Friday, July 14, 2006

Yearning for Real Freedom Part 3

The Master Plan of the Elite

What is the real master plan of the Elite (i.e. those in Secret societies and high level geo-political groups making up the heads of the military, royalty, government, etc.)? It's actual the similar to plans of phoarohs, Kings, dictators, emperors, and other authoritarian figures of times past. The master plan is to consolodate wealth unto themselves (who are the Elite), have a biometrics (i.e. microchip) society, increase the power of government, forming Global Unions across the Earth (i.e. Asian Union & European Union), and create a new world order or global government. Nehru said that "I have long believed the only way peace can be achieved is through World Government." (Dr. Cathy Burns' "A One World Order is Coming" on pg. 5) In the same Cathy Burns book on pg. 6, Albert Einstein said " There is no salvation for civlization or even the human race, other than the creation of a world government." Many of these globalist endorse a new order of the ages which in Latin is "Novus Ordo Seclorum." Tony Blair in 1999 (according to the Constitution Zone) said "We are all intenrnationalists now whether we like it or not...We are witnessing the beginnings of a new doctrine of international community." This logo (or Great Seal) was put into our Dollar Bill in the 1930's and was supported by 32° Freemason Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The Seal has 33 stones in the pyramid. The eye is the Eye of Horus (the pagan sun god of Egypt). Roosevelt was the one who agreed with the Yalta Agreement that resulted in the Soviets controlling Eastern Europe for decades (with millions murdered by Communists).

It doesn't take rocket scientist to figure that a key part of their master plan is to develop and cultivate a militarized police to "gaurd" citizens. This is not only immoral for the military ought not Progressive U on August 23, 2005 reported on how miltrazed police with assault weapons were used in Utah. Some believe that the SWAT team who stopped the party in Utah assualted some of the people there.

There has been the dream of globalization for years among the American and European Elite. Some like Jim Tucker believe there is a split among the Elite. Most of the Europeans don't want to go in the way of the Neo cons in radical tactics in getting a new world order across. According to Jim Tucker, many of the Europeans want a gradual approach to globalization. Jim Tucker even wrote that some European Bilderbergers won't seek a war with Iran (from the link of The deal with this is that the European Elite agree with the Neo Cons on the goal, but think that the Neo Cons are going too fast. Both the Neo Cons and European globalists are still part of the same team and we must oppose both of them.

Dr. Jerome Corsi wrote in July 2006 that a Kansas City port might be considered Mexican soil. World Net Daily recieved documents (from the KCSmartPort project) talking about how a place in Kansas City might be a territory of Mexico. This is so weird. Jermone Corsi have now written many articles about the American Union issue. Even Tom Tancredo is calling upon the White House to release all documents in relation to the American Union project. This is beyond corrupt, but treason by the many leaders of the American government who support this agenda.

One of the biggest plans of the Elite is about gun banning or confisication. Even looking at research from the Internet, the United Nations is one of the most anti-gun groups in the world. Ron Paul and Wayne LaPierre, the head of the NRA have talked about this very much. The deal is on July 4, 2006, the United Nations is seeking to have a conference. This conference deals with how the UN wants to further eliminate private ownership of firearms worldwide including America. Since America is the only industrialized nation on Earth with some real Second Amendment rights, the UN wants us to give up our guns. The UN believes that the government only should have the majority of the weapons when many governments who had that use tyranny against its own people. Just look at Sudan, the Soviet Union, Mao, Castro, Hitler, etc. for evidence of that. According to Ron Paul, some UN people want an international gun control treaty. The good news is that many pro-gun patriots have sent letters and rallies opposing the U.N. anti-gun plot. In UN headquarters in NYC, there is a statue of gun tied in a knot, so that proves that the UN is anti-gun. The Gun Owners of America group released a statement that the UN proposed more than 140 nations to discuss firearm restrictions (not just gun trafficking). The GOA further mention that the UN's IANSA (International Action Network on Small Arms) propose "...the importance of regulating guns owned by civilians..." in the July 4 conference. So, don't believe the UN spinning claiming that their conference is solely for arms trading. Also, the UN itself was created by many CFR members.

One of the biggest agenda is population control. Viruses and vaccines are all over the Earth. Rich people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Ted Turner, and others are promoting population control measures against the black people of Africa, people Asia, etc. As far back as 1966, Paul Ehrich published his book entitled "The Population Bomb." It spelled out the same garbage of food suppression for population control. It's evil, because these people want it. The Club of Rome (invented in 1968 by April 1968 by Roman Catholic Aurelio Peccei, an Italian scholar and industrialist, and Alexander King, a Scottish scientist) and the Bilderberg Group have documents supporting population control and even depopulation efforts promoted by Henry Kissinger. Proof of this is that Henry endorsed National Security Study Memo 200, which called for population control in the Third World Viruses throughout the world are also talked about in these pro-population control Documents as well. 13 nations, the NSSM report wanted to do it mostly were India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia.

