Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pro-Life News galore in February 27, 2008) (Israel Parliament Debates Bill to Ban Abortions at 22 Weeks of Pregnancy) (Hotline Founded After Woman's Suicide Now Directs Callers to Abortions)



Student Magazine Says Planned Parenthood Probe Finds Abortion Racism Email this article
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by Steven Ertelt Editor
February 27, 2008

Los Angeles, CA ( -- A magazine published by pro-life students at UCLA has conducted a probe into whether or not Planned Parenthood still harbors some of the racist policies it has been accused of promoting since its founding. The Advocate called Planned Parenthood centers in several states and found officials supportive of abortions on black Americans.

On Tuesday, the magazine released phone recordings of Planned Parenthood staffers approving a donor's racist agenda.

The magazine conducted a probe in seven states to find out how the staff members would react to a racist donor who wanted his donation used to promote abortions on African Americans. The magazine said it was shocked by the results.

An actor, posing as a racist donor, called Planned Parenthood development centers and asked that his donation be used to abort African American babies in order to "lower the number of black people."

"Each branch agreed to process the racially earmarked donation, with some encouraging the racist motive behind it," the Advocate editors told "None expressed concern about the racist reasoning for the donation."

The magazine says the caller told Idaho Planned Parenthood that "the less black kids out there the better."

IPP Director of Development Autumn Kersey called his position "understandable" and indicated she was excited to process his donation.

The magazine said an Ohio Planned Parenthood representative, Lisa Hutton, told the donor that Planned Parenthood "will accept the money for whatever reason."

UCLA senior Jose Manaiza, a 2007 nominee for the UCLA Student of The Year award and winner of the 2007 UCLA Chancellor's Service Award, is outraged by the news and called on the university to end its ties with Planned Parenthood.

He told he hopes fellow African American students and the entire UCLA student body will "commit to this new era of the Civil Rights Movement and fight any type of racism from Planned Parenthood."

UCLA students have spoken with Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Janina Montero, who has so far declined to comment on the investigation the magazine conducted.


Planned Parenthood Accepts Money to Specifically Abort Black Babies
In this line of business there is not much that shocks me anymore, I have seen way too much to really be taken aback. This morning I was absolutely shocked as I watched this video put out by the student magazine, the Advocate at UCLA.
This video shows actors calling Planned Parenthood and asking to donate money to be used to abort only black babies. The actors clearly stated they felt there were too many black people so they wanted to make sure their money went to eliminate black babies. The most shocking part is that Planned Parenthood workers accepted their money and agreed to earmark it for that purpose.
Here is a link to the video -

Planned Parenthood was founded on racist principles and they are just following in the footsteps of their founder. We would also challenge you to read the book, "The Pivot of Civilization" written by the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger. You can read that book online on our web site in the educate yourself section, under Planned Parenthood or just follow this link

-Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity

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