Friday, December 15, 2006

Watchman's words


So much for his claim to be a "Man of Principle" (although I think most thinking conservatives saw this many years ago). I read this article in WorldNetDaily a day or two after the election. An interesting thing, though. When I went to the WND archives to post the text of what Limbaugh said, many of the most revealing of Limbaugh's comments have now been excised from the article and replaced with "..." HERE is a link to the full article. Following is the pertinent excerpt:

In answering questions about how he feels about the election
results, Limbaugh said, "I feel liberated. ... I no longer am gonna have to
carry the water for people who I think don't deserve having their water carried.
... If those in our party who are going to carry the day in the future both in
Congress and the administration are going to choose a different path than what
most of us believe, then that's liberating. ... "There have been a bunch of
things going on in Congress. Some of this legislation coming out of there that I
have just cringed at. And it has been difficult coming in here trying to make
the case for it when the people who supposedly in favor of it can't even make
the case themselves."

Besides admitting that he was "carrying the water" for people he didn't believe deserved it, in the original piece he also admitted to supporting positions that he personally didn't agree with, and complained about how difficult it was to get on the air every day and do that. I'm going to see if I can find one of those sites that archives web pages and see if I can find it.
