What's Real
What's real. Life is real. Truth is real. God is real. Strong intensity is needed sometimes. Shills come and go, but the pure truth will remain forever. I will never encorporate a weak mind. Like an acrobat, I keep moving forward with my life. I guaranatee you that all of the following tidbits aren't shown in the mainstream media. Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Chris Matthews, Erich "Mancow" Muller, Rush Limbaugh, Anderson Cooper, and Amy Goodman won't present this information to the common people or on Television at all. There is a conspiracy in the world. Conspiracies exist all of the time from assassinations to developments of institutions of government by many individuals. A Conspiracy is nothing more than one or more person planning something and then executing an action out.

Secret Societies
Various Secret Societies always had great power and influence spanning centuries from the Jesuits (who were banished by Kings and even at least by one Pope. They were promoters of "Liberartion Theology" with close ties to Communists) to the Freemasons. Literature describing their intensions are abundant like Loyola's Spiritual Exercises (whom Loyola claim that he gotten them from a cave). These members of Secret Societies are in Congress, courts, churches, corporations, and everywhere in society. Albert Pike's "Morals and Dogma" book is yet another display of information describing much about the controversial order of Masonry. There's always been a relationship between Lucifer and Freemasonry. One example is that Manly P. Hall (a 33rd Degree Freemason) wrote in his "Lost Keys of Freemasonry" that when you learn the Secrets of the crafts, you will recieve the power of Lucifer in his hands. According to Jim Shaw, serpents are arranged all over the Lodges. In Freemasonry, all men of monotheist faiths are accepted, which includes many "Protestants", Catholics, Jews, and a host of backgrounds. The cable tow and other symbols are in Masonry. I didn't really write much about the cable tow. The cable tow is done in many Secret groups like Masonry, Druids, and the Ku Klux Klan (whose whose rituals were based on Scottish/Druid rituals as explained by Fritz Springmeier. Bedford Forest, a famous Klan founder was a low level Freemason. Even though Most Masons abhor the Klan, many Masons were in the Klan. 33rd Degree Freemason Strom Thurmond once was pro-Klan). According to Texe Marrs' Codex Magica book, the cable tow is relating to be "hoodwinked" or bounded unto the "Brotherhood" of Freemasonry. There is a York Rite of Freemasonry. They claim they are mainly "Christian." Other famous men in Freemasonry include: 32° Freemason Ray Keaton (the Director General of Lions Club International), 33° Mason Armaud Hammer (a famous International Banker, a friend of 33° Freemason [according to the late Jim Shaw] Billy Graham. Armaud was in the CFR. Armaud's father, Julius was a co-founder of the Communist Party in America. Dr. Cathy Burns' "Billy Graham and Friends" book talks about these facts. Dr. Burns has an overflowing of facts back up by hundreds of sources. Billy Graham and his allies can never refute Burns' book and I guranatee that), and George Drysdale (who spread the overpopulation lies of Thomas Malthus).
