Friday, December 08, 2006

Cold Weather, same Determination

It's cold outside. brrrrrr!!!!!!! That's one of the essences of the Winter season. One interesting fact I found out. MICHAEL MAINVILLE from the Toronto Star on Wednesday at December 6, 2006 discussed about Russia. Michael wrote that while Russia's population is decreasing, the religion of Islam is growing in Russia. Moscow alone have 2.5 million Muslim citizens. Moscow is the largest European city. Ildar Alyautdinov is an imam at the Sobornaya Mosque. Now, the Muslim population in Russia (filled with oligarchs. Back then, the Soviets were funded by communist and cartel capitalists alike like 33rd Degree Freemason Armaud Hammer, Henry Ford, and Grace) increased 40% to 25 million people. It's interesting to note the similarities between the Orthodox and Islam religions like Rosary beads, prayer to saints, the adoration of Mary, and the influence of ancient Babylonianism. The Muslims believe that they must earn more rights and respect inside of Russia. This is one out of many smoking refuting the overpopulation lie so commonly presented by eugenicists and elitists. The eugenicist or population control movement is still here and endorsed by the enemies of the truth like Al Gore, Prince Charles, the Club of Rome, Rockefeller Foundations, Henry Kissinger (working now with the Pope), Prince Philip (he said that he wants to be a virus to kill people if he was "reincarnated" Philip is a Mason), and others. Epoch Times on December 7, 2006 had an article created by Xin Fei about a Chinese news special classifying China as an emerging superpower. Xin Fei is right that many proclaim China as a superpower, yet the Chinese leadership execute policies that circumvent the rule of law and legitimate liberties. One example is that organ harvesting and forced abortion are legal in China. It isn't just in one nation. In some European countries you can't publiclly speak your mind on some issues without being arrested. Some groups want that in America. Fournately, that hasn't occured. They want America to be like that since America is last on the list. We're one of the few Western nations where privately owned firearms are legal to a great extent. I'm pro-gun, so I like and respect the Second Amendment (it's an individual right of the people, because the 2nd Amendment says "the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.") It's not a one party issue because Pataki, Guiliani (a British Knight), Mayor Bloomberg of NYC, Nixon, and others have been Republican anti-gun extremists. Some of the most anti-gun individuals in America have always been secularists, CFR members, Freemasons, and Jesuits like Jesse Jackson, Arlen Spector, and Rosie O'Donnell. We're a nation that pride ourselves in free speech, but many laws in America violate the freedom which are protected in the Bill of Rights. It's time for me and everything to think in a whole other level.

Freedom threats are still abundant in America. Charlene Close from 680 News on Thursday, December 7, 2006 opined that a school is executing mandatory vaccinations for students (with the exceptions of medical issues and religious reasons). It's in the Durham Region . The government also wants all of the immunization records or students face suspension. What's the truth. No vaccine is 100%. Just look at the mainstream doctors opposing vaccines for decades. Dr. J Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer, US Foodand Drug Administration said that immunization does more harm than good unto children. It's gets worse. Numerous vaccines are derived from aborted babies. Folks have died from vaccines. The Nazis were expert in utilizing these chemical in bizarre experimentations and exterminations. Bertrand Benoit from the on Friday, December 8, 2006 cited some places in Germany wanting to jail people who have violent video games. Call of Duty 3 and Resistance: Fall of Man, the two best-selling PS3 titles on's ranking list fall under the category of the proposed law. Me personally, I'm not too fond of violent videos, but people have a right to buy them if they want to. I never believed in censorship for the sake of censorship. Adults have to be made known of risk of things and be accountable for their actions (with legitimate restraints of course). News For The Left on December 8, 2006 focused on how in the future it is possible to connect people's mind into the Internet. What does that mean? It's about neuroscientists recently connecting the brain neurons into man-made circuits. A panelist Paul Root Wolpe, Ph.D commented that this technology is 10 to 15 years off. The federal government via the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, is sponsoring this type of research, yet no regulation or oversight exist in this endeavor. DARPA invented the Internet in 1969. The possibility are endless if scientists are successful in allowing the human mind to be connected literally in the Internet. functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or fMRI does exist now to monitor brain activity. Airports have them to detect "supposedely" if someone is agressive, angry, or lying. Transhumanism, chimeras, and other wierd concepts are promoted by several technocrats.

David Shayler was on SkyNews. Shayler is an expert of many fields and was a member of British Intelligence. His intension today is expose MI5/MI6 corruption and talk more about the 911 Truth Movement. Over the course of a year, the 911 Truth Movement has grown in leaps and bounds. Even the mainstream media like FOX, CNN, and MSNBC have no choice but to talk about it. Shayler said that evidence points to a controlled demolition (Professor Steven Jones provided studies that molten steel could be used to cut down the steel to make the Towers fall. Building Number 7 had no plane hitting and fell still), government funding al-Qaeda, and the offical story on 7/7 (a drill occured at the same time at the multiple bombings in London) not making logical sense. False flag operations are part of history. Operation Ajax was a false flag act done by American (plus British) intelligence to overthrow Mohammad Mosedegh in Iran at 1953. Mohammad nationalized the oil fields and the West wanted control of the Iranian oil resources. In the 1993 first WTC bombing, it's been found that the FBI had foreknowledge of the attack. There was even a FBI informat working with the "terrorists" in that event. Will there be future false flag operations or inside jobs? I'm sure of it since man's nature has always been sinister and evil since the Fall. It's the way of the world. That's why no one should hold a 100%, unquestioning alliegance to government. Government is a tool and government isn't a god.

It's kind of funny to describe the Baker commission. James A. Baker III and Lee Hamiliton are CFR members. Many of the establishment liberals scream that they've run. It's almost a religion for these hypocrites for hating Republicans, but don't see in the corruption in both parties. The Baker/Hamiliton Iraqi Study Group doesn't immediately send troops. It allows the troops to stay with a possible withdraw in 2008. It in fact, continues a stronger effort to train Iraqi forces. It comes out and permits the status quo almost. The members of the group are nothing more than establishment Republicans and Clinton Democrats. What can you expect. Baker said real bigoted, anti-Semitic comments (not the ones the B'nai B'rith invented ADL like Abe Foxman trumps up on some occasions) that: "They don't vote for us anyway, so f--- 'em." Baker is acting like a pimp for the Saudi government. Baker's grandfather, Captain James A. Baker, brought English race scientist Julian Huxley in to supervise the racist ``race purification'' study program for Texas, at Rice University in the early 1900's. The real leaders of the West, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have been working together (not representing the righteous citizens in those nations) for decades. Two examples proving that are the Carlyle Group and Paltel. The goal of these people (in royalty, secret societies, and high level political groups. These people rule the world. They are occult symbolism dealing with Saturn, Hexagram, animals, etc. in their corporations [like JPMorgan Chase & Co.] and other things) have been the creation of a new world order. Regardless if you're a high level Freemason, a Rosicurcian, a Jesuit, an OTO member (that had real links to NASA, Aliester Crowley, and secret technologies), a Knight of Malta, a Bonesman (they are called a Knight of Eugolia), or Bilderberg Group, Pilgrim Society, Bohemian Grove, etc. its leaders want to shift society into a "new order of the ages." The new world order entail global acceptance of biometrics, globalization, and the regionalization of nations. Now, Austrialia and New Zealand might unite as one country. You have the Africa Union, the Asia Union, and the European Union existing and that's against sovereign nations' right to be free without merging laws (& infrastructures) with others. I know some people even in the "alternative" truth movement are criticizing me, but I'm always prepared for this things. Cold weather is here. I still have the same determination to post the truth.

By Timothy

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