Friday, July 14, 2006

Yearning for Real Freedom Part 2

A Special Report: Alternative Energy

There is no question that we need alternative energy in the future. While, that is true, I don't agree with the Peak Oil agenda. Peak Oil is the belief that we're running out of oil. Information proves that not only does the left wing establishment promotes it. The Bilderberg Group, the CFR, the Club of Rome, some in Big Oil, and other elitists promote Peak Oil as well. Cheney was once CEO of Halliburton. Condolezza Rice was part of Chevron. Bush worked in oil companies. The country of Iraq is flooded with oil and multinational corporations are recieving profits from it as a result of the March 2003 invasion of that nation. It doesn't take a rocket science to reason that the White House is readily influenced by oil interests. Peak Oil is a fraud and a scam. Even Greg Palast in an interview with Alex Jones exposed Peak Oil as a fraud. Even Lorenzo mentioned in the link of that the Inga Dams on the Congo can power all of Africa. Eugene Island is an oil field in the gulf of Mexico, which produced 4,000 barrels in 1989, then it went up to 13,000 barrels of oil later. So, Eugene Island is a location of a self reprehensing oil resource. Dave McGowan is a leading expert in debunking Peak Oil claims. Oil has been found in Africa, Canada, Russia, and other places globally. Respected scientific commentator Dr. Nick Begich have outlined evidence refuting Peak Oil as well.

There are many alternative energies that can replace the need for fossil feuls. One deals with water. In fact, is a link describing many vehicles that can run on water for real. The site links to an article on the late Herman and his water powered Chevy Cavalier. There are also solar, ethanol, diesel, and other forms of alternative energy as well. There are even engines that than run on straight vegetable oil (SVO). People in America are some of the most unconventional people in the Earth and I'm sure that other technologies can easily replace fossil fuels in the world.

Wars and Drugs

Drugs and wars have been an interconnected reality for centuries. When drugs are utilized by human beings in inproper ways, damage to the human body is always a certainty. Even wars can be a result of people's greed for supplies like drugs, oil, and money. One foundation of this present crisis of war and drugs deals with nineteenth century Britian. By the 1800's, Britian was infiltrated with Jesuits (according to Eric John Phelps' book "Vatican Assassins," Lord Shelborne's EIC was made up of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem members and the Jesuits [who had a mission in Beijing at 1601]), Freemasons, and other groups who wanted the British empire to expand at the expense of the drug trade and a lust for profits. Now, in the 1800's, China experienced so much drug addiction, that Lin Tse Hsu (a commissioner for the emperor) destroyed thousands of chests of opium in 1830. The British are angry and British fought China in June 1840. Freemason Lord Palmerston wanted British acess to Chinese opium. The BEIC (British East India Company) worked with the Triads to continue the Drug Trade according to John Daniel's Scarlet and the Beast book series.

The Vietnam War is the smoking gun of how wars and drugs can lead to a deadly combination. The CIA, the Mafia, and other groups wrked hand and hand to promote war plus drug trafficking in the Golden Triangle (or a nickname for the region of Southeast Asia). Now, Vietnam began in the 1940's, when the Vietnamese expelled the imperialist French from their shores. The Vietnamese wanted no Europeans conquering their lands. Knights of Columbus & Secretary of the Navy Francis Matthews was a key player in Vietnam. Vietnam deals with 2 sections of Vietnam originally, but it went into another level. That man who put the Vietnam war into another level was Roman Catholic President Ngo Dinh Diem. Diem was an ally of Cardinal Spellman. Diem presecuted the Buddhist population. The Buddhist persecution was so bad that on June 11, 1963, a Buddhist named Thich Quang Duc burned himself in protest. National TV showed this incident. The goal of the Vietnam War (sphereheaded by the Knights of Malta (aka Souvereign Military Order of Malta), CIA, Mafia, CFR, etc.) was to earn supplies in oil, money, change morals in society, and strenghtening the International Drug Trade. The Drug Trade in that region was complex than you think. Christopher Robbins' "Air America" wrote that the CIA worked with the KMT (or the remnant of Chiang Kai Shek's shattered Chinese army defeated by Mao). The CIA and the KMT also wroked with the Meo tribe to ship opium from the Golden Triangle to Saigon (an the rest of Vietnam), then to the West. Air America (an airstrip owned and controlled by the CIA) shipped the opium regularly. The CIA, KMT, and Meo defeated the Communists that they were fighting to control the Golden Triangle. In Eric Jon Phelps' Vatican Assassins Part II book, Jesuit (professed of the Fourth Vow) priest Don Lyons was not only a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus. He was also an active player in the Vietname War. He is pictured with General Creighton W. Abrams. Eric further writes that Lyons was a familiar face in the Pentagon. As a result of the Vietnam War (by the Gulf on Tonkin lie), tons of Americans and Vietnamese died.

Iran Contra was an important development of the Drug Trade. The Drug War in Colombia is about the Colombian government working with the US in trying to defeat Leftist FARC guerillas. The result of a corruptly lead Drug War increased the imprisonment of Americans. Now almost 7 million people are in some form of prison (just in 2004 according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics Correctional Population Trends Chart), which is a record high. What could be some solutions to this crisis? It could be to have mandatory treatment for non-violent drug offenders, increase the penatly for drug dealers, secure America's borders, and have a more powerful education (plus accurate) and treatment programs about drugs.

Weather Modification Technology

You can't discuss about weather modification technology with delving into Nikola Tesla. He was a Serbian who invented AC into America. Tesla is known fro numerous inventions. He used free energy to power energy without using gas or oil. His inventions influenced the Nazis' anti-gravity devices. They were used during World War II in a limited fashion. Russia and America copied Nikola Tesla's invention in the form of weather modification technology and other devices. "Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology" is a book written by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning outlining the reality of weather modification technology as well. Therefore, this is very real. In fact, Begich and Manning's book on pg. 77 discussed that in 1960 the CIA had a report on the reality of weather controlling technology. In August of 1996 a research study titled "Weather as a force multiplier" was created the the Air Force talking about how they will own the weather by the year of 2025. Now, if many governments have this technology, why don't they use it in stopping droughts, talking about it more publiclly, and helping people suffering for real in the world? I guess it's because they want it for themselves to achieve their own covert, military, and possibly sinister purposes.

If storms, hurricanes, rain, etc. can be created, it isn't unreasonable to assume that many Hurricanes (espeically in 2005 with Katrina) can be created by using this technology. I saw a movie about this outlining that the geometric scalar waves, the electromagnetic Hurricane movement of Katrina, and other factors make a good case for Hurricane Katrina to be a product of Telsa's technology. Never forget that this weather modification technology found in HAARP and others can heat the Earth as well plus damage the atomsphere if used in an evil way.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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