33° Mason Bromley Oxnam was the first President of the World Council of Churches. The WCC is a key group advancing the agenda of liberalism (i.e. modernalism [or the denial of the fundamentals of Christianity] and they infiltrate the Protestant churches heavily to this day). The late Jim Shaw wrote that pastors in the NCC and WCC promote Freemasonry today. Even brothers are joining the Lodge. Prominent black Freemasons include Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the late John A. Johnson of Ebony Magazine, and honorary Mason Dr. Martin Luther King (He was made honorary after his death. Dr. King regularly went inside of Prince Hall Lodges even at his speech talking about the Mountain top before he died the next day. King was never allowed into white Lodges). Marion Barry of Washington D.C., Andrew Young, Julian Bond, and John Lewis are other African American Masons. Masons were key in establishing various "works-based" religions (remember that's the essence of New Age teaching since New Agers believe that man is bascially group and via gradual steps can reach enlightenement or "divinity." It's about the obsession with man's "self") from Mormonism, Jehovah Witness, Scientology, to Christian Science. Mary Baker Eddy invented the Christian Science religion in the 1800's. Mary's husband was a Mason and many leaders of the Christian Science were of the Lodge. The Grand Orient Lodge of Freemasonry have had a relationship with Russia and the Russian Revolution (all documentated in John Daniel's Scarlet and the Beast book series). Communism is responsible for killing over 100 million people in the 20th century. That's more than any creed in that century combined. When atheists form dictatorships, it's a bad combination. Yet we're constantly bombarded with religion bashing by those in the mainstream media and other quarters. Stalin tried to kill Trotsky because Trotsky said that Stalin betrayed the Revolution. Many Freemasons rightfully condemn the Nazi persecution of Continental Freemasonry during WWII. On the other hand, it was the Jesuits/Vatican plus British Freemasonry (who worship their "Grand Architect of the Universe") involved in building up the Third Reich. Thankfully, Patriots in the Four Corners of the Earth have exposed the Jesuits, Freemasonry, and all other occult Secret Society. In fact, President John Quincy Adams publiclly condemned Freemasonry. John Quincy Adams wrote a book entitled "Letters on Freemasonry" dissenting with the tenets of the Lodge. The essence of Secret Societies have been to either control or undermine governments to formet a specific agenda (under the guise of "charity" or "brotherhood." That's why you see Masons involved in Revolutions whether they were justified or not). Other occult orders include the Ordo Templi Orientis (or the O.T.O. Aleister Crowley, Dr. Theodore Reuss , Jack Parson [of NASA], and Harry Hay were famous members of this sex-cult), and the Order of the Golden Gawn (form in 1888 by 33° English Freemason William Wynn Wescott [a man in the Theosophical Society, which was one of the godfather groups of the Modern New Age Movement], 32° English Freemason and Cabalist MacGregor Mathers, and Freemason Dr. William Robert Woodman. Each of them are members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.).
It's time to take another tour of real history.
The apostate Jewish connection to world power must be exposed as well. There is a difference between righteous Jewish people and evil pro-Reform/anti-Torah Jewish people (that Rabbi Antelman exposes like Mason Jacob Schiff, etc.) Shabbetai Zevi was a false prophet in the 1600's who was one of the architects of the Frankist Movement. Shabbetai is a Hebrew name meaning Saturn. According to Rabbi Antelman, apostate Reform Jews in 1843 created the B'nai B'rith Lodge. Then, the B'nai B'rith Lodge created the ADL an some of these Reform lawyers (according to Rabbi Antelman) were critical originators of the ACLU (socialist Roger Baldwin was one of its founder including the Communist Harry Ward). 32° Freemason Frank Goldman was in the B'nai B'rith since 1920. Today, Jewish Congessman Charles Schumer is a Freemason along with Congressman B'nai B'rith Lodge member Gary Ackerman. Apostate Judaism are related to the Kabbala. The Kabbala is a philosophy that views the Torah as a secret code created by Moses to teach man on how to earn "enlightenment." Kabalists use riutals and they believe that 10 emanations help create the Universe. It's similar to them advocating the building bridges will merit them "Paradise." Modern Kabbala was formed in the Middle Ages by Jewish mystics. There is a Kabalastic concept of the Tipereth (or a truncated pyramid like on the back of the dollar bill). The Talmud is also loved by secular Jews. The Talmud is a collection of commentaries of the OT. Some believe that the Talmud says that Mary was a whore and Jesus is in hell filled with fectal matter. Today, one of the strongest anti-conservative Christian & secular Jewish organization is the B'nai B'rith's ADL. For a number of years, I've opposed them and know their real history (like the B'nai B'rith refusing to boycott Hitler in the 1930's temporary. This written by John Covici's article entitled "The Scottish Rite, the KKK and the ADL"). William Cooper wrote an unbaised expose of the ADL for years. Today, they promote "hate crime" legislation which could possible criticize public peaceful dissent in speech about certain groups. Ted Pike has written about this. Even though, I don't agree with Pike on every issue, Pike is 100% correct on this issue. Rev. Ted Pike from Rense.com on Wednesday, November 15, 2006 wrote that the Philly 11 were almost sent to prison for over a decade for just peacefully protesting against the homosexual lifestyle. Whether you agree or disagree with homosexuality, everyone should peaceful protest homosexuality if they want to. I don't hate homosexuals, but I have a right to peacefully dissent with the lifestyle of homosexuals. It is not true Torah Judaism that those in the leadership of the ADL follow. It's their Talmudic, anti-Torah Judaism that Abe Foxman follows. Although, unlike some, I don't believe that solely the Jewish people rule or any ridiculous notions like that. There has been plenty of evidence proving that the B'nai B'rith has been under the power of high level Freemasonry, the Jesuits, and other organizations.
