Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hofjuden by Nick Rivera


> Lately, I've read posts on the influence and power of the Jesuits who> control Masonic Labor Zionism, have coadjutors in every branch of> Judaism (putting their own people in peril) and Israeli government (to> the detriment of the people) and how they are the main pushers of> "interreligious dialogue" for the purpose of getting any opposition to> put their guard down-the Vatican II Council was a clever public> relations move to convince the world Rome changed. The only thing> she's changed is her tactics! It was just another way only more> unassuming to serve the interests of the Black and White Papacy> (something Leo Zagami does not wish to understand.)>> These are very telling photos of hofjuden (I first heard this term> from the late Sherman Skolnick) or Papal Court Jews who have no king> but Caesar!>> (The> video links to the right are sad and sickening to watch rabbis and> cantors blessing and praising the very man who sold Zyklon B gas for> I.G. Farben used in the Holocaust to mass murder their own people,> men, women, and children. It is a tragic and utter betrayal of their> memory!) Krupp believes his foundation has evidence Hitler's Pope Pius> XII actually helped Jews during the Holocaust!>>>

American Jew Gary Krupp (this same surname is connected with the> Jesuits' Illuminati and I.G. Farben I wonder if this Krupp is> connected to this bloodline Fritz Springmeier wrote about and if he is> this is another clear example of Illuminati subservience to the> Babylonian mystery religion), founder of the "Pave the Way Foundation> Inc." who was invested by Pope JP II as a Knight of St. Gregory in> 2000 for helping Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza founded and built by> Padre Pio, a Capuchin monk and Roman Catholic mystic. Krupp was the> seventh Jewish man to be made a Papal Knight. According to a recent> book Pio faked his "stigmata" with acid.>>> Last year, he was promoted by Benedict XVI with the rank of Knight> Commander with a Silver Star of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St.> Gregory the Great for Krupp's work in Jewish-Catholic, Vatican-Israeli> relations. In the name of "interreligious dialogue" a very one-sided> plan is being carried out, and Gary Krupp is a willing participant.>>> Here is Papal Knight Krupp meeting with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem>>> In addition, to being a Papal Knight, Mr. Krupp was given the rank of> "Officer Brother" of the Protestant SMOM Order of St. John in 2005 by> consent of Queen Elizabeth II.> Here is a link to an open letter a Sephardic Jewish group called "The> Committee to Save Mt. Zion: Addressing the Threatened Handover to the> Vatican" founded by the International Sephardic Jewish Leadership> Council (ISJLC) addressed to Krupp. They rightfully protested his> betrayal of the Jewish people evidenced by his IRS records which> showed his "Objectives for Fiscal Year 2005" included "Restoring two> important shrines to the Worldwide Catholic Church." One of these is> "The Cenacle" an ancient building which for Jews is part of the> traditional site of Tomb of King David and purported by Roman> Catholics to be the Upper Room where the Last Supper took place.>> I read a deal was in the works between the Vatican and the Masonic> Labor Zionist Government of Israel which entails exchange of control> of the Cenacle on Mount Zion for a 12th century synagogue in Toledo,> Spain which has been a Catholic church-Santa Maria la Bianca Church> since the 15th century expulsion and massacre of the Jews during the> Spanish Inquisition.>>$.asp>

Papal Knight Rabbi Rosen denied such a notion as "nonsense.">> This a February 2005 article "The Vatican and Its Friends Are Not Your> Friends" by Shelomo Alfassa, Executive Director of the ISJLC>>> There are certain Jewish leaders and/or rabbis who serve the Jesuits> and their Papacy, but there is also opposition from people in Israel> to Vatican control of their land to be returned to them completely> plus the territory promised to Abraham and his descendants when Yeshua> Messiah returns and reigns from the throne of David.>> Other hofjuden include (this list of course is by no means complete or> definitive)>> Chief Rabbi David Rosen- President of International Jewish Committee> on Interreligious Consultation (IJCIC), member of the Permanent> Bilateral Commission of the State of Israel and the Holy See that> negotiated the establishment of full diplomatic normalization of> relations in 1993, Made a Papal Knight Commander of St. Gregory in> Jerusalem in a Nov. 2005 ceremony, member of the Israeli Chief> Rabbinate's delegation for interreligious dialogue with the Holy See.>> Photos: >> >>>> >> More photos here:>>

Rabbi Leon Klenicki- (Masonic B'nai Brith) Anti-Defamation League's> Interfaith Affairs Director Emeritus, second ADL interfaith official> to receive papal knighthood. former ADL Co-Liaison to the Vatican,> Papal Knight of St. Gregory>>> [Conservative movement] Rabbi Mordecai Waxman- First rabbi and> fifth Jew to be made a Knight of St. Gregory, died in 2002> >>>

-Brother Nick