This was during the administration of President Richard Nixon. Joseph Brewda 's article called "Kissinger's 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide" on December 8, 1995 exposed NSSM 200 as well. The Global 2000 report was created by Henry Kissinger with his committee (Gerald O. Barney was apart of it). It was sent to then President Jimmy Carter. It was about using food as a weapon to depopulate the Third Word. Jeffrey M. Smith on July 6, 2006 wrote that genetically modified foods may create herbicides in our intestines. According to Smith, it may cause a toxic reaction to people. In fact, Herbicide tolerance (HT) is one of 2 traits found in all GM crops as written by Jeffrey Smith. Some herbicides can cause damages not only unto animals, but unto humans. This is part of the mountain of facts, which makes manifest of the disastrious problems of GM foods.

*One of the most disgusting articles I've seen was from Feng Changle writing for Epoch Times on June 23, 2006. The prose talked about how A 25-year-old unmarried woman from China was forced to have an abortion in China. The motive was that she lacked a government permit to have a child. It's criminal enough to have an abortion. To have a forced abortion is blatantly immoral. Abortion is murder. Abortion promotes the dehumanization of children since it considers the unborn unworthy of living on this Earth. The Nazis and Hitler supported abortion and euthanasia. This murder and genocide of the unborn and other human life extends beyond abortion. It deals with other women like Terri Schiavo as well. Terri Schiavo was starved to death when Florida Statues forbids the procedures that the Florida government allowed to happen. Like I said before, abortion is murdering an innocent, unborn children. Depression and infertility are risk factors of it and God certainly is exposing these facts to people. In Michigan, abortion is down in about 4%. Until the day I die, I will defend the unborn. The woman's name was Wang Liping, who experienced the forced abortion. She courageously tried to fight back the murderers who killed her child, but she lost strength. The image of this beautiful woman is \the image on the top. She didn't die.

Unfortunately, there is a story of a woman who has died as an outcome of forced abortion. The Epoch Times on July 4, 2006 reported on this story. The Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy in Hong Kong mentioned that on July 1, Ms. Li Shimei of Hefei City in Anhui Province, was 7 months pregnant with twins. Chinese authorities tried to induce her pregnancy (for an abortion) because she has 2 unborn children inside of her, in violation of the vicious One Child Policy in China. She argued with the staff and fought to prevent the eugenics plan, but she died by falling from a second story hospital building. The Information Center mentioend the rised on Li's bodies proving assault unto her by the hospital staff. The Center believes that the brave, heroic Li Shimei suffered great human rights violations (which she did) and it was against the Chinese Constitution.

*Isn't One World philosophy of the Elite, the United Nations, world leaders,and others similar to the Tower of Babel story in the Bible? Yes. Now, people want to unify currencies and unify religions, which is related to the Ecumencial Movement plus the agenda of a global currency. Didn't the scriptures condemn man into forming a one world nation? Yes. Many humans have always believe that forming a man made world order can solve our problems. That can't be so, because all men aren't perfect and can never achieve a society without crime or evil by themselves. Man is just imperfect. What we see is the colloboration of numerous Secret Societies and high level geo-political groups wanting a new world order. Freemasonry is a prominent Secret Society whose doctrines are contrary to the Bible. For example, the Bible says that man must not swear oaths with death, yet Masonry has this. Masonry has secrecy, yet Jesus said I said nothing in Secret. The Bible condemns lying, yet Albert Pike admits to using false interpretations into the Blue Lodge members. There are numerous symbols in Freemasonry like the dot in the circle, the gavel, the obelisk, and others. "THE LIGHTBRINGERS: The Emissaries of Jahbulon" is a film among others discussing the evils that many Masons have done for centuries.

Another Secret Order is the Jesuits. The Jesuits are a subversive organization whose history is filled with violence, deception, and cunning acts. Claiming to be holy man, they were banished by Kings throughout Europe in the 1700's. The Jesuits were even condemned by a bull by Pope Clement. Napeoloen is quoted as calling them a military order. They still exist to this day with high power in the Vatican. You have other strange groups like the OTO (Satanist Alister Crowley was a famous member of it), the Process (whom Maury Terry in his book called "The Ultimate Evil" implicate in the Charles Manson and Son of sam murders of the 1960's &1970's), Skulls and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Rosicrucians, etc. What must we do? We must peacefully follow our faith and oppose evil whatever it may be. We must not submit to evil. We must not follow anything that is contrary to the Scriptures.


Mandatory fingerprinting, other biometrics, and dehumanization isn't my forte. We have a choice between nationalism or overbearing internationalism. I want people to know one thing. I will never compromise my core beliefs for the sake of expendiancy. I'm glad that I understand a large part of how the world works. People have attacked me unfairly, but I'm thankful to God that I have the strength and intellect to refute them. I bring it 100%. This is nothing new since I'm a debater by nature. The evils of abortion, anti-habeas corpus laws, and the spying of citizens without warrants are things that I oppose. This is antithetical to real American values. The agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group has been for globalization and a new world order. For that reason, I wholeheartedely oppose these groups 100%.

