Friday, December 29, 2006

Neoliberal One Worlder Officially Kicks Off Presidential Selection Campaign


Neoliberal One Worlder Officially Kicks Off Presidential Selection Campaign

Kurt NimmoFriday, December 29, 2006

Get ready for more of the same. Get ready for repackaged rigmarole. Get ready, Democrats and “progressives,” to be fooled again.

John Edwards, reborn and packaged afresh, has announced his intention to run for president in 2008. In addition to “a more progressive campaign of eliminating poverty, reducing global warming and providing universal health care for all Americans,” warm and fuzzy catch phrases targeted at easily duped “progressives,” Edwards is “apologizing for his vote to send troops to Iraq which he stood by steadfastly in the 2004 campaign and is calling for 40,000-50,000 troops to come home immediately,” according to ABC News.
Notice he is not calling for an immediate end to the “war,” as he is dressed up this time around as a “moderate,” as opposed to an insipid version of neocon lite, as he was in 2004 as Kerry’s sidekick.
Of course, this is little more than prime time bunting, as Edwards is, at heart, a warmonger with the rest. He’s not against killing people, especially Muslims, as he most recently supported Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. During the last selection—what we quaintly call “elections” in this country—Edwards threatened to impose “sanctions” (think medieval siege) against Iran, as another Democrat, Bill Clinton, did against Iraq, resulting in the murder of more than a million Iraqis, 500,000 or more of them children.

Edwards, naturally, as a shrewd player in the rigged political game, knows what side of the bread gets the butter. “It’s important for America to confront the situation in Iran, because Iran is an enormous threat to Israel and to the Israeli people,” Haaretz quotes Edwards as saying in October, 2004. Of course, Iran is not a threat to America, or Israel for that matter, but then it is expected of all serious politicians to pay homage to Israel, the country that controls American foreign policy in the Middle East.
“We must demand America’s active and continuous involvement in addressing the crisis between Israel and the Palestinians and in promoting democracy throughout the Arab world,” averred the senator from South Carolina.
Obviously, this process is moving upstream swimmingly, as not only is childhood malnutrition and adult unemployment at record levels in the “occupied territories,” i.e., the world’s largest open-air prison, but despondent Palestinians are now trading UN food coupons for marijuana and heroin, according to IRIN. “Overall, drug dependency in the Palestinian territories is on the rise, according to drugs police and doctors. This, they say, is due to a sense of hopelessness among ordinary Palestinians and the lack of both effective policing to catch the dealers and of a clinical safety net to help those already addicted.”

Edwards talks the talk about feeling the pain of average Americans and their increasing slide out of the middle class. And yet he spends a lot of time hanging out with the “triumvirate of elite organizations,” in particular the Council on Foreign Relations (as an example of his habitual haunting of the CFR, see this page).
No doubt Edwards fully embraces the neoliberalism of the CFR and its desire for a one world government, a plan that envisions all of us working down on the slave plantation, as millions are currently in China, the neoliberal dream society.
Of course, John Edwards, as a CFR confrere, would never admit as much, even though it is common knowledge the organization works behind the scenes for the realization of a “globalist concept,” as the CFRite Joseph Kraft told the congressional Reece Committee back in 1953.
In short, John Edwards, behind his boyish smile and “six-state announcement tour,” fully supports “the utopian submergence of the United States as a subsidiary administrative unit of a global government,” as Admiral Chester Ward, who served as Judge Advocate General for the Navy and was a member of the CFR for 16 years, described the ultimate plan of the elitists, numbering a mere 3,000 at the CFR.

Edwards is indeed one of a handful of possible presidential selectees. “[The] CFR, as such, does not write the platforms of both political parties or select their respective presidential candidates, or control U.S. defense and foreign policies. But CFR members, as individuals, acting in concert with other individual CFR members, do,” Ward explained. In other words, as Carroll Quigley and C. Wright Mills have noted, the CFR is not a conspiratorial organization per se, but its members are certainly engaged in a conspiracy—and a criminal one at that, as its membership “lust[s] to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United States,” as enumerated in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
John Edwards “called on Americans to take action against poverty,” reports the Chicago Tribune, and yet he is connected at the hip with an organization that has consistently worked to impoverish Americans for the sake of relentless and ever increasing corporate profit.
“In 1973 David Rockefeller, working with Zbigniew Brzezinski and representatives of the Brookings Institution, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Ford Foundation, convened meetings of prominent business figures, academics and politicians to address the crisis” of moderately rising wages that were deemed a threat to corporate profitability, writes Sid Shniad.
“Out of these meetings an organization known as the Trilateral Commission took shape. The Commission, whose membership is comprised of prominent business, political and academic figures, has addressed issues of concern to the corporate establishment ever since,” concerns expressed by Michel Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington and Joji Watanuki in a book published by the New York University Press, The Crisis of Democracy. “The book’s authors took up the concerns that were preoccupying big capital. They bemoaned the effects of government spending in the areas of education, welfare, social security, health and hospital care. Expressing the views of the rich and powerful, they blamed the crisis of profitability on what they termed ‘an excess of democracy,’” in other words, they were steadfastly opposed to the concepts put forth in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

It should come as no surprise that Huntington theorized the “clash of civilizations,” a pet project taken up by no short number of neocons, as it dovetails nicely with their Arab- and Muslim-hating ideology. But then neocons are a version of neoliberal, albeit with a strong Israel First streak that increasingly gets them in trouble with more doctrinal neolibs, as an alleged spat at the last Bilderberg confab revealed, as detailed by James P. Tucker, Jr.
Finally, it is interesting John Edwards would choose New Orleans to tell America it should not expect the next selectee to “solve all our problems for us, because that will not happen, and all of us know it,” in other words, as the people of New Orleans realized last year, they can expect nothing from the government, that is nothing short of deputized thugs kicking down doors and confiscating guns.

In the future envisioned by Edwards and his CFR masters, the government—that is to say a North American Union government—will facilitate massive “privatized” thievery of the public trust. And, as well, as Zbigniew Brzezinski—bigwig CFRite, Kissinger associate, founder of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger—said in regard to “geostrategy” elsewhere, the government, as represented by John Edwards, Hillary, or even Obama, will endeavor to “prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.”
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