*The Pope claim to have Temporal Power over all of the Earth. Thomas Aquinas wrote in his Summa Theologica in 1272 that: "The Pope, by Divine Right,hath spiritual and Temporal Power, as supreme king of the World: ..." The Douay-Rheims Bible was promoted by the Jesuit Order. To this day, the Jesuits refused to condemn or revoke the wicked Council of Trent, the Syllabus of Errors, and Vatican II (which spawned the Ecumencial Movement in the 1960's). The Jesuit College of Clermont formed many of the Rites of Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (Masonic scholars Charles Southern and William O. Peterson believed this. Freemason King Frederick the Great II of Germany protected the Jesuit after theirv 1773 suppression). Francis Cardinal Spellman is one of the most powerful clergy agent of the Vatican during the 20th century. For example, he worked heavily with FDR during WWII. He was the man who regularly went to the Pentagon to conduct military advice. Additionally, Cardinal Spellman was a key man in promoting the Vietnam War where millions of Buddhists were killed by Diem and others. One Jesuit Kingpin is Joseph O'Hare. He's the Jesuit of the Fourth Vow and former President of the Order's Fordham University in New York City plus a CFR "Presider" to this Day. I just recalled about the Society of Cincinnatti. Fritz Springmeier was one of the few men who wrote about this group. According to Fritz, every U.S. President is a member of this group being the equivalent to the British Order of the Garter. That's why most Presidents are related to European (Black Nobility) Royalty. That's why most Presidents act as they act. Real Patriotic Presidents have been assassinated like the Knight of Columbus JFK (in 1962, he publiclly condemned Secret Societies). The Knights of Malta (many are kingpins in the banking world that some in the "alternative media" refuse to talk about), Opus Dei (popularized by Jesuit Temporal Coadujtor's Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code book), and other orders are interrelated to the Vatican and the Jesuits.
Occult Symbolism Galore
Symbols are displayed everywhere in Secret Societies. One of them most occult symbols is the All Seeing Eye. It isn't just found in Freemasonry, which means the Eye of Osiris (or Horus). There is the Egyptian Ankh (meaning eye), the eye of Hinduism, and other eye symbols of ancient cultures. CBS utilize this single "eye" as its logo. The twin phallic pillars of Jachin and Boaz. What does that mean? Jachin and Boaz were the 2 pillars in Solomon's Temple in the court. Masons use this since they obsess with Solomon's Temple (as Mackey proclaim the Temple as a symbol of life). That it's incorporated in their rituals. These pillars were found in the First Temple of ancient Israel, which was destroyed by the Babylonian invaders. 33rd Degree Freemason William Larson of Oregon writes that globes are in each pillar is to represent that Masonry is unending and universal as the blue globe of heaven. This is what Freemasons usually believe in. They mix biblical imagery to justify their creed. Yet using New Age concepts with "biblical" imagery is nothing more than playing the New Age game with "biblical names."

World leaders have given Masonic handshakes for a long time. The handshake Bush gave is Masonic and very similar to the handshakes of the Fellow Craft and Master Mason. There are other complex handshakes. Other handsigns include the SIGN OF A FELLOW CRAFT, SIGN OF A MASTER MASON, and the "MA-HA-BONE" REAL GRIP OF A MASTER MASON HANDSHAKE.
I always wondered what that hand sign meant. That hand signal is used by witches as the "triangle of mainfestation" or the "witches' pyramid." According to witchess, this manifestation principle is about controlling your own reality and manifesting something in the physical plane (according to the Book of Shadows). All of people like musicians, politicans, and regular folks act out these symbols without knowing what they actually men. This doesn't mean everyone who use these symbols are "Devil" worshippers though, so I'm not paranoid about this issue. Many are though like some in the Bohemian Grove or many occult orientated groups.

