controlled. I think there should be a redistribution of power in the US, to give more power back to the states. That way the people can have a better chance of controling there freedoms. That should be the big thing that should happen.
Response: Sorry, there are tons of other real things that I need to be worried about. Not only government centralization, but torture, the evils of abortion, torture, genocide, militarization of the police, the Supreme Court's wrong decision in bashing private property rights, the mistakes of the Drug War, our civil liberties, human trafficking, poisons like aspartame, etc. I get more wisdom everyday. No friend, I will expand my mind beyond the evils in government. I do agree with you that there has to be power given back to the states more. I agree that big things can happen if that occured and freedom can spread more. People have a right to take a stand and fight against evil.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)
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