(I don't agree with all in this link. I don't agree with Eric Jon Phelps' views on race at all.)
> I searched for proof to corroborate this claim that Barack Obama took> his oath as U.S. Senator on a Koran owned by Thomas Jefferson. I could> not find evidence of this. You and others have confused Obama with> Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota. It is imperative that we get our> facts straight and not join in disinfo campaigns! If Obama had sworn> on a Koran that would be too obvious I think, the devil and his> Jesuits are more clever than that!>> Here is a photo showing Ellison, the first elected Muslim of the House> of Representatives taking his oath on administered by Temporal> Coadjutoress Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.>>>
Obama took his oath on a Bible and it was administered by the then> President of the Senate Masonic CFR member Dick Cheney (there is the> Harry S. Truman Masonic Lodge in NYC which says Cheney is a Master> Mason and there is a picture of him giving the horned hand salute mano> cornuto from his limousine. This led me to conclude that in fact> Cheney is a Freemason.>>> It is very telling several men in this Jesuit-controlled government> trained by the Order have publicly endorsed Obama. I sent you a post> with a picture of him speaking at Jesuit Boston College and an audio> recording of his address to first year students in 2004 or 2005. Just> the other day Jesuit-trained CFR member Christopher J. Dodd of> Connecticut announced his support for Obama, add to that list Senators> Patrick Leahy, Dick Durbin, Bonesman John Kerry, Boston> College-connected Ted Kennedy, and CFR member Caroline Kennedy,>> I have not found proof Obama or Hillary are CFR members unless there> is an updated list available that confirms it. John McCain is> according to the 2006 CFR membership list. I did find Obama, in 2006> had an advisor on foreign policy who is a Harvard professor named> Samantha Power who is a CFR member. In fact, the CFR funded her stay> in Washington.>>>
Obama may not be a member, but he has certainly been groomed by it for> the presidential selection by Cardinal Egan. I agree no candidate is> worth voting for because the national elections are rigged ala 2004> with Skull and Bonesman Knights of Eulogia (the Eucharist) Bush and> Kerry. It couldn't be more obvious!> These photos show exactly who was and is in control-the Jesuits and> their Order of the Illuminati! The symbolism is there... the Egyptian> obelisk, a map of the U.S. on ice with Prometheus holding his torch at> Rockefeller Center, and Democracy Plaza was sponsored by the Jesuit> Order's Bank of America!>>>>>>
-Brother Nick
Dear Brother Nick,
Thanks for the correction!Hillary's connection to the CFR is through Bill Clinton; Obama's connection to the Chicago CFR is through his wife, Michelle.
Brother Eric