2tuff from Unhived Mind made an interesting point about this Movie. OO7 was based on the real life agent of John Dee. Dee worked for Queen Elizabeth of England during the 16th century. Dee was a Rosicurcian, a mathematician, and an astrologer. Dee and Edward Kelley would use occult ritual to try to contact dead spirits. They wanted to do this in an attempt to gain access of more knowledge. Dee was credited with coining the word "Britiannia" or Britian and was one of the godfathers of the false British Israelism movement. Traditionalist Roman Catholic Craig Heimbichner's "Blood on the Altar" book wrote about this tidbits about Dee. Dee signed his letters in 007. Also, 2tuff said that in the "Casino Royal" movie, there is an 8 logo. Also, the 2 Os looks like Saturn. There is the Saturn imagery in so many corporate logos.
Big Pharma
It's not a secret of the problems with so many of our healths. Even the origins of some in Big Pharma have sinister connections. For example, IG Farben, created Bayer Aspirin. World Science on November 8, 2006 reported that Scientists are going too far in chimeras. Chimeras are human/animal hybrids that scientists are developing now. It isn't science fiction anymore. Scientists want this for sinister reasons, some want embryonic stem cells (known for causing tumors and have not one cure of any human unlike adult stem cells), and for other reasons. SHERYL UBELACKER wrote in CNews from Canada about flu shots. It's a known fact that anti-depressants and other vaccines acquire dangerous risks. Canadian researchers found that some flu shot may cause Guillain-Barre syndrome. This syndrome damages the nervious system of human beings. Death in hopsital are in the hundreds in the USA each year. Even ABC's morning show reported on this dangerous fact many days ago.

Alfred Kinsey and the Cultural Revolution
One of the architects of much of the debased culture today in America (and the world) lies from the pervert Alfred Kinsey. The following is not only a recast of the culture war, but naming some of the leading players. Also, I will find much of the origins of this battle. He was a researcher. His 2 most famous and controversial books were "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" from 1948 and "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" at 1953. According to Jim Keith, the Rockefellers funded Alfred C. Kinsey. Kinsey is one of the men who helped destroy traditional morality related to eugenics (selective breeding). In the 1920's, he studied at the Bussey Institution, a location of eugenics research. He went to Indiana University to study culture to pulverize sexual mores, and divide the family so we could be more brainwashed to accept sexual extremist acts and policies. Dr. Hermann Muller was one of Kinsey's influences at the Indiana University. Muller had Rockefeller funding by the National Research Council in 1925. A Guggenheim grant in 1932 led Muller to work in the genetics department in Berlin. It was located in the Rockefeller-funded Kaiser Wilhelm Brain Research center.
Rudin provided human brains for research for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. Mainstream historians refuse to outline the Aliester Crowley Connection to Kinsey as Jim Keith did. Aleister Crowley was a Satanist, many people give evidence that he was a high-level Mason, and he was a prominent occultist. His nickname was "the Great Beast 666" and the press called him "the wickedest man alive" for his bloodthirsty rituals he had done. Kinsey visited Crowley's Themea Abbey before his death shortly in 1955. He shared many of Crowley's friends and acquaintances like occult filmmaker Kenneth Anger, American Nazi George Sylvester Viereck, and French pedophile Rene Guyan. Dr. Hermann Muller was one of the Kinsey's influences at the Indiana University. Muller had Rockefeller funding by the National Research Council in 1925. A Guggenheim grant in 1932 to led Muller to work in the genetics department in Berlin. It was located in the Rockefeller-funded Kaiser Wilhelm Brain Research. Muller studied under Ernst Rudin, the head of the Nazi Racial Hygiene Society, which had a policy to exterminate hereditary "undesirables" in Germany. Rudin provided human brains for research for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. Mainstream historians refuse to outline the Aliester Crowley connection to Kinsey as Jim Kieth did. Aliester Crowley was a Satanist, many people give evidence that he was a high-level Mason, and he was a prominent occultist.