Occultism is still all over the place. Some of it is used for simple design. Other companies and other people use it for something more. They may use it as a signal of their power, the embrace of the occult, and similar to a gang sign of affiliation. The above image is the Medal of Valor. Notice the female comes from the Goddess of ancient Greece and Rome. Notice the 13 stars and the Inverted Pentagram (the sign of the sun and it's used by Satanists to represent Lucifer). The Pentagram to witches are about the elements. The symbol of the Phoenix describes rebirth and was used by the ancient Egyptians.

The 9/11 Truth Movement has strengthen. On the Hannity and Colmes show, James Fetzer exposed the 911 inside job to Colmes and Oliver North. Fetzer said that Mineta said that Cheney order the military to stand down the craft that was about to enter the Pentagon, the controlled demolition, and other facts. Fetzer also told the truth to FOX that the FBI admits that they have no conclusive evidence linking Osama bin Laden to the 9/11 attacks. Dr. Kevin Barrett is another Professor in the University of Wisconsin, who accepts the information in the 9/11 Truth Movement. Now, more people are waking up and people from FOX News are angry about this situation. Barrett told both Hannity and Colmes that false flag operations aren't unusual in the world. Barrett told Sean Hannity that Professor Steven Jones found thermite from the Twin Towers and other evidence of the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers. Not to mention that the South Tower was hit second (when most of the jet feul was gone and the strike was at an angle), yet the South Tower fell first. Also, witnessess inside and outside of the buildings (like firefighters) heard explosions going off and no tall skyscraper in history prior to 9/11 fell by fire alone. Building Number Seven had no aircraft hitting it, yet it fell in a symmetrical fashion at around 6.6 seconds (according to Professor Steven Jones). The government had foreknowledge of terrorist like (even use of hijacked airplanes into buildings) attacks for years.

As for the recent events in Gaza, Israel, and Lebanon, I support the right of Israel to exist as many folks do. That being said, even I can't support the over aggressive acts of the IDF in just trying to retrieve a handful of kidnapped people. I understand that Israel and every nation has a right to self defense, but even as someone like myself can't support this. Israel even just attacked a Beirut airport. I always thought that these errors are nothing more than extra ammo that anti-Semites will use to unfairly bash all Jewish people and all Israelis in general. This is what exactly what has occured with the mistakes of the government of Israel (with evil people like Olmert, David Ben-Gurion, Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon, and others). I support the patriotic people in Israel, not the evil policies of the government of Israel. There's a difference. The government of Israel is pro-Labor Zionist, which Barry Chamish proved some of their evil acts. So, I have no problem with people exposing wicked Labor Zionists. Zionism itself isn't monolithic since tons of Messanic Jewish Zionists don't want oppression against Arabic people, but to peacefully practice their faith. As for Israel, the Jews and Arabs living in the land lived in mostly peace for centuries. It wasn't until elitists exploitated both sides and then conflicts came to this day. I do agree that that those who want a new world order are involved with Israel and are trying to use Zionism as a means to an end. I also don't agree with the Talmud, Kabbala, and the Mishna. Real Hebrews live in the word like the Sephradic, Yemeni, Ethiopic, Indic, Iraqi, North African, etc. On the other hand, the whole new world order agenda is bigger than just Israel and the Jewish people. The bigots and anti-Semites (they know who they) want Patriots to have hatred for Jewish people, but I won't. The anti-Semites even questioned me, but I'm difference from the next man. Unlike some people, I respond strongly. I've refuted these bigots for years and I haven't seen these racists answer my main arguments about this issue yet. Some of them know full well that I will be more than willing to give sources and defend my honor when confronted with their lies (if they say my name). The Elite has always colloborated with the Labor Zionist government of Israel and the Muslim leadership of Middle Eastern nations. One easy example is how the Bush Family is not only in support of the leadership of Israel, but the Muslim Bin Laden Family (through the Carlyle Group, whose Chairman is CFR member and Knight of Malta Frank C. Carlucci). Judicial Watch have discussed about the Bush/Bin Laden business connection for years.

Reviewing life is almost a must to do better. I'll be the first to admit various, notorious mistakes that I've achieved in my life. No human is perfect, but that doesn't justify any mistakes that I've done. More and more people need to improve their conduct. We should have people propelling Rosie O'Donnell (the newest host on ABC's "The View") as a role model. She's boisterious, prideful, and said degatory plus profane comments recently. Our real role models should be our families, friends, and real people preseting the real truth. This doesn't include Rose O'Donnell, who's far left and is stridently against the Second Amendment (or gun rights). People like 50 Cent, Cam'ron, and Madonna certainly aren't my role models. Promoting exploitation of women, showing horned sign of paganism and the occult, and endorsing evil lifestyles aren't my agenda. Follow no one 100% (not even me) except the Truth (God) and his Word (found in the Old and New Testaments).

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

July 13, 2006







1 comment:

Timothy said...

I agree. Why China has favored nation status is beyond me.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)