Friday, May 04, 2007


The Republican debate came on yesterday. All of the candidates had to speak fast to convey their opinions. John McCain was the most emotional of the bunch. Ron Paul was up there and he demanded that we shouldn't embrace the Iraq war plus we should reject the idea of a National ID card for Americans. Some other real issues should be shown in that debate. Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani were also speaking. Rudy also had a hard time to justified his convoluted views on abortion. Most of the candidates were be joyous over the repeal of Roe V. Wade. That decision was wrongly decided and caused the deaths of almost 50 million unborn babies. Abortion is still murder. Now, there has been news about a global warming hoax dealing with the arctic ice caps. Global warming hysteria is fantasy. The Earth goes through warm and heat all of the time. Natural CO2, the sun, and other items far outweighs man's CO2 output. We are cooler than the Middle Ages and all Ice Ages ended by natural global warming.

There is an Indiana University about Bill O'Reilly. I slighty agree with Bill on this on. Although Bill does say degoratory words sometimes. Yet, far left isn't degoratory neither are other words that the Indiana study claims is controversial. The truth is that George Soros is a far left extremist wanting to change society. Bill doesn't see that Soros is part of the CFR and it's bigger than just leftist extremists. The real elite want political destablization, so a new globalist mindset can be activated in America since America has some real rights left. The 911 Truth Movement is growing and one member are the Beit Shalom Ministries (with Brother Raymond Schwab). In my mind, 911 Truth will never go away. It is also important to expose the Vatican/Jesuits (regardless of the nefarious tactics of GCN and RBN) , Freemasonry, Labor Zionism, and all evil groups & orders.

By Timothy