Anger said that Kinsey used Crowley's day-to-day sex diaries for research, he had an obsession with sex 24/7, and his battle cry was "Do your best and let other people react as they will." That motto is similar to Crowley's "Do what thou wilt is the whole law" quote. Alfred Kinsey had a Nazi connection as well.
Kinsey corresponded with the Nazi pedophile Dr. Friedrich Karl Hugo Viktor von Balluseck who ran a small Polish town in WWII. Balluseck molested boys and girls from 1927 to 1957 exposed by court testimony. Kinsey didn't much care for his crime, but he wanted his correspondence to gather results to skew his child sexuality data. He was just indifferent to von Balluseck's abuse for the sake of his studies. His first book in 1948 was effective in using psychological warfare to con the American people. Isn't this a tactic of the elite, because if they can make the mass see sick behavior as not totally normal, but another thing to be tolerated, then the elite increases the chance of more people going onward following their agenda.

It's gradualism. 200,000 copies of "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" were sold in 2 months of its publication. Even proponents of the pervert Kinsey admit that he skewed his sexual results by having an inordinate number of test subjects who were prostitutes, criminals, sexual deviants, etc. to be used as normal examples of the American Population. Kinsey forced his assistants to give their sex histories, both male and female. They were filmed in explicit sex movies for research, shot in Kinsey's attic. Kinsey believed that all children were sexual beings even at birth.
Even crazier is that Alfred interviewed pedophiles about "organism" of children as early as 11 months, but Kinsey declined to send the pedophiles to the police. Kinsey used stopwatches to get the manual and oral stimulation of children's genitals and orgasms. He watched films of adult with child sex. According to Judith A. Reisman PhD's "Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences," at least 317, pre-teens were sexually experimented by older adults with 2,035 admitted child subjects by 1980. His results were inaccurate then and now "Jim Kieth's work." Even scholars today have shown that Americans aren't as sexual promiscuity as Kinsey maintained. His goal was to make abhorrent behavior more tolerant by society, because Kinsey was a revolutionary who seek to liberalize sex as almost unlimited activity to almost anyone to do. Instead of a call for normal acts, he wanted little restraints by law and morality. The 1960's cultural revolution was powerful. One of Kinsey's followers was Hugh Hefner of Playboy. Hefner credited Kinsey's falswed research for his firt issue of Playboy. Robert Anton Wilson (who edited the Playboy Magazine plus was a leader in the hippie movement) admitted to doing Crowley's magick and reading his literature. Some good things occured after the 1960's like decreasing lynching, the rejection of intentional discrimination, and more rights for minorities and women. But, problems still reign. Movies like "The Graduate" (in 1967, which was about a film gloriflying a woman committing adultery against his husband) changed the way many view sexuality in society.
Now, almost any sex act today is acceptable by society. Our new norms by these social engineers are easy divorce wife swapping, degenerate sex acts in the media and TV, homosexuality, and sadomasochism. The elite use these perversions to "sensate" society, so they won't be challenged adequately. That's because drugs, sex, and constant TV on people's mind can brainwash the populace and eliminate their God-given cognition and reason to fight back. Also, they hate sex for procreation, so abortion and sterilization, and hardcore birth control like RU-486 are readily available to Americans. To destroy a society, certain absolutes or traditional values must be maligned. All of this sick tripe (like free sex and promisicous sex) was definitely utilized against the nuclear family. The nuclear family (despite it's rising divorce rates) is the most stable institution to raise a child and even mainstream scientists agree to that. For example, a study made by Jay Teachman, et al., (i.e. "Sibling Resemblance in Behavioral Cognitive Outcomes: The Role of Father Presence," Journal of Marriage and the Family 60 (November 1998): 835-848) found that fathers involved in children's lives will have better emotional health, do better academically, and attain higher job status as adults. A 2000 study of U.S. data found that adolescents from single-parent families were more likely to have had sexual intercourse than those living with both parents (found in John S. Santelli, et al., "The Association of Sexual Behaviors with Socioeconomic Status, Family Structure, and Race/Ethnicity Among U.S. Adolescents," American Journal of Public Health 90 (October 2000): 1582-1588). Patrick F. Fagan et al., formulated the work called "The Positive Effects of Marriage: A Book of Charts." One of their results was that on average, children from never-married homes spend 51 percent of their childhood in poverty compared to only 7 percent for children in married homes. There is nothing wrong with sex (sex is a beautiful thing and it is normal). There is nothing wrong with other types of families, but it is wrong to distort statistics to back up a point, it is wrong to allow pedophiles not to be send to jail, and it is wrong to normalize sexually deviant behavior, which Kinsey all did. I reject this era's Ellen degenerated "sexual liberation" nonsense. It's very ironic that Kinsey said these following words: "I have myself came to the conclusion that homosexuality is largely a matter of conditioning." (W.B. Ponery, "Dr. Kinsey and the Institute for Sex Research," pg. 147)
The Kinsey followers' funded SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States) even want sex education for Kindergarten!!!! This is disgusting and SIECUS and even ex-Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders promoted children masturbation. According to CWA (Concerned Women for America, though CWA is a shill group with ties to Moon and the CNP) said that Elders wrote a book advocating lowering the sex age of consent to 12. In November 2004, the movie "Kinsey" came out, which portrayed him in a mainly positive way, but he was an adulterer. According to Dr. Cathy Burns and Stanley Montieth's "Brotherhood of Darkness", Alfred Kinsey was a sado-masochistic homosexual. Kinsey is obviously a sex pervert. This "Father of the sexual revolution" led to repealing abortion laws, promote pornography, high divorce rates, high STD rates among the young, and obscene sex education based in even elementary schools. Lately, I've renewed my interest into how the Elite runs about education and political system. People know that the Rockefellers funds the Population Control Movement, a lot of the women's lib movement (remember that Gloria Steniem admitted that she was funded by the CIA. Henry Makow confirmed this. This isn't to say that woman shouldn't have their rights. They should have their rights, but time after time and establishment "Left" and "Right" organizations have infiltrated by corporate interests for decades. It doesn't matter whether its from FOX to CNN), The National Council of Churches, the abortion movement, etc.
Also, I'm discovering a Masonic component. Freemasons were in the drug and sex group of the Order of the Golden Dawn. I knew this for years, but I didn't realize it was so deep. For example, 33rd Degree Freemason William Givens was once the Executive Secretary of the NEA. Many people involved in the modern education movement were Masons and secular like Dewey. Dewey was a secularists who wanted to put religion out of public eduation. General Herman Nickerson, 33rd Degree Freemason, Commander of the U.S. Marine Corps facility at Camp Lejune was involved in public education also. In fact, when the Supreme Court banned Bible reading and free prayer in public schools (at 1962 via the Engel vs. Vitale case and 1963), 6 out of the 9 Supreme Court Justice were Masons. Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973 under a mostly Masonic Court (Brennan was one the architects of the decision. 33° AASR Prince Hall Freemason Thurgood Marshall, Freemason Potter Steward, and William O. Douglas voted in favor of Roe v. Wade that permitted modern child sacrifice which is the evil act of abortion. Today the Supreme Court is mostly Papal with one Knight of Columbus Samuel Alito. 5 of the 9 Justices today are Roman Catholic). Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood was a key woman in the rising up of the modern Abortion Movement. She was in the New Age group called Unity. Many of her early members were pro-eugenics and pro-Nazi. This is part of the culture war and many Secret Societies have a notorious hatred of conservative Christians, conservative Muslims, and conservative Jewish people. I have a thought in my mind. These people constantly scream about mixing religion and politics, but everywhere I look I witness religion mixing in politics globally. Even the United Nations (which was created by the Council on Foreign Relations in 1945 not by the common people) has a Mediation Room with a cube. The Cube represents New Age religious themes according to many Patriots. One of the biggest groups promoting New Age garbage is Lucis Trust (originally called Lucifer Trust founded by Alice Bailey in 1922, whose husband was a Mason). 866 United Nations Plaza is the location of their office in NYC. Lucis Trust promotes world federation or world government to solve our problems. Robert McNamara and others actively fund this organization. The Neo-Evangelicals and the Left Christians have united now. "Evangelical Climate Initiative" (endorsed by megachurch activist Rick Warren) is popular. I found something. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation funded the initiatative, but that Foundation supports abortion and population control. There is nothing wrong with legitimately helping the environment, but not under the guise of killing the unborn.
Some lie about the threat of "mixing and religion and politics." It is crazy to seperate religion and politics anyway. Moral laws dealing with murder and stealing have a moral or religious foundation that it's based upon. Many laws in America are based from British Common Law (that scholars traced to Judeo-Christian ethics). I don't agree with a national church. Liberal and conservative religious people ought to express themselves publicly. Many on the other side who proclaim us as "intolerant" are intolerant themselves. Leftist Sir John Elton said religious should be banned. Leftist Ted Turner called Christians bozos and losers. I could go on an on. Even far back as the early 1980's (according to James Kilpatrick, in his October 23, 1983,Universal Press Syndicate article, "Scriptures Change in Overhaul Job,") the National Council of Churches seeked to make God gender neutral in their scriptural representations. It's kind of wild when you think about it. These Secret orders want to impose their version of "tolerance" so they can try to eliminate the concepts of absolutes and exclusiveness. This is the essence of this present culture war. One side wants religious influence in society and the other side doesn't. One side believes in moral absolutes and the other side doesn't. In 2006, one of the biggest secular humanists are atheist billionare CFR member George Soros and millionare Tim Gill. They fund 527s to influence the culture at large to be radically far left. Some good news is that according to new stats, teen pregnancy is down. Steven Ertelt, an LifeNews.com Editor, on October 30, 2006 wrote about this. according to new data from the pro-abortion Alan Guttmacher Institute, teen pregnancy decreased by 36% between 1999 and 2002.

The American Union
Fierce debates involve the American Union. The American Union revolves around the notion that intergrating the political, economic, and social components of Mexico, America, and Canada is needed to solve many problems in North America. This is blatantly against national sovereignty. CFR member Robert Pastor admitted that by 2010 that he wanted to have a security perimeter in North America to integrate more of our economies (in his interview with CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN CORRESPONDENT). Pastor also wants the amero or a North American currency. Now, indivduals like Jerome Corsi have exposed this. The American Union is an agenda promoted by a few elites who want to integrate America, Mexico, and Canada into one political nation. There is a NAFTA Superhighway deal with the North American Union agenda. The proposed NAFTA Superhighway will be many football fields wide spanning from Mexico to the Center of the United States even into Canada. In Texas, one part of this highway is called the TTC or the Trans-Texas Corridor. This highway is financed by those with ties to Knight of Malta Juan Carlos of Spain (via the Cintra Company and the ruling family of Spain). The pro-globalist Texas Governor Rick Perry wants the NAFTA Superhighway. Jerome Corsi, Democrat Chris Bell, Carole Keaton Strayhorn, and Kinky Friedman are courageous opposing this highway along with Alex Jones. Critics of this plan believe it violates national sovereignty, ruin farmland, and will involve toll roads (along with huge tax increases).No one in the mainstream media is talking about this, except Lou Dobbs from CNN ironically. Dobbs is doing the right thing in that affair plus seeking to promote the interests of the middle class. Me, personally, I'm against the NAFTA Superhighway, the American Union, and global government.
Unfortunately, we live in a world with biochips and other forms of biometrics all over the place. IC Coventry on November 7, 2006 outline a club using fingerprints for individuals going into their bar. The proponents of this want to cut underage drinking. I personally don't agree with drinking alcohol, but I don't agree with any fingerprinting at any establishment or any location. A civil liberty organization is criticizing this new policy inside of the United Kingdom. "Thumb Power: Biometric ATMs" is a piece of prose written By CXOtoday Staff from Mumbai, on November 6, 2006. The prose dealt with that thumbs prints are required at ATMs in various places at India. Scotland On Sunday from November 12, 2006 had a piece of prose written by MURDO MACLEOD. Murdo wrote that a survelliance society is all over the Shetland of Northern Britian. The CCTV cameras are there. Already, London has thousands of cameras (in Britian there is an estimated 4.2 million cameras) there alone making Britian one of the most watched countries on the face of the Earth. The government uses these digital CCTV cameras for face recognition and to retrieve criminal "suspects." All humans should reject all biometrics especially biochips in their bodies.

Constitutional Rights
If tons of people don't know there basic Constitutional rights, who to say that a blatant dictatorship can never arise. If you think, we have our rights protected, then you are sadly mistaken. It's been proven that the FBI used to do COINTELPRO to illegal monitor dissenters of the policies of the government. Recently, the Pentagon watched peaceful anti-war protestors. Many of the Democrats want this Hate Crime Act. This Act is really about criminalizing people if they show speech that dissent with certain lifestyles. Prof. Yaman Akdeniz said that "...In Holland, 657 websites were removed. And in Germany, more than 700 hate websites were shut down..." in response to their evil, pro-censorship hate crime laws. In Europe, they have where preachers have been arrested for their sermons. David Irving was in Jail temporary in Austria, but I believe he has a right to say and believe that only 600,000 Jewish people died in the Holocaust (though I disagree with that). On Fox News, George W. Bush Sr. (a member of the Skulls and Bones & the Society of Cincinnati) said that bloggers are one of the reasons for the political polarization in America. This is wild, because folks have a First Amendment Right to say what they want on any blog. Now, there are plenty of evidence that the government is trying to infiltrate the Internet to spew propaganda. That's one sign that we in the alternative media are winning many battles on the Net. RAW STORY on Monday October 16, 2006 wrote that United States Central Command < STRONG>(CENTCOM) will engage blogger on the war on terror. I guess, they feel people like men have no right to expose the 911 inside job and stuff like that. Reuters on October 17, 2006 have Michael Chertoff saying that the Internet can be a terrorist training camp. The News International on November 14, 2006 reported that a couple was charged with obstructing a flight attendant and with criminal association. The reason was they the couple was just kissing each other. They face up to 20 years in jail. For them kissing, they were charged under the Patriot Act.
Crooks and Liars on November 15, 2006 wrote about how the new Military Commission Act is going out for a spin. Kahlah al-Marri — a legal US immigrant student is detained for over 5 years without charges. He's suspected of terrorism, but he hasn't been given habeas corpus. NBC 11on Thursday, November 16, 2006 made known that a 23-year old student was tasered in LA for not showing his ID card. The student's name is Mostafa Tabatabainejad. The LAPD used many volts. This occured at the the Powell Library Computer Lab. It is like a horror movie. That's the smoking gun that we're in a civil liberty crisis. Just 13 years ago, the federal government killed innocent men, women, and children inside the Waco compound in 1993. The BATF and federal arms butchered them violating Posse Comitatus. You can even leave the USA without a Passport with a chip in it. That isn't freedom.

A Recap of the Ultimate Goal of the Elite
The late Congressman Larry P. McDonald (killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets) in 1976 said that following: "The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." I agree with him on that. One of the biggest goals of those who really rule the world is population reduction. Just look at the Georgia Guidestones. It was a huge momument sent by a man named R.C. Christian. It called for 500 million people to exist, create a new language, and other utopian goals. Prince Phillip, Ted Turner, and other pro-population control men call for massive depopulation. This is perfectly immoral, because people have a right to have children and overpopulation is a pure myth. I just figured out years ago that implantating animals and humans with microchips is aim by many elitists and multinational corporations. Those in the forefront of this agenda are IBM and Verichip. Edwin Black wrote a book how IBM (whose head was Thomas Watson. Watson was a Freemason and in the Bohemian Grove) worked with the Third Reich to build Hitler punch card system. The Nazis utilized that to track non-Aryans for exterminated. Both Watson and Hitler were pictured together. IBM in Germany was called Dohemag. A 1930's poster praising this showed an "All Seeing Eye." IBM has proposed global identification. Tom Ridge even seeks a world ID card. Beyond this, many want Singularity or merging biometrics with mankind to attempt to be like a "god." Is it just me or is this weird stuff similar to the Mark of the Beast in the Book of Revelation. These elitists want a combination of world systems into One like the story of the Tower of Babel.
